
厨房英语怎么说 篇一

When we talk about the kitchen in English, we usually refer to it as "the kitchen." This is a common term that is widely understood and used by English speakers around the world. However, there are also other terms that can be used to describe the kitchen in English.

One alternative term for the kitchen is "the galley." This term is more commonly used in naval and maritime contexts, where it refers to the kitchen on a ship or boat. The term "galley" has its roots in Latin, where it originally referred to a type of ship with oars. Over time, the term came to be associated with the kitchen on a ship, and eventually with any small, compact kitchen.

Another term that can be used to describe the kitchen in English is "the culinary workspace." This term is more formal and technical, and is often used in professional or academic contexts to describe the kitchen as a place where food is prepared and cooked. The term "culinary" comes from the Latin word "culina," which means "kitchen" or "cooking range." By using the term "culinary workspace," we emphasize the importance of the kitchen as a space where food is not only cooked, but also prepared, plated, and served.

In addition to these alternative terms, there are also many other words and phrases that can be used to describe different parts of the kitchen or different aspects of cooking. For example, the stove can also be referred to as the "cooktop" or the "range," while the refrigerator can be called the "fridge" or the "refrigerator." Similarly, the sink can be referred to as the "kitchen sink" or simply as the "sink."

Overall, when talking about the kitchen in English, it is most common to simply refer to it as "the kitchen." However, there are also other terms that can be used to describe the kitchen, depending on the context and the level of formality required. Whether you prefer to call it the "galley," the "culinary workspace," or simply "the kitchen," the most important thing is that you are able to communicate effectively and clearly about this essential part of the home.

厨房英语怎么说 篇二

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home, where delicious meals are prepared and shared with family and friends. In English, the term "kitchen" is the most common and widely used way to refer to this important room. However, there are also many other words and phrases that can be used to describe different aspects of the kitchen and cooking.

One term that is commonly used in English to refer to the area where food is prepared is "the cooking area." This term emphasizes the act of cooking and the process of preparing food, and is often used in professional kitchens or cooking shows to describe the space where the actual cooking takes place. The cooking area typically includes the stove, oven, and other cooking appliances, as well as countertops and storage space for food and utensils.

Another term that is commonly used in English to refer to the area where food is stored is "the pantry." The pantry is a storage area in the kitchen where non-perishable food items, such as canned goods, dry goods, and spices, are kept. The pantry is often a separate room or cupboard in the kitchen, and is used to store food items that do not need to be refrigerated. In some homes, the pantry is also used to store kitchen equipment, such as pots, pans, and small appliances.

In addition to these terms, there are also many other words and phrases that can be used to describe different parts of the kitchen or different aspects of cooking. For example, the kitchen table can also be referred to as the "dining table" or the "breakfast nook," while the kitchen cabinets can be called the "cupboards" or the "cabinetry." Similarly, the kitchen utensils can be referred to as the "cooking tools" or simply as the "utensils."

Overall, when talking about the kitchen in English, it is most common to simply refer to it as "the kitchen." However, there are also many other terms that can be used to describe different aspects of the kitchen and cooking. Whether you prefer to call it the "cooking area," the "pantry," or simply "the kitchen," the most important thing is that you are able to effectively communicate about this essential room in the home.

厨房英语怎么说 篇三


  [chú fáng]

  kitchen; diet-kitchen; cuisine; cook house; [电影]The Naked Kitchen;

  [名]galley; cookroom;



  厨房 chú fáng






  (1) 形声:从广( yǎn),尌( shù)声。本义:厨房

  (2) 同本义 [Kitchen]


  《孟子》始有厨字,是周初名庖, 周末名厨也。——《说文句读》






  (3) 又如:厨下(厨房);厨头(厨房);厨仓(厨房与粮仓);厨帐(账幕式厨房)

  (4) 主持烹饪的人[Head of cooking]。如:厨下儿(炊事工);厨人(厨师。又称:厨户、厨


  (5) 操办官食的官 [Official in charge of mess]


  (6) 又如:厨吏(厨宰,主持炊事的小吏)、厨兵(炊事兵)、厨役(担任炊事的仆役)



  (8) 又如:厨膳(厨馔、饭菜)、厨珍(珍贵美味的食品)、厨车(运食物的车)








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