宝贝的英文是什么_英语翻译 篇一
When we talk about the English translation of "宝贝", the most common and accurate translation would be "baby". In English, "baby" is used to refer to a young child or infant, and it is often used as a term of endearment for loved ones.
In English, "baby" can be used in a variety of contexts. For example, parents often refer to their young children as "baby" regardless of their age. It can also be used to refer to a romantic partner or spouse as a term of endearment. Additionally, "baby" can be used in a more general sense to refer to any young or small creature, such as a baby animal.
The use of "baby" as a term of endearment is quite common in English-speaking countries. Couples often refer to each other as "baby" as a way to show affection and love. It can also be used in a more casual way among friends or family members.
Overall, the English translation of "宝贝" as "baby" captures the essence of the term and its use in Chinese culture. It conveys a sense of love, affection, and endearment that is universal across cultures.
宝贝的英文是什么_英语翻译 篇二
In English, the translation of "宝贝" is often "treasure". While "baby" is the more common and direct translation, "treasure" can also be used to convey a similar sentiment of love and affection.
The term "treasure" in English is often used to refer to something that is highly valued or cherished. It can be used to describe a beloved person, object, or even a memory. When referring to a loved one as a "treasure", it signifies that they are precious and important to the speaker.
Using "treasure" as a translation for "宝贝" adds a layer of depth and significance to the term. It conveys a sense of reverence and admiration for the person being referred to. While "baby" is more casual and commonly used, "treasure" adds a sense of grandeur and importance to the relationship.
Overall, the English translation of "宝贝" as "treasure" provides a unique and poetic interpretation of the term. It highlights the deep emotional connection and value that the speaker places on the person they are referring to.
宝贝的英文是什么_英语翻译 篇三
宝贝 [bǎo bèi]
treasured object
good-for-nothing or queer character
the apple of one's eye
the apple of sb.'s eye
Stop blubbering, you big baby!
The black currant trees were the apple of Joseph's eye
Betty, er, what do you call her, darling betty?
--this noble sack of virgin lead going at only nine hundred dollars, gilding and all-- come!
Gordon, I’m not an amateur! I love that baby and I am scientific.
宝贝的英文是什么_英语翻译 篇四
【 词目】宝贝
【 拼音】bǎo bèi
译】[rare shell]
1. 贵重少见的贝壳
2. [treasure]∶珍奇的东西
3. 很有价值并当爱物保藏起来的东西
4. 被认为是少有的或宝贵的人
5. [darling]∶对亲爱者的昵称。心爱的人,多用于小孩儿
6. [good-for-nothing or queercharacter]∶对人的谑称或蔑称。指无能或奇怪荒唐的人
7. [cowrie]∶腹足纲前鳃亚纲宝贝科(Cypraeidae)宝贝属( Cypraea )海产螺类