
英语字母脑筋急转弯 篇一


A:Hello B, can you solve this riddle for me?

B:Sure, what's the riddle?

A:I am an English letter, and I am the first letter of a word that means a period of time. Can you guess what letter I am?

B:Hmm... Let me think. Okay, I got it! You must be the letter "h". It is the first letter of the word "hour", which means a period of time.

A:No, that's not correct. Think again!

B:Alright, let me try again. The first letter of the word "minute" is also "m", which means a period of time. Is that the answer?

A:No, it's not "m" either. You are close though!

B:Hmm... I need to think harder. Oh, I got it! The letter "d" is the first letter of the word "day", which also means a period of time. So, "d" must be the answer!

A:Sorry, but that's not it either. You are still not there yet!

B:This is really challenging! Let me think of another possibility. Ah! I think I found the answer! The letter "s" is the first letter of the word "second", which represents a period of time. Am I right this time?

A:No, you are still not correct. Actually, "s" is the second letter of the word "second". Keep trying!

B:Okay, okay. I won't give up. Let me think of another word related to time. Oh, I got it! The letter "y" is the first letter of the word "year", which is a period of time. So, "y" must be the answer!

A:Congratulations, B! You finally got it right! "Y" is indeed the correct answer. Good job!

B:Thank you! That was a tricky one, but I'm glad I figured it out in the end.

A:Well done, B! Let's move on to the next riddle!

英语字母脑筋急转弯 篇二


A:Hey, B! I have a riddle for you. Can you solve it?

B:Sure, I love riddles. What's the riddle?

A:Okay, here it is. There are three letters in the English alphabet that appear in the names of three different countries. Can you name those letters and the countries they represent?

B:Hmm... That sounds interesting. Let me think for a moment. Okay, I think I have an idea. Is it the letter "a" for Australia, Austria, and Albania?

A:No, that's not correct. Keep trying!

B:Okay, let me think again. How about the letter "c" for Canada, China, and Cuba?

A:No, that's not it either. You are getting closer though!

B:Alright, I won't give up. Let me think of another possibility. Oh, I got it! The letter "i" appears in the names of India, Italy, and Indonesia. Is that the answer?

A:No, I'm sorry, but that's not the correct answer. You are still not there yet!

B:This is getting tricky! Let me think of another letter that could work. Ah! I think I found the answer! The letter "m" appears in the names of Mexico, Monaco, and Mongolia. So, "m" must be the answer!

A:Sorry, but that's not correct either. You are close though!

B:Okay, I won't give up. Let me think of another letter. Oh, I got it! The letter "j" appears in the names of Japan, Jordan, and Jamaica. Is that the answer?

A:Congratulations, B! You finally got it right! "J" is indeed the correct answer. Well done!

B:Thank you! That was a challenging riddle, but I'm glad I figured it out in the end.

A:Great job, B! Let's move on to the next riddle!

英语字母脑筋急转弯 篇三


  What letter is an animal ?

  key: It’s the letter B!

  What letter is a question?

  key: It’s the letter Y!

  Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?

  key: Because it makes fat fact!

  Why is the letter

E so important?

  key: Because it’s the begining of everything!

  Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other?

  key: Because there is love between them!



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