商务英语佣金口语 篇一
1. 提供佣金比例和结算方式
- What is the commission rate for this product?
- How often are the commissions paid?
- Do you offer any incentives or bonuses based on sales performance?
- Can you provide a breakdown of the commission structure?
2. 讨论佣金的具体金额
- How much commission will I earn on this sale?
- Is there a cap on the commission I can earn?
- Can you give me an estimate of how much commission I can expect to earn in a year?
- Are there any special promotions or deals that offer higher commission rates?
3. 谈判佣金比例和条件
- I believe my sales performance justifies a higher commission rate. Can we discuss this?
- If I can exceed the sales target, can we negotiate a higher commission rate?
- Are there any opportunities for me to earn additional commission, such as cross-selling or upselling?
- What can I do to increase my commission earnings?
4. 解决佣金纠纷或争议
- There seems to be a discrepancy in the commission amount. Can we review the sales records together?
- I believe I am entitled to a higher commission based on the terms agreed upon. Can we clarify this?
- Is there a process in place for resolving commission disputes?
- Can we set up a meeting to discuss the commission issue and find a resolution?
5. 表达满意或不满意的佣金待遇
- I am satisfied with the commission structure and believe it is fair.
- I feel that the commission rate is too low compared to industry standards.
- I appreciate the opportunity to earn commission, but I would like to discuss the possibility of increasing the commission rate.
- I am disappointed with the commission structure and would like to explore other options.
商务英语佣金口语 篇二
1. 提供佣金比例和结算方式
- What is the commission rate for this product? (这个产品的佣金比例是多少?)
- How often are the commissions paid? (佣金是多久结算一次?)
- Do you offer any incentives or bonuses based on sales performance? (根据销售业绩,你们提供任何奖励或奖金吗?)
- Can you provide a breakdown of the commission structure? (能否提供佣金结构的详细说明?)
2. 讨论佣金的具体金额
- How much commission will I earn on this sale? (我在这笔销售中能赚多少佣金?)
- Is there a cap on the commission I can earn? (我能赚取的佣金有上限吗?)
- Can you give me an estimate of how much commission I can expect to earn in a year? (你能给我一个大致的年度佣金预估吗?)
- Are there any special promotions or deals that offer higher commission rates? (有没有任何特殊促销或交易可以提供更高的佣金比例?)
3. 谈判佣金比例和条件
- I believe my sales performance justifies a higher commission rate. Can we discuss this? (我认为我的销售业绩证明了我应该有更高的佣金比例。我们可以讨论一下吗?)
- If I can exceed the sales target, can we negotiate a higher commission rate? (如果我能超过销售目标,我们可以协商一下更高的佣金比例吗?)
- Are there any opportunities for me to earn additional commission, such as cross-selling or upselling? (我有没有机会赚取额外的佣金,比如交叉销售或提高销售额?)
- What can I do to increase my commission earnings? (我可以做些什么来增加我的佣金收入?)
4. 解决佣金纠纷或争议
- There seems to be a discrepancy in the commission amount. Can we review the sales records together? (佣金金额似乎有些出入。我们可以一起查看销售记录吗?)
- I believe I am entitled to a higher commission based on the terms agreed upon. Can we clarify this? (根据达成的协议,我认为我有权获得更高的佣金。我们可以澄清一下吗?)
- Is there a process in place for resolving commission disputes? (有没有解决佣金纠纷的程序?)
- Can we set up a meeting to discuss the commission issue and find a resolution? (我们可以安排一次会议来讨论佣金问题并找到解决办法吗?)
5. 表达满意或不满意的佣金待遇
- I am satisfied with the commission structure and believe it is fair. (我对佣金结构感到满意,认为它很公平。)
- I feel that the commission rate is too low compared to industry standards. (与行业标准相比,我觉得佣金比例太低了。)
- I appreciate the opportunity to earn commission, but I would like to discuss the possibility of increasing the commission rate. (我感谢有机会赚取佣金,但我想讨论一下增加佣金比例的可能性。)
- I am disappointed with the commission structure and would like to explore other options. (我对佣金结构感到失望,并希望探索其他选择。)
商务英语佣金口语 篇三
What about the commission?
The bigger the quantity is,the higher commission rate is.
In a general way,a 2% commission is given to our agent.
He came to hold a talk about the commission for his new business.
We expect a high commission,of course.
We're usually paid with a high commission.
The money includes all commission.
We'll offer you a 3% commission on the transaction.
Generally speaking,commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.
Commission is allowed to agents only.
We don't pay commission to firms dealing with indirect business.