happen的词组短语用法 篇一
1. happen to
"happen to"是一个常见的词组,表示某件事情偶然发生在某人身上。例如:
- What happened to you? (你发生了什么事情?)
- It happened to me last night. (昨晚发生在我身上。)
2. happen on
"happen on"表示偶然遇到或偶然发现某事物。例如:
- I happened on an interesting book in the library. (我在图书馆偶然发现了一本有趣的书。)
- They happened on a hidden treasure during their vacation. (他们在度假期间偶然发现了一处隐藏的宝藏。)
3. happen by
"happen by"表示偶然经过某地或某地点。例如:
- I happened by the bookstore on my way home. (我在回家的路上经过了书店。)
- She happened by the park and decided to take a walk there. (她偶然经过公园,决定在那里散步。)
4. happen in
"happen in"表示某事情在某地发生。例如:
- The accident happened in front of the school. (事故发生在学校前面。)
- The meeting will happen in the conference room. (会议将在会议室进行。)
5. happen at
"happen at"表示某事情在某时间发生。例如:
- The party will happen at 8 o'clock tonight. (晚上8点将举行派对。)
- The concert happened at the same time as the football game. (音乐会和足球比赛同时进行。)
6. happen on/upon
"happen on/upon"表示偶然遇到或发现某人或某物。例如:
- I happened upon an old friend at the supermarket. (我在超市偶然遇到了一位老朋友。)
- They happened on a great deal at the store. (他们在商店里偶然找到了一个很好的交易。)
happen的词组短语用法 篇二
1. happen again
"happen again"表示某事情再次发生。例如:
- I hope this doesn't happen again. (我希望这件事不会再次发生。)
- The same mistake happened again. (同样的错误再次发生了。)
2. happen by chance
"happen by chance"表示某事情是偶然发生的。例如:
- I didn't plan to meet him, it just happened by chance. (我没有计划去见他,只是偶然碰到了。)
- The discovery of the new species happened by chance during a research expedition. (在一次科学考察中,偶然发现了这种新物种。)
3. happen on purpose
"happen on purpose"表示某事情是故意发生的。例如:
- I didn't mean to spill the coffee, it wasn't done on purpose. (我不是故意把咖啡溅出来的。)
- The prank was done on purpose to scare her. (这个恶作剧是故意为了吓唬她。)
4. happen out of the blue
"happen out of the blue"表示某事情突然发生,来得出乎意料。例如:
- The news of her promotion happened out of the blue. (她晋升的消息突然来临,让人措手不及。)
- The accident happened out of the blue, no one saw it coming. (事故突然发生,没有人预料到。)
5. happen overnight
"happen overnight"表示某事情突然发生,但通常指涉长时间的积累或准备。例如:
- Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes hard work and dedication. (成功不是一夜之间发生的,需要努力和奉献。)
- The company's growth happened overnight after years of strategic planning. (经过多年的战略规划,公司的增长突然发生了。)
happen的词组短语用法 篇三
Happen用法很多,这里表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”这
结构来表达。例如: I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。

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