考研英语关联词运用实例说明3 篇一
首先,表示因果关系的关联词在写作中起到连接上下文的作用。例如,"because"和"as a result"可以用来表达因果关系,使得文章的逻辑性更强。比如,我们可以使用"because"来引出一个原因,然后使用"as a result"来说明由于这个原因产生的结果。例如,"Because of the heavy rain, the baseball game was canceled. As a result, the players were disappointed."这样的写法使得读者能够清楚地理解为什么球赛被取消,并且能够理解球员们的失望情绪。
其次,表示对比关系的关联词可以用来对比不同观点或事物。例如,"however"和"on the other hand"可以用来表达对比关系,使得文章更加丰富多样。比如,我们可以使用"however"来引出一个相反的观点,然后使用"on the other hand"来对比这两个观点。例如,"Some people believe that money brings happiness. However, on the other hand, others argue that money can't buy true happiness."这样的写法可以清晰地表达出这两种观点的对比,使得文章更具说服力。
另外,表示递进关系的关联词可以用来表达一个观点逐步发展的过程。例如,"furthermore"和"in addition"可以用来表示递进关系,使得文章的逻辑更加紧密。比如,我们可以使用"furthermore"来引出一个进一步的论点,然后使用"in addition"来添加更多的支持证据。例如,"Studying abroad not only broadens one's horizons but also improves language skills. Furthermore, in addition to these benefits, it also enhances cultural understanding."这样的写法可以使得文章的逻辑更加紧密,同时增加了对这一观点的支持。
考研英语关联词运用实例说明3 篇二
首先,关联词可以帮助我们表达因果关系。在写作中,我们常常需要说明某个事件或行为的原因和结果。通过使用关联词如"because"和"as a result",我们可以清晰地表达出这种因果关系。例如,"Because of the heavy traffic, I was late for the meeting. As a result, I missed an important discussion."这样的句子使得读者能够明白为什么我迟到了,并且能够理解我错过了一个重要的讨论。
其次,关联词可以帮助我们进行对比。在写作中,对比不同观点或事物是常见的。通过使用关联词如"however"和"on the other hand",我们可以清楚地表达出这种对比关系。例如,"Some people argue that money brings happiness. However, on the other hand, others believe that true happiness cannot be bought with money."这样的句子能够使读者明白这两种观点的对立,并且能够更好地理解文章的主题和立场。
另外,关联词可以帮助我们表达递进关系。在写作中,我们常常需要逐步展开一个观点或论据。通过使用关联词如"furthermore"和"in addition",我们可以清晰地表达出这种递进关系。例如,"Studying abroad not only broadens one's horizons but also improves language skills. Furthermore, in addition to these benefits, it also enhances cultural understanding."这样的句子使得读者能够明白这一观点逐步发展的过程,并且能够更好地理解文章的主旨。
考研英语关联词运用实例说明3 篇三
3. 表示强调
above all, anyway, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, in particular, most important, obviously, of course, surely, to be sure, truly,undoubtedly, without doubt
p) Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.
q) He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home.
r) And, as a matter of fact, the U. S. Golf Association was delighted.
s) Books and people certainly affected him.
t) Most of the essays were very good indeed.
u) Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in fact she was partially deaf.
v) Automobile prices in particular have fallen in recent months.
w)But the reverse is true when an attorney represents a person who is obviously guilty or whose guilt is widely perceived.
x) This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.
y) Of course therewillbesomedifficulttimesahead.
z) If a sign were needed that the Internet has become a real market, the arrival of tax avoidance is surely
aa) Throwing money at the problem is surely not the way to convince people of sincerity.
ab) It was difficult, to be sure, but somehow we managed to finish the job.
ac) If we truly believe we can win, then we have a very good chance at doing it.
ad) Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.
ae) Sally was without doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.