商务英语打错电话口语 篇一
1. 对不起,我拨错了号码。
- Sorry, I dialed the wrong number.
2. 打扰了,我想找的人是Mr. Smith,我是否打错了?
- Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Smith. Did I dial the wrong number?
3. 请问我是不是打错了区号?
- Did I dial the wrong area code?
4. 抱歉,我可能拨错了分机号码。
- I'm sorry, I may have dialed the wrong extension number.
5. 不好意思,我可能打错了号码,我是想联系你们公司的销售部门。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong number. I was trying to reach your company's sales department.
6. 对不起,我可能拨错了国家代码。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong country code.
7. 打错了,我本应该给你们的总经理打电话。
- My apologies, I was supposed to call your CEO.
8. 抱歉,我给你带来了困扰,我是想联系你们的技术支持部门。
- I apologize for the inconvenience. I was trying to reach your technical support department.
9. 不好意思,我可能拨错了长途区号。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong long distance code.
10. 打错了,我是想联系你们的市场部门。
- I dialed the wrong number, I was trying to reach your marketing department.
商务英语打错电话口语 篇二
1. 对不起,我拨错了号码。
- Sorry, I dialed the wrong number.
2. 打扰了,我想找的是Mr. Johnson,我是否打错了?
- Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Johnson. Did I dial the wrong number?
3. 请问我是不是拨错了区号?
- Did I dial the wrong area code?
4. 抱歉,我可能拨错了分机号码。
- I'm sorry, I may have dialed the wrong extension number.
5. 不好意思,我可能打错了号码,我是想联系你们公司的采购部门。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong number. I was trying to reach your company's purchasing department.
6. 对不起,我可能拨错了国家代码。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong country code.
7. 打错了,我本应该给你们的销售经理打电话。
- My apologies, I was supposed to call your sales manager.
8. 抱歉,我给你带来了麻烦,我是想联系你们的客户服务部门。
- I apologize for the inconvenience. I was trying to reach your customer service department.
9. 不好意思,我可能拨错了长途区号。
- Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong long distance code.
10. 打错了,我是想联系你们的人力资源部门。
- I dialed the wrong number, I was trying to reach your human resources department.
商务英语打错电话口语 篇三
打错电话 dialing the wrong number
通过电话进行商务交往时,难免会遇到拨错电话的尴尬,此时需真诚的道歉,i'm sorry.i think i must have dialed the wrong number.此外,作为公司接待人员的你,在接到打错的电话时,也要彬彬有礼,细心核实信息(如电话号码、所在部门、姓名拼写等),从而耐心的告知对方,即化解了对方的唐突,也保持了公司的良好形象。
a:hello, hangzhou foreign trade corporation. may i help you?
b:good moming. can you put me through to manager liu yang?
早上好,请找刘扬经理接电话。put through 接通电话
a:i'm sorry there's no one of that name here. what number are you calling?
b:it's 53467865.
a:i'm afraid you've got/dialed the wrong number.you'll have to check with directory assistance.
抱歉,您拨错了。您得向查询台询问一下。directory assistance 查询台
b:oh, i'm terribly sorry.
a:never mind.
sorry,i must have misdialed.对不起,我打错了。
it seems i got the wrong number.sorry to have bothered you.我好像打错电话了,抱歉打扰您了。
i was trying to reach another party.sorry.对不起,我想要找的是另一个部门。
sorry,i must have the wrong extension.could you transfer me back to switchboard please?
i'm sorry, you must have the wrong number.抱歉,您肯定拨错了。
what number have you dialed?您拨的号码是多少?
no,this isn't the number you want.不,这里不是您要的号码。
conference call 会议电话
overseas call 国际电话
domestic call 国内电话
station-to-station call 叫号电话
collect call 对方付费电话
reverse-charge call 受话人付款的电话
long distance call 长途电话
local call 市内电话
direct dial call 直拨电话
party line 同线电话
interior phone 内线电话
outside phone 外线电话
special line 专线电话
international long-distance call 国际长途
person-to-person call 叫人电话