第十二届全国创新英语大赛初赛第二阶段报名 篇一
With the arrival of the 12th National Innovation English Competition, the second stage of the preliminary competition is now open for registration. This is an incredible opportunity for students across the country to showcase their English language skills and creativity. In this article, we will discuss the significance of participating in this competition and why it is worth signing up for the second stage of the preliminary competition.
First and foremost, the National Innovation English Competition is highly regarded and recognized nationwide. It provides a platform for students to demonstrate their English proficiency and critical thinking abilities. By participating in this competition, students can enhance their language skills, expand their knowledge, and improve their overall academic performance.
Moreover, the competition promotes innovation and creativity. English is not just a language; it is a tool for communication and expression. The competition encourages participants to think outside the box and develop unique ideas. Through various tasks and challenges, students are given the opportunity to explore different perspectives, solve problems, and present their ideas in an innovative and creative manner.
Furthermore, participating in the competition allows students to gain valuable experience. The competition is not solely focused on winning; it is about personal growth and development. Students have the chance to interact with peers from different regions and exchange ideas. This exposure to different cultures and perspectives broadens their horizons and fosters a global mindset.
Additionally, the competition offers rewards and recognition. The top performers not only receive prizes and certificates but also gain the attention of prestigious universities and potential employers. The competition serves as a platform for students to showcase their talents and open doors for future opportunities.
In conclusion, the second stage of the preliminary competition for the 12th National Innovation English Competition is now open for registration. Participating in this competition not only enhances language skills but also promotes innovation, provides valuable experience, and offers rewards and recognition. It is an incredible opportunity for students to excel and unlock their potential. So, don't miss out on this chance and sign up for the second stage of the preliminary competition now!
第十二届全国创新英语大赛初赛第二阶段报名 篇二
The second stage of the preliminary competition for the 12th National Innovation English Competition is now open for registration. In this article, we will explore the benefits of participating in this competition and why it is worth signing up for the second stage.
Firstly, participating in the National Innovation English Competition allows students to improve their English language skills. The competition includes various tasks, such as writing essays, giving presentations, and engaging in debates. These activities require participants to use English effectively and fluently. By challenging themselves in different areas of English, students can enhance their vocabulary, grammar, and overall language proficiency.
Secondly, the competition promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Participants are presented with thought-provoking topics and are required to analyze, evaluate, and provide solutions. This cultivates their ability to think critically, logically, and creatively. These skills are highly valued in academia, professional careers, and everyday life.
Furthermore, the competition provides an opportunity for self-expression and personal growth. Through tasks such as creative writing and public speaking, participants can showcase their unique perspectives and ideas. This helps in building confidence, developing effective communication skills, and nurturing self-esteem. The competition encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, take risks, and embrace challenges.
Moreover, the National Innovation English Competition creates a sense of camaraderie and cultural exchange. Participants come from different regions and backgrounds, creating a diverse and inclusive environment. This allows students to learn from each other, appreciate different cultures, and develop a global mindset. The competition serves as a platform for building connections and friendships that can last a lifetime.
Lastly, participating in the competition opens doors for future opportunities. The competition is highly regarded by universities and employers. The achievements and experiences gained from this competition can strengthen college applications and job resumes. It demonstrates a student's dedication, perseverance, and passion for English language learning and personal growth.
In conclusion, the second stage of the preliminary competition for the 12th National Innovation English Competition is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their English language skills, develop critical thinking abilities, foster personal growth, and open doors for future opportunities. Don't miss out on this chance to challenge yourself and showcase your talents. Sign up for the second stage of the preliminary competition now and embark on an exciting journey of growth and success!
第十二届全国创新英语大赛初赛第二阶段报名 篇三
日期时间主要安排 08/12 上午 营员报道:所有营员报道完毕,抵达营地后整理内务,以饱满的精神状态迎接未来六天五夜挑战之旅。 下午 开营仪式:参加“绚烂夏天 我爱英语”开营仪式并合影留念,拉启第十二届全国创新英语大赛总决赛夏令营的序幕。 晚上 联欢晚会:来自全国各地的营员们在show场上施展才艺,以艺会友。 08/13 上午听力集训课程+结课小考 下午口语集训课程+结课小考 晚上 排位赛:综合笔试,考查选手们英语基本功及应试能力。 08/14 上午阅读集训课程+结课小考 下午写作集训课程+结课小考 晚上 准成人礼party:这是一场展示90后少年们怀抱理想、感恩尽责、关爱奉献、忠义担当的盛会,7080忆往昔、营员互赠礼物、释放青春、集体宣誓等主题活动将会见证营员们从孩童到青年的蜕变。在这里,十八而志;在这里,梦想启程;在这里,青春万岁。 08/15 上午 观摩主题演讲:现场观看大赛全国20强选手的`演讲比赛,亲眼见证全国10强选手的诞生。 下午 戏剧表演排练:所谓台上一分钟,台下十年功,营员们为晚上的戏剧表演评选比赛做着充足准备。 晚上 献礼总决赛:参加总决赛晚会戏剧表演节目评选比赛 08/16 上午 听君一席话:和来自京津地区985、211高校的学长学姐们交流中学时期的学习经验,以及向学长学姐们打探神秘且向往的大学生活。 下午 外教见面会:同外教面对面交流,感受中西方文化差异,和外教配合完成小组活动,结交异国师生情谊。 晚上 观摩总决赛晚会:亲临总决赛现场,体验英语高手间过招的刺激,见证第十二届全国创新英语大赛冠亚季军的诞生。 08/17 上午营员离京总决赛夏令营主要行程安排
日期时间主要安排 08/12 上午 营员报道:所有营员报道完毕,抵达营地后整理内务,以饱满的精神状态迎接未来六天五夜挑战之旅。 下午 开营仪式:参加“绚烂夏天 我爱英语”开营仪式并合影留念,拉启第十二届全国创新英语大赛总决赛夏令营的序幕。 晚上 联欢晚会:来自全国各地的营员们在show场上施展才艺,以艺会友。 08/13 上午 赛前培训:全其他营员:外教见面会,同外教面对面交流,感受中西方文化差异,和外教配合完成小组活动,结交异国师生情谊。
晚上 台下十年功:营员们一起观看集训营、游学营为总决赛晚会准备的戏剧表演评选比赛。 08/16 上午 听君一席话:和来自京津地区985、211高校的学长学姐们交流中学时期的学习经验,以及向学长学姐们打探神秘且向往的大学生活。 下午 全国十强:总决赛流程彩排准备其他营员:“感恩大声说”辅导员交流会,跟辅导员一起回顾这几天夏令营的点点滴滴,谈自身的收获、感想以及想感谢的人。