
七夕节的传说英语 篇一

The Legend of Qixi Festival

Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is believed to have originated from a beautiful love story that has been passed down through generations.

According to the legend, there was a young cowherd named Niulang, who lived near a river. One day, when he was resting by the river, he saw seven fairy sisters bathing. The youngest and most beautiful fairy, Zhinü, caught his eye, and they fell in love at first sight.

Zhinü was no ordinary fairy; she was the daughter of the Queen of Heaven. When the Queen found out about their love, she became furious and ordered Zhinü back to the heavens. Niulang was heartbroken and decided to chase after her.

With the help of an old ox, Niulang managed to fly to the heavens and find Zhinü. However, the Queen was not willing to let them be together and created a wide river, known as the Milky Way, to separate them. Niulang and Zhinü were devastated as they stood on opposite sides of the river, unable to touch or see each other.

Moved by their love and devotion, the magpies decided to help them. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, thousands of magpies would form a bridge across the Milky Way, allowing Niulang and Zhinü to meet for just one day. This day became known as Qixi Festival.

On this special day, girls and women would pray to Zhinü for wisdom and skills, as she was considered the goddess of weaving. They would also make offerings of fruits and flowers to show their respect. It was believed that if the weather was clear on this day, it indicated good fortune and a harmonious relationship in the coming year.

Over time, Qixi Festival has become a day for lovers to express their love and affection towards each other. Couples exchange gifts, go on romantic dates, and make wishes for their future together. It is a day filled with joy, love, and hope.

The legend of Qixi Festival reminds us of the power of love and the importance of cherishing those we care about. It teaches us to be persistent and determined in the face of challenges, just like Niulang and Zhinü. Qixi Festival is not only a celebration of love but also a celebration of the human spirit and the belief in the power of love to overcome all obstacles.

七夕节的传说英语 篇二

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

Qixi Festival, also known as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is based on a beautiful love story that dates back thousands of years.

According to the legend, there was a young cowherd named Niulang, who lived a lonely life with just his ox for company. One day, when he was out tending his cows, he came across a group of fairies bathing in a river. Among them was the beautiful Weaver Girl, Zhinü. They couldn't help but fall in love at first sight.

Zhinü was no ordinary girl; she was the daughter of the Queen of Heaven. When the Queen found out about their love, she became angry and ordered Zhinü back to the heavens. Niulang was devastated and decided to do whatever it took to be with her.

With the help of his loyal ox, Niulang managed to fly to the heavens and find Zhinü. However, the Queen was not willing to let them be together and created a wide river, known as the Milky Way, to separate them. Niulang and Zhinü were heartbroken as they stood on opposite sides of the river, unable to touch or see each other.

Moved by their love and determination, the magpies took pity on them. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, thousands of magpies would form a bridge across the Milky Way, allowing Niulang and Zhinü to meet for just one day. This day became known as Qixi Festival.

On this special day, girls and women would pray to Zhinü for blessings in love and marriage. They would also make offerings of fruits and flowers to show their respect. It was believed that if it rained on this day, it indicated that Zhinü was crying because she missed Niulang.

Qixi Festival is not only a celebration of love but also a reminder of the power of true love and the importance of cherishing those we care about. The legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl teaches us the value of perseverance and sacrifice in the pursuit of love. It is a story that has touched the hearts of countless people and continues to inspire love and romance to this day.

As we celebrate Qixi Festival, let us remember the love and sacrifice of Niulang and Zhinü. Let us cherish our loved ones and make the most of our time together, for true love knows no boundaries and can conquer all obstacles. Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate love and to believe in the power of love to bring happiness and fulfillment into our lives.

七夕节的传说英语 篇三




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