Halloween Origins in English - Part 1
Halloween, also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. It has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The festival was believed to be a time when the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, and spirits could freely roam the earth.
The Celts, who lived in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and parts of France, celebrated Samhain as a way to appease the spirits and ensure a bountiful harvest for the following year. They would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off evil spirits.
When the Romans conquered the Celtic territories, they brought their own traditions and merged them with the Celtic festival. One of these traditions was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans commemorated the passing of the dead. Another was Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees, whose symbol was the apple. These traditions, along with the Celtic festival, gradually blended to form what we now know as Halloween.
With the spread of Christianity, the church tried to replace the pagan festivals with Christian ones. In the 9th century, the church declared November 1 as All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, to honor all the saints and martyrs. The night before, October 31, became All Hallows' Eve, eventually shortened to Halloween.
As Christianity spread throughout the British Isles, Halloween traditions continued to evolve. The custom of going from house to house asking for food or money, known as "souling," emerged in the Middle Ages. People would offer prayers for the souls of the dead in exchange for these treats.
In the 19th century, Irish and Scottish immigrants brought Halloween traditions to the United States. Halloween became popularized through parties, parades, and community events. The tradition of carving pumpkins, or jack-o'-lanterns, also emerged during this time. Originally, turnips or potatoes were used, but pumpkins were more readily available in America.
Today, Halloween is celebrated in various ways around the world. It has become a holiday associated with costumes, trick-or-treating, haunted houses, and parties. While its origins may lie in ancient Celtic and Roman traditions, Halloween has evolved into a fun and festive holiday embraced by people of all ages.
Halloween Origins in English - Part 2
In addition to the ancient Celtic and Roman traditions, Halloween also draws upon folklore and superstitions that have been passed down through generations. These additional elements contribute to the unique atmosphere and customs associated with the holiday.
One such folklore is the legend of the Jack-o'-lantern. According to the tale, there was a man named Jack who was known for his trickery and deceitfulness. He managed to trick the devil on several occasions, but when he died, he was denied entrance into both heaven and hell. As a result, Jack was condemned to wander the earth with only a burning coal in a hollowed-out turnip to light his way. The tradition of carving scary faces into pumpkins or turnips and placing a candle inside them, known as jack-o'-lanterns, is said to ward off evil spirits, including Jack himself.
Another superstition associated with Halloween is the belief that on this night, young women could divine their future husbands. They would perform rituals such as apple bobbing, where they would try to bite into an apple floating in water using only their teeth. It was believed that the first person to bite into the apple would be the next to marry. Another popular divination game was the mirror game, where women would walk backward up a flight of stairs holding a mirror. They hoped to catch a glimpse of their future husband's face in the mirror.
Halloween is also closely associated with witches and witchcraft. During medieval times, witch hunts were prevalent, and many innocent people, mostly women, were accused of practicing witchcraft. The stereotypical image of a witch with a pointed hat, broomstick, and black cat can be traced back to these beliefs. Today, Halloween provides an opportunity to dress up as witches and other spooky characters, paying homage to these historical figures.
As Halloween continues to be celebrated around the world, new traditions and customs are constantly emerging. From themed parties and haunted attractions to creative costumes and festive treats, the holiday has evolved into a vibrant and exciting occasion. While its origins may lie in ancient folklore and superstitions, Halloween remains a beloved holiday that brings people together to celebrate and embrace the eerie and mysterious.
英文版万圣节的由来 篇三
October 31 each year is Halloween (Halloween),
作文 假如我是男生【精简3篇】




