
清明节放假通知英语 篇一

Notice of Qingming Festival Holiday

Dear colleagues,

According to the national holiday arrangement, we will have a day off on April 4th, 2022 to observe the Qingming Festival. In order to ensure that everyone has a pleasant and safe holiday, we would like to inform you of some important matters.

During the holiday, please pay attention to the following points:

1. Safety First: As the Qingming Festival is a time when people visit cemeteries to pay respects to their ancestors, it is important to be cautious and careful while traveling. Please follow traffic rules and avoid speeding or reckless driving. If you are planning to visit crowded places, such as scenic spots or cemeteries, please be aware of your surroundings and keep personal belongings safe.

2. COVID-19 Precautions: The pandemic is still ongoing, and it is crucial for us to continue practicing preventive measures. Please remember to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and frequently wash hands with soap or use hand sanitizers. If you have any symptoms of illness, such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention immediately and avoid going to public places.

3. Work Arrangements: To ensure the smooth operation of our company during the holiday, some essential departments will remain open. If you belong to one of these departments, please follow the schedule arranged by your supervisor and be ready to provide necessary support if needed.

4. Work-Life Balance: The Qingming Festival is not only a time for mourning but also an opportunity to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. We encourage everyone to make the most of this holiday to spend quality time with family and friends, engage in outdoor activities, or simply take a break from work and recharge.

Please note that normal work will resume on April 5th, 2022. We hope that you have a meaningful and restful holiday. If you have any urgent matters during the holiday, please contact the relevant person in charge or leave a message via email or our communication platform.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Human Resources Department

XYZ Company

清明节放假通知英语 篇二

Important Notice: Qingming Festival Holiday Arrangement

Dear all,

We would like to inform you that the Qingming Festival holiday will be observed on April 4th, 2022. This is a traditional Chinese festival when people commemorate their ancestors and cherish the memory of the departed. In order to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy the holiday, we would like to share some important information with you.

1. Holiday Duration: The Qingming Festival holiday will last for one day, starting on April 4th. Please make necessary arrangements in advance to ensure a smooth transition between work and holiday mode.

2. Paying Respects: During the holiday, it is customary for many people to visit cemeteries to pay respects to their ancestors. We encourage everyone to uphold this tradition and show reverence to our ancestors. However, please keep in mind that safety should always be the top priority. Take necessary precautions while visiting cemeteries or crowded places to avoid accidents or any potential risks.

3. Cultural Experience: The Qingming Festival is not only about mourning but also an opportunity to experience Chinese culture and traditions. You may choose to participate in various activities, such as flying kites, enjoying the beauty of nature, or tasting traditional Qingming Festival food. Embrace the cultural significance of this festival and make the most of your holiday.

4. Work-Life Balance: A healthy work-life balance is essential for our overall well-being. We hope that this holiday will provide you with an opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with your loved ones. Take this chance to relax, engage in activities that bring you joy, and return to work with renewed energy.

Please be reminded that normal work will resume on April 5th, 2022. If you have any urgent matters or need assistance during the holiday, please feel free to reach out to your supervisor or the relevant department.

Wishing you a peaceful and meaningful Qingming Festival!

Best regards,

Human Resources Department

XYZ Company

清明节放假通知英语 篇三








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