圣诞节知识大测试双语 篇一
A. 12月24日
B. 12月25日
C. 12月26日
A. 北极
B. 南极
C. 格陵兰岛
A. 火鸡
B. 土豆
C. 鸡蛋
A. 蛋糕
B. 礼物
C. 糖果
A. 红色和绿色
B. 蓝色和白色
C. 黑色和黄色
A. 互送礼物
B. 烧烤
C. 打扫房间
A. 圣诞老人
B. 圣诞树
C. 圣诞饼干
A. 基督教的节日
B. 古罗马的庆祝活动
C. 亚洲的传统节日
A. 雪花
B. 雪橇
C. 雪人
A. "圣诞树上的礼物"
B. "银铃"
C. "白色圣诞节"
问题一:B. 12月25日
问题二:A. 北极
问题三:A. 火鸡
问题四:C. 糖果
问题五:A. 红色和绿色
问题六:A. 互送礼物
问题七:A. 圣诞老人
问题八:A. 基督教的节日
问题九:A. 雪花
问题十:C. "白色圣诞节"
圣诞节知识大测试双语 篇二
1. 圣诞节的起源:圣诞节是基督教的节日,用来庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。它的起源可以追溯到公元四世纪。
2. 圣诞树的传统:圣诞树是圣诞节的标志之一,最早起源于德国。人们将树木装饰起来,并在树上挂上彩灯、礼物和糖果。
3. 圣诞老人的形象:圣诞老人是圣诞节的象征之一,他通常被描绘为一个白胡子、穿着红色外套的老人。据说他会在圣诞夜来到孩子们的家中,给他们送礼物。
4. 圣诞节的主食:在圣诞节,人们通常会享用丰盛的晚餐。传统的圣诞节主食是火鸡,还有各种蔬菜、面包和甜点。
5. 圣诞节的装饰品:圣诞节的装饰品有很多种,包括彩灯、圣诞花环、圣诞袜和各种装饰物。这些装饰品都可以给家里增添节日的氛围。
6. 圣诞节的习俗:圣诞节有许多传统习俗,比如互送礼物、唱圣诞歌、参加教堂活动和观看圣诞节游行等。这些习俗都是为了庆祝和共度圣诞节的快乐时光。
7. 圣诞节的颜色:圣诞节的主要颜色是红色和绿色。红色象征着爱和喜庆,绿色象征着生命和希望。
8. 圣诞节的音乐:圣诞节有许多著名的圣诞歌曲,比如《铃儿响叮当》、《平安夜》和《圣诞树上的礼物》等。这些歌曲都充满了欢乐和温暖的气氛。
9. 圣诞节的全球庆祝:尽管圣诞节起源于基督教,但如今它已经成为了一个全球性的节日,不同国家和地区都有自己独特的庆祝方式和习俗。
10. 圣诞节的意义:圣诞节不仅仅是一个传统节日,更重要的是它带给人们快乐、团聚和祝福。在这一天,人们可以放下繁忙的工作,与家人和朋友一起庆祝,传递爱和希望的信息。
圣诞节知识大测试双语 篇三
1. 圣诞节的来历是什么?
In Christianity, Christmas is the festival celebratingthe Nativity of Jesus, the Christian belief that the Messiah foretold in theOld Testament's Messianic prophecies was born to the VirginMary。
2. 传统的圣诞习俗有哪些?
Even in countries where there is a strong Christiantradition,Christmas celebrations can vary markedly from country tocountry.Formany Christians, a religious service plays an importantpart in therecognition of the season. Secular processions,featuring Santa Claus and otherseasonal figures are often held.Family reunions and the exchange of gifts are awidespread featureof theseason。
3. 各国的圣诞大餐都吃啥?
A special Christmas family meal is an important part ofthe celebration for many, but what is actually served can vary greatly fromcountry tocountry. In England, and countries influenced by its traditions, astandard Christmas meal would include turkey, potatoes, vegetables,sausagesandgravy, followed by Christmas pudding or mince pies. In Poland and otherparts of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, fish of tenprovides th etraditionalmain course, but richer meat such as lambis increasingly served. Ham is the mainmeal in the Philippines,while in Germany,France and Austria, goose and pork arefavored.Beef, ham and chickenin various recipes are popular throughout theworld。
和习俗一样,各国的圣诞大餐也有差别。在英国,和英语文 化圈,标准的圣诞大餐通常包括火鸡、土豆、蔬菜、香肠和肉汁,以圣诞布丁或碎肉派结尾;在波兰等东欧国家、包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛,鱼是圣诞餐的主菜,不过近年来类似羊肉的红肉也越来越盛行;火腿是菲律宾的主菜;在德国、法国和澳洲,鹅和猪肉是人们喜爱的菜肴;另外的,牛肉、火腿和鸡肉的菜肴在全球的圣诞菜单上都很流行。
4. 圣诞的传统装饰都有哪些?
Since the 19th century, the poinsettia, a native plantfrom Mexico,has been associated with Christmas. Other popular holidayplantsinclude holly, mistletoe, red amaryllis, and Christmascactus. Along witha Christmas tree, the interior of a home may be decorated with these plants,along with garlands and evergreenfoliage.In Australia, North and South America,and Europe, it is traditional to decorate the outside of houses with lights andsometimes with illuminated sleighs,snowmen, and other Christmas figures. Thetraditional colors of Christmas are pine green(evergreen), snow white, and heart red。
5. 圣诞赞歌是怎么产生的?
In the thirteenth century, in France, Germany, andparticularly,Italy,a strong tradition of popular Christmas songs in the nativelanguage developed. Christmas carols in English first appear in1426. The songswe know specifically as carols were originally communal songs sung duringcelebrations like harvest tide as wellas Christmas。
6. 圣诞节一定要寄卡片吗?
Christmas cards are usually exchanged during the weekspreceding.Christmas Day on December 25 by many people (includingnon-Christians)in Western society and in Asia. The traditional greeting reads"wishingyou a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year",much like thefirst commercial Christmas card, produced by SirHenry Cole in London 1843.
7. 有圣诞卡片就要有圣诞邮票吗?
A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps atChristmastime. Postal customers will often use these stamps to mailChristmascards, and they are popular with philatelists.These stamps are usually printedin considerable quantities。
8. 圣诞老人原名是什么?
The most famous and pervasive of these figures in moderncelebration worldwide is Santa Claus, a mythical gif bringer,dressed in red,whose origins have disputed sources. Santa Claus is a corruption of the DutchSinterkl