
新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案 篇一

Unit 7: What's the highest mountain in the world?

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify and pronounce the names of different mountains around the world.

2. Students will be able to use superlatives to compare different mountains.

3. Students will be able to describe the characteristics of different mountains.

4. Students will be able to discuss their favorite mountains and explain why they like them.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Mountain range

2. Peak

3. Altitude

4. Summit

5. Glacier

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up: Show pictures of different mountains around the world and ask students if they know the names of any of them. Discuss the characteristics of mountains with the class.

2. Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words and have students repeat after you to practice pronunciation.

3. Practice: Have students work in pairs to discuss which mountain they think is the highest in the world and why. Encourage them to use superlatives in their discussion.

4. Listening: Play a recording of a dialogue between two friends discussing different mountains and have students answer questions about the dialogue.

5. Speaking: Have students work in groups to create a presentation about their favorite mountain, including its name, location, height, and why they like it.

6. Reading: Assign a reading passage about Mount Everest and have students answer comprehension questions about the text.

7. Writing: Have students write a short paragraph comparing two different mountains using superlatives.

8. Review: Review key vocabulary and concepts covered in the lesson.


1. Write a short essay about the highest mountain in the world and why it is considered the highest.

2. Research and write a report on a famous mountain of your choice, including its location, height, and any interesting facts.


1. Participation in class discussions and activities.

2. Completion of homework assignments.

3. Performance on quizzes and tests.

By following this detailed lesson plan, students will gain a better understanding of different mountains around the world and how to use superlatives to describe them. This unit will not only improve their English language skills but also expand their knowledge of geography and the natural world.

新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案 篇二

Unit 7: Exploring the World's Mountains

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will learn about the geography of different mountain ranges around the world.

2. Students will be able to describe the physical features of mountains, such as peaks, glaciers, and valleys.

3. Students will practice using comparative and superlative forms in English.

4. Students will develop their speaking and writing skills through discussions and assignments related to mountains.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Elevation

2. Slope

3. Plateau

4. Mountain pass

5. Volcano

Teaching Procedures:

1. Introduction: Show a video or slideshow of different mountain ranges around the world to pique students' interest.

2. Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words and have students repeat and practice pronunciation.

3. Reading: Assign a reading passage about the world's tallest mountains and have students discuss the information in pairs.

4. Speaking: Have students work in groups to create a dialogue about climbing a mountain and the challenges they might face.

5. Writing: Assign a writing prompt asking students to describe their dream mountain expedition, including the location, activities, and any difficulties they might encounter.

6. Listening: Play a recording of a travel guide discussing popular mountain destinations and have students answer questions about the information.

7. Review: Review key concepts and vocabulary covered in the lesson.

8. Assessment: Evaluate students' comprehension and language skills through quizzes, tests, and homework assignments.

By engaging students with interactive activities and real-world examples, this lesson plan will help students develop a deeper understanding of the world's mountains and how they shape our planet. Through discussions, readings, and writing assignments, students will improve their English language skills while also expanding their knowledge of geography and the natural world.

新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教案 篇三


How to you make a banana smoothie?教案 Section A 小寨乡中学初二英语组    Teaching aims:    1. Describe a process.    2. Follow instructions.    3.countable /uncountablenouns. How much/How many questions.    Teaching difficult points    1.countable/uncountablenouns.    2. How much/How many questions.    Teachingaids:    A cup of smoothie fruit salad ingredients of making    smoothie and fruit saladtape recorder    Teaching steps    Step1    Show a cup of banana smoothie, let some students taste it ,    Ask: How do you like it ?Answer…    Ask: Do you knowhow to make a banana smoothie?    Let me tell you.    Step 2 Presentation    1)Take out a knife some bananas milk yogurt a blender.    2)Write these sentences on the blackboard.    Peel the bananas . Cut up the bananas .Put the bananas and yogurt in the blender. Pour the milk in the blender.Turn on the blender.    3) Say: Look at me , Ill make a banana smoothie.    Step 3Write    —the smoothie    —the milk in the blender    —the bananas    —the bananas    —the blender    —the bananas and yogurt in the blender    fill in the blanks with turn on ,cut up , drink ,peel ,pour ,put. according to the pictures ,then numberthese sentences 1——5.    Pair work    A: How do you make a banana smoothie?    Peel the bananas.    ……    Step 5 Presentation    1). Say : NowIll teach you how to make fruit salad. You need a teaspoon of cinnamon. a cup of yogurt. 2 teaspoons of honey.3 bananas.1 watermelon. 2 apples and one orange.    You need 4 steps to make it .① First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon.② Next put the fruit in a bowl.③ Then put in two teaspoons cinnamon and a cup of yogurt .④ Finally mix it all up.    2) Write the foursteps on the blackboard .Read them loudly. Pay more attention to the words: First . next . then and finally.    3) Let students say how to make fruit salad.    Step 6 Presentation    Say: look at the four steps above . please answer me?please answer me:    How many apples do you need ? (two)    How many bananas do you need ? (three)    How many watermelons do you need ? (one)    How many oranges do you need ? (one    How many cinnamon do you need ? (a teaspoon of cinnamon)    How many yogurt do you need ? (a cup of yogurt)    How many honey do you need ? (two teaspoons of honey)    Explain: countable and uncountable nouns.    Step 7 Listening    2a 2b Section B    Teachingaims:    New language:    add bread slice mayonnaise turkey relish meat mushroom other sandwich tomato sauce mustard    mustard    sentences:    First… Next… Then… Finally… add… to…    Teaching important and difficult.    How to make differennt sandwiches.    Teaching aids:    tape recorder pictures.    Teaching steps:    Step One    Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture.    say each word and ask students to repeat it.    say what things do you like in a sandwich?    write the words on the board.    Ask: How to make this kind of sandwich?    Step Two    Look at activity 1a. Listen and circ

le the words that you hear.    play the tape the first time. Students only listen play the tape again .This time students circle the words in activity 1a as they hear the words.    Step Three.    Read the instructions and point out the sample answer.    say listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart.    Step Four    Read the instructions. Ask students to take a few minutes to write down the things they use to make their favorite sandwiches.    Ask students to work in pairs.    Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.    Step Five    Read the instructions of 3a to the class.    point to the words vegetables meat and others in the chart.    say: now read the recipe and write the ingredients under the correct words in the chart.    check the answers.    Step six    3b.Read the instructions and the recipe to the class.    say: now write a word in each blank use the words in the box.    Home work:    One : write a recipe for your favorite sandwich.    Two: Self check 1.



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