小学三年级英语教案 篇一
Title: Fun Activities for Teaching English to Third Graders
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and use common greetings and introductions in English.
Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Sing the "Hello Song" to greet the students and get them excited for the lesson.
- Play a game of "Simon Says" using English greetings (e.g. say "Good morning" when Simon says).
Introduction (5 minutes):
- Show flashcards of different greetings and introductions (e.g. hello, good morning, how are you?) and elicit responses from the students.
Lesson Activities (30 minutes):
1. Role-play: Divide the class into pairs and have them practice greeting each other using the flashcards.
2. Sing-along: Teach the students a simple song with greetings and have them sing along.
3. Greetings Match: Give each student a card with a greeting and have them find their matching partner.
4. Greeting Cards: Have the students make greeting cards for each other using the phrases they've learned.
Wrap-up (10 minutes):
- Review the greetings and introductions learned in the lesson.
- Have a group discussion on the importance of being polite and using greetings in different situations.
- Ask the students to practice using the greetings learned in the lesson with their family members at home.
- Observe students during role-plays and activities to assess their understanding and participation.
- Encourage students to create a short skit using the greetings and introductions learned in the lesson to perform for the class.
小学三年级英语教案 篇二
Title: Vocabulary Building Activities for Third Graders
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and use common vocabulary related to animals.
Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Play a game of "Charades" with animal flashcards to review previously learned vocabulary.
- Sing a song about animals to engage the students and get them excited for the lesson.
Introduction (5 minutes):
- Introduce new animal vocabulary (e.g. lion, elephant, giraffe) using flashcards and elicit responses from the students.
Lesson Activities (30 minutes):
1. Animal Actions: Have students act out the different animals and guess what they are.
2. Animal Pictionary: Divide the class into teams and have them draw and guess the animals on the board.
3. Animal Bingo: Play a game of bingo using pictures of animals and have the students call out the names in English.
4. Animal Hunt: Hide animal pictures around the classroom and have the students find and name them.
Wrap-up (10 minutes):
- Review the new animal vocabulary learned in the lesson.
- Discuss the characteristics of each animal and where they can be found in the world.
- Ask the students to create a mini-book with drawings and descriptions of the animals learned in the lesson.
- Observe students during the activities to assess their ability to identify and use the new vocabulary.
- Have the students research and present information about their favorite animal to the class, using the vocabulary learned in the lesson.
小学三年级英语教案 篇三
Unit 1 Hello ! 教学目标: 1. 用习惯用语与人打招呼: Hello ! Hi ! Good morning ! Good afternoon ! 2. 向别人介绍自己: Im Miss Han . Im peter . 3. 离开时的礼貌用语: Goodbye . Bye-bye . 教学准备: 1. 本课出现的人物名字卡片. 2. 教学磁带和录音机. 教学过程: 第一课时 一, Hello! Hi! 1.老师利用第一次上课,与新生们打招呼sayHello,引导学生们跟着回答Hello.然后反复用Hello和Hi跟同学们打招呼. 2.让学生同桌或前后练习用Hello和Hi互相打招呼. 二, Good morning/afternoon. Im… 1.教师拿出钟表,播出时间让学生区分出上午和下午的时间,学习,区分Good morning和Good afternoon教师根据上课的时间向同学们问好Good morning/afternoon,然后播出时间让学生练习,运用 Good morning/afternoon问好. 2.给学生们一定的时间让他们自由下位互相问好. 3.学习Im … 学生运用学过的 Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good afternoon自由会话之后,教师开始自我介绍:Im Miss Ni.(向学生出示写有自己名字的教师证,引导学生理解这句话.)引导学生用Im…
来作自我介绍. 让学生们分组介绍,然后自愿在全班范围内自我介绍,并用礼貌用语与大家打招呼. 三, Goodbye , Bye-bye 教师就以上学过的内容与学生进行对话练习,对话后边做再见手势边跟学生说Goodbye,多数学生能听懂并会回答Bye-bye. 四, Practice 利用学生手中贴有照片的学生证来做D部分Make and write的练习.让学生举起学生证,与大家打招呼并介绍自己Im… 五, Listen to the recorder 播放A部分课文的磁带,学生模仿跟读.教师示范领读,然后给学生时间自由朗读.同桌进行对话练习. 六, Homework 回家把学过的对话读给家长听,并把这些礼貌用语教给爸爸妈妈,让大家都会说英语. 第二课时 一, Greeting 师生用上节课学过的礼貌用语互相问候.并给学生一定时间互相问候,以巩固所学问候语. 二, Revision 播放课文录音,学生领读课文之后,分组准备进行对话表演.请部分同学与搭档上台表演对话. 三, Sing a song 播放歌曲录音,并为学生范唱,学生听录音数遍后小声跟唱.老师领唱数遍,给学生时间进行小组练习.练习过后进行小组或男女分角色演唱. 四, Play a game 为同学们分发课本上出现的人物的姓名卡,每人记住自己的名字后,大家围坐成一个圆,玩捉迷藏的游戏.蒙住眼睛的同学站在中间,摸到哪个同学就猜他/她的名字,被摸到的同学就要回答Yes, Im…/No, Im….由此巩固Im…的掌握. 五, Homework 教家长或小朋友唱英文歌曲Good morning. 小学三年级英语教案:Unit 2 Im… 教学目标 1. 学习询问别人姓名,并对此做答: Whats your name Im… 2. 学习询问别人年龄,并对此做答: How old are you Im nine/ten. 3. 学习认读0至10的十一个数字. 教学准备 1. 标有数字的卡片. 2. 教学磁带和录音机.自制多媒体课件. 教学过程 第一课时 一, Greeting Teacher and students sing the song Good morning together. 二, Go over: 1. Teacher and students ask and answer together quickly. 2. Let some groups play Unit 1 三, Study the new knowledge: 1.学习数字:zero --ten 伸出手指,引导学生一起数数字0至10,然后让学生练习按顺序快速伸手指说数字,直至能教师说数字学生能准确的伸出手指.然后教师边数边板书,以便于学生能认读数字.最后教师指着板书领读数遍并拿出数字卡片让学生读出数字,然后私人一小组练习,组长检查.同桌随便指书上的数字,检查掌握情况. 2.学习Whats your name 教师指着自己的上岗证说:Im Miss Ni. 然后用疑问的表情对刘上说 Whats your name 刘上刚开始愣了一下,随即明白过来并回答 Im Liu Shang.再问到其他同学的时候,他们就能很轻松地回答Im…问到七,八个同学之后,教师马上说谁能帮老师提问 反应快的学生就会起来问Whats your name 然后给学生时间下位自由提问Whats your name 并回答 Im…练习并交很多的朋友. 四, Listen to the recorder 反复操练之后,带领学生听课文数字录音.然后四人一小组试着读课文. 五,Homework 1,回家自己边伸手指边练习数字Zero--ten 2,课后互相用英语询问对方的名字. 3,将同学或家人的电话号码填写在第8页的c部分,并练习用英语熟练的读出来. 第二课时 一, Greetings: T: Good morning students . S: Good morning Miss Ni. 二, Revision 1.学生伸手指练习数字0-10然后电脑中随机出现拟人的数字,学生挨个起来快速接龙数字. 2.全班同学快速走下座位练习 Whats your name —Im… 三, 学习How old are you ---Im ten/nine… 与上节课的Whats your name —Im …教法类似. 四, 复习,巩固课文: 1小组试着读课文.2听课文录音.3教师领读课文.4找单个学生领读课文5小组齐读课文二分钟,然后同桌齐读,最后变成自己读. 五,Say a rhyme 播放诗歌录音,然后教师拍着节奏范读,学生听录音数遍后拍手小声跟读.老师领读数遍,给学生时间进行小组练习.练习过后进行小组或男女生比赛. 五, lay and say 请同学们观看课本第9页的图,然后帮助看懂得同学一起为大家讲解图画的内容和游戏的玩法.首先师生一起玩游戏,进行对话问答操练,数遍之后,小组进行游戏,一人扮演Miss Han,其他人分别扮演三名报名的同学,进行操练.然后进行班级表演赛,评出表演最好的小组. 七, Homework 1,学习学过的英语诗歌,并教给其他人. 2,用英语与同学们交换电话号码. 小学三年级英语教案:Unit 3 My schoolbag 教学目标: 1. 用what问句来询问物体多方面的情况,例如: Whats in your pencil-box 2. 用连词and添加信息,例如: one pencil-box and four books 3. 可数名词的复数形式,例如: pencils, four books, two erasers 4. 用have来表示所属关系,例如: I have one pen, two erasers and three pencils. 5. 习惯用语的`用法,例如: Here you are. Thank you. 单词:schoolbag book pencil-box ruler eraser pen pencil 教学准备: 知识准备:英语中名词分可数与不可数名词,能用数目来计算的叫可数名词,有单,复数两种形式,复数形式多数是在词尾加s如:pens, books;不可数名词是无法用数目来计算的名词,如:milk, juice. 教具准备: 1. 教学所用的文具,如:pencil, pencil-box, ruler… 2. 分别写有文具单词和数字的单词卡片. 3. 本课配套单词卡片,录音机及教学磁带. 教学过程: 第一课时 1. 教师创设一个情景用学过的句子与学生进行问候,互相询问对方的姓名,年龄并道别.以此来复习回顾前面所学过的知识.然后同桌一起朗读一,二单元的对话内容. 2. 教师创设情景:踢球把书包弄丢了,到处找书包,在桌子边上发现了书包,高兴的喊到Oh, my schoolbag.板书并让学生猜出句子的意思.然后教师拿出一支铅笔,对学生说one pencil,(板书).用同样的方法依次介绍本课要学习的七种文具的单词.教师指着板书领读,学生跟读.领读数遍后,教师出示单词卡片和实物文具请学生快速说出英语单词.可进行单词抢答游戏. 3. 同桌进行练习:一人说单词,另一人快速拿出相应的文具.然后换过来进行练习.接着教师出示三支铅笔,并引导学生说出three pencils,教师板书时用彩色粉笔板书three和pencils中的s.然后教师出示六本书,引导学生说出six books,依次类推,师生一起练习其他数字及文具. 4. 做击鼓传花的小游戏.教师将写有数字和文具的单词卡片分别放成两组,教师停止拍手时拿着花的同学就要上讲台分别抽出一张文具及数字的卡片并用英语快速读出,如two pens, four books…能快速读对的同学可得星星一颗. 5. 教师走到一名学生桌前,问到:Whats in your pencil-box 教师尽量用形体动作让学生理解句子的意思.并帮助学生回答One pen and two pencils.教师板书,并引导学生来解释句子的意思.教师多次提问学生Whats in your pencil-box 学生回答不出时教师可帮助一起回答.然后同桌进行问答练习. 6. 教师出示自己的书包,请学生提问自己Whats in your schoolbag 教师出示书包中的文具并回答I have one pencil-box and four books.(板书)教师可重复出示手中的文具,说I have one ruler, two erasers and five pencils.在学生理解句子的意思后教师让学生出示自己的文具并快速做出句子. 7. 以小组为单位,互相提问对方的书包和铅笔盒中都有什么,并对此进行回答. 8. 课后作业:回家听录音,预习第三单元的对话,并模仿语音,语调进行跟读. 第二课时 1.巩固1—10的数字,七个学习用品,让学生打开自己的书包,练习说:I have …(我有…) 2. 教师创设情景:让一个学生扮演成丢书包的小学生到处找书包,找到后高兴的说Oh, my school bag.然后教师问到Whats in your schoolbag 学生拿出东西并回答One pencil-box and two books.教师继续问Whats in your pencil-box 学生回答I have one pencil, two erasers and two pens.教师随即将书包递给学生并说Here you are.如果学生不能马上理解Here you are.的意思,教师可走到学生面前递给他一样东西,并说Here you are.帮助学生理解这句话,并引导他们做出回答Thank you. 3.同桌互相练习Here you are.和Thank you.练习数遍后播放课文录音,学生边看书边模仿跟读.放录音两遍后,教师领读正音.然后找部分学生领读. 4.跟读数遍后,以小组为单位进行朗读练习.每个组员领读一遍,学生能够熟练朗读之后,同桌进行分角色朗读,两人分别扮演丢书包和捡书包的同学,进行对话练习. 5.进行对话练习后,以小组为单位用句型I have…互相介绍自己书包里和铅笔盒里的文具. 6.播放B部分的录音,学生边拍手边模仿跟读诗歌I have some books.跟读数遍后,教师示范正音,然后小组进行诗歌练习.能够熟练掌握诗歌后,学生可将诗歌中的单词换成其他文具的单词进行练习.最后每小组选出一名学生参加班级诗歌比赛,并评出最佳表演奖. 7.课后作业: ⑴ 将学过的B部分诗歌说给家长听. ⑵ 听录音,跟读课文中的对话. 小学三年级英语教案:Unit 4 My classroom 一, 教学目标与要求 1. 结构与功能 ①用所学动词来发出指令,例如: Open the windows, Sally. Close the door, Chen Feifei. Turn on the lights, Sally. Clean the black