PEP小学英语四下Unit1 Our School教案(实用3篇)

PEP小学英语四下Unit1 Our School教案 篇一

Title: Fun Activities for Teaching Unit 1 Our School

Unit 1 of PEP English Grade 4 focuses on introducing students to their school and various school facilities. Here are some fun and engaging activities to help students learn and practice the vocabulary and sentences in this unit:

1. School Tour: Take students on a virtual or physical tour of the school. Point out different facilities such as the classroom, library, playground, and cafeteria. Encourage students to use the vocabulary they have learned to describe each location.

2. Role-Playing: Divide students into pairs and have them role-play different scenarios in the school. For example, one student can pretend to be a teacher asking for directions to the library, while the other student plays the role of a student giving directions.

3. Word Search: Create a word search puzzle with the vocabulary words from Unit 1. Have students work individually or in pairs to find and circle the words in the puzzle. This activity helps reinforce spelling and recognition of the words.

4. Picture Matching: Prepare a set of picture cards with images of different school facilities and objects. Have students match the pictures to the corresponding words. This activity helps students associate the vocabulary with visual representations.

5. Sing Along: Introduce a song related to school or education, such as "The Wheels on the Bus" or "If You're Happy and You Know It." Encourage students to sing along and act out the actions in the song. This activity is not only fun but also helps improve pronunciation and listening skills.

These activities are designed to make learning Unit 1 Our School engaging and interactive for students. By incorporating a variety of teaching methods, teachers can cater to different learning styles and keep students motivated and interested in the lesson.

PEP小学英语四下Unit1 Our School教案 篇二

Title: Assessment Strategies for Unit 1 Our School

Assessing students' understanding and mastery of Unit 1 Our School is essential to ensure that learning objectives are met. Here are some assessment strategies that teachers can use to evaluate students' knowledge and skills in this unit:

1. Vocabulary Quiz: Create a quiz that tests students' knowledge of the vocabulary words introduced in Unit 1. Include matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions to assess students' understanding of the meanings and usage of the words.

2. Role-Play Performance: Have students perform a role-play activity where they demonstrate their ability to use the vocabulary and sentences in real-life situations. Assess students based on their pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy in using the language.

3. Listening Comprehension: Play a recording of a dialogue or story related to school facilities and activities. Have students listen and answer comprehension questions based on the audio. This activity helps assess students' listening skills and ability to understand spoken English.

4. Writing Task: Ask students to write a short paragraph describing their school and the facilities available. Encourage students to use the vocabulary and sentences learned in Unit 1. Assess students' writing skills, grammar, and vocabulary usage in their compositions.

5. Project Presentation: Assign a project where students create a poster or PowerPoint presentation showcasing their school and its facilities. Students can include descriptions, images, and key information about different locations in the school. Assess students based on the content, creativity, and language proficiency in their presentations.

By using a variety of assessment strategies, teachers can gain a comprehensive understanding of students' learning progress in Unit 1 Our School. These assessments help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, allowing teachers to provide targeted support and feedback to students.

PEP小学英语四下Unit1 Our School教案 篇三

PEP小学英语四下Unit1 Our School教案

Unit1 Our School 一、学情分析 本单元是四年级下册的第一单元,学生经过一个寒假,对第一课的学习和朗读肯定不甚理想,因此我们应当充分调动学生的积极性,设计他们喜欢的游戏和话题,激发其学习兴趣。通过上册有关教室等单元的学习,学生已经对学校有了初步的概念,本单元在此基础上深入学习学校的地点及场所。 二、单元内容分析 1.本单元重点学习学校课室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。重点学习的句型是:This is the teachers office.That is my classroom.Is this the library? Is that the TV room? A、B部分的Lets talk 渗透了这几个新的句型,为本单元的教学难点。学校是学生们每天学习与生活的地方,可以带领学生参观自己的学校,在真实的情景中学习或巩固单词与句型。 2.单元教学课时安排:六课时 三、单元教学目标 1.能力目标 (1) 能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:This is the teachers office.That is my classroom. (2)能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the library.Read a story-book. (3)能听懂并回答一些问题,如:Is this the library? Is that the TV room? (4)会唱歌曲“Our School”。 2.知识目标 (1)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。 (2)认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。 (3)理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。 (4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:能以得体的方式向客人介绍自己的学校。 (2)学习策略:注重合作学习,鼓励学生大胆想象,构思未来学校的蓝图。 (3)文化目标:了解在不同场合应该遵守的公共道德,培养学生对学校的热爱之情。 A 第一课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A.Let’s learn Let’s do C.Let’s sing 2.教学目标: a.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teachers office, canteen, garden, playground, library。 b.能听懂、会说Where is the…? It’s on the first floor.并能在实际情景中运用。 c.能听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作。 d.欣赏、哼唱歌曲“Our school”。 二、教学重、难点 1.本课时需要重点掌握有关学校设施的五个单词并了解它们的功能。 2.本课时的难点是library中辅音连缀的发音;序数词first与基数词one的区别与正确运用。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备一幅本单元的校园分布图。 2.教师准备本课时的五张单词卡。 3.教师准备录音机及录音带。 4.学生准备一张白纸和笔。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)Enjoy a song:“Our school” (2)Let’s chant: Where is my pen? Here it is. Where is my bag? Here it is. Where is my ruler? Here it is. 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) Lets learn (1)教师指着教室问学生:This is our new classroom.Do you like our classroom? Whats in the classroom? 学生做出相应的回答。教师接着问:How many classrooms are there in our school? Do you like our school? What else can you see in the school? Look! This is a map of our school.接下来教师借助校园分布图教授生词。 (2)教学“Where is the library? It’s on the first floor.” a.借助教学楼图示呈现句子。 b.学生学说、认读句子。 (3)通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时五个生词的正确读音。在练习library的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如:ice-cream, brother, friend, hungry。 (4)游戏 a.小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如garden,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其它单词,如:flowers, red, colour, trees 等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也为继续学习Lets do 打下基础。 b.教师或学生做动作,让其他的学生猜并说出该单词。 Lets do a.Listen and point. 学生听音,边听边手指图示 b.Listen and do. c.Charades. 教师做出某种动作,让学生猜接下来的动作意图,或教师说出某种指令,让学生来说、做指令的后续动作。 3.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)做本单元 A Lets learn部分的课堂作业本配套练习。 (2)和同桌一起玩“画画、想想”的游戏。一名学生在纸上画一本书或一个碗,另一名学生说出library, canteen等相关生词。 (3)读课文三次,家长签字。  板书设计: Unit1 Our School   Let’s learn:      A 第二课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A. Let’s talk Let’s play 2.教学目标:能听懂、会说句型This is/That is…,并能用Do you have…?来询问相关情况; 能跟唱歌曲“Our School”。 二、教学重、难点 1.本课时教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“This is .... / That is ....”的用法。 2.本课时教学难点:this和that的发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的.难点。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备陈杰

的头饰。 2.教师准备该课时的教学挂图。 3.教师准备录音机、录音带。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) (1)教师播放本课时A部分Lets do的录音带,学生听音做动作。 (2)教师慢慢出示canteen 等生词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) Lets talk 教师首先和学生进行自由交谈:Why do you like our school? 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答。顺着这一话题,教师说:Yes, our school is really very nice.Today some friends from America are coming to see our school.Chen Jie is showing them around our school.Lets watch.由此导入新课。 (1)看与听 学生看Lets talk部分的插图,教师就对话内容提问题,如:How many American friends are there? What do you do in the playground? 在提问与回答的过程中,突破难点。 (2)模仿跟说,指导this和that中“th”的发音。 (3)渗透first和second。T: Whats in the first / second picture? Ss: Its a library / a teachers office.也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:T: The first card, playground; the second card, .... 然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语on the first floor和on the second floor。 (4)分角色朗读与表演 教师首先与一些学习程度较好的学生进行示范性表演,以降低完全由学生自己表演的难度。表演时将本部分配套的学校挂图贴在黑板上作为提示。 Lets play 一学生手举图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的提示做出动作,其余的学生猜测图上表示的是什么课室或学校场馆,用句型“That is a ....”作答。 3.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)Make a zigzag book 通过示范介绍,让学生制作zigzag book,并用This is the…It’s on the…floor.等简单介绍自己的学校及学校生活。 (1)做本单元 A Lets talk 部分的课堂作业本配套练习。 (3)欣赏、哼唱歌曲“Our School” 板书设计: Unit1 Our School Let’s talk: A 第三课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A. Read and write C. Good to know 2.教学目标: a.能够听、说、读、写单词:board, light, fan, computer。 b.能够听、说、读、写句子:This is my computer.That is your computer. c.了解学校的有关规章制度用英文怎么说。 二、教学重、难点 1.重点:本课时需要学生能准确理解图和对话的内容,并重点掌握上述四个单词以及两个重点句子的正确书写。 2.难点:表示楼层的序数词和表示数量的基数词的区别与正确运用。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备本课时相应的挂图。 2.教师准备一台录音机和录音带。 3.教师准备相应的动物头饰。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) (1)Let’s sing:“Our School”。 (2)结合图片或真实环境,谈论What’s this/that? What can you see in the room? 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) Lets chant 播放B部分的歌谣, 引导学生将学校场馆library, art room, canteen, gym和动词read, draw, eat, play对应起来认读。 Read and write (1)在跟唱Lets chant 之后,教师对歌谣中的内容进行提问:“Where do you read? Where do you draw?”等等,学生作答后,教师继续提问:Where do you play computer? 学生会比较容易地答出:in the computer room.这时教师出示挂图说:This is a computer room. (2)师生之间对挂图上的内容进行简单的交际性问答后,教师请学生阅读课文并设计几个简单的问题检查学生的理解程度:How many new computers? What colour is Zoom’s/Zip’s? (3)教师在四线格中示范书写四会掌握单词和句子,并讲解书写规范: ①句子打头单词的第一个字母要大写; ②句子末尾要加标点。强调英语中的句号为实心点,汉语中的句号是空心小圈; ③句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。 (4)Game:I spy with my little eye. T:I spy with my little eye, something beginning with C. What is it in the computer room? 学生快速找出对应的事物,拼出单词,试着在练习本上写一写。 (5)Introduce your school and school building. 介绍自己学校其他活动室的设施情况。 (6) Good to know 让学生了解学校不同活动场所所要求遵守的常规,如: Be quiet in the library!等 3.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)课外让学生收集其他类似的禁令标志,说一说。 (1)做本单元A Read and write部分的课堂作业本配套练习。 (2)书写本课时的四会单词及四会句子各三次。  板书设计: Unit1 Our School Read and write: B 第四课时 一、教学内



活动目标 1.在看一看、玩一玩、印一...










教学课题:15、猫 教学目标 1、 认识本课7个字,会写13个生字及词语。 2、 有感情的朗读课文,背诵自己喜欢的段落。 3、 理解课文内容,体会作者是如何把猫的特点写具体,并表达出自己对猫的...