
四年级英语教案 篇一

Title: Learning Numbers and Colors

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say numbers 1-20 and identify basic colors in English.

Materials: flashcards with numbers and colors, whiteboard, markers, colored pencils, worksheets.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and review numbers 1-10 by counting together.

- Play a quick game of "Simon Says" using colors (e.g. "Simon says touch something red").

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce numbers 11-20 using flashcards and have students repeat after you.

- Teach basic colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and have students practice saying them.

Practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with numbers and colors.

- Students take turns showing a card to their partner and saying the number/color. The partner must repeat it back correctly.

Activity (15 minutes):

- Hand out worksheets with pictures of objects in different colors.

- Students must color each object according to the color mentioned (e.g. color the apple red, color the sky blue).

Review (10 minutes):

- Play a game of "Number and Color Bingo" using the numbers and colors learned in class.

- Ask students to share their favorite color and number with the class.


- Assign a worksheet for students to practice writing numbers 1-20 and coloring objects in different colors.


- Observe students during the activities to see if they can correctly identify numbers and colors. Collect and review their worksheets for accuracy.

四年级英语教案 篇二

Title: Learning About Seasons

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the four seasons in English.

Materials: pictures of the four seasons, whiteboard, markers, worksheet with seasonal activities.

Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Review the days of the week with the students and ask them to name the four seasons.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Show pictures of each season (spring, summer, fall, winter) and discuss the characteristics of each season.

- Teach vocabulary words related to each season (e.g. flowers, beach, leaves, snow).

Practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into groups and give each group a set of cards with seasonal activities (e.g. skiing in winter, swimming in summer).

- Students must match the activity with the correct season and explain their choices.

Activity (15 minutes):

- Hand out worksheets with pictures of different activities and ask students to write the season each activity belongs to.

- Students can work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheet.

Review (10 minutes):

- Play a game of charades where students act out activities from different seasons and their classmates guess which season it is.

- Have a class discussion about their favorite season and why.


- Ask students to draw a picture of their favorite season and write a short paragraph describing it in English.


- Observe students during the activities to see if they can correctly identify and describe the four seasons. Review their homework assignments for accuracy and creativity.

四年级英语教案 篇三


Unit 4 Let’s have some fruit (P18—P19). I、教学目标:Teaching aims 1、学生学会用英语表达喜欢与不喜欢; 2、学会用英语问别人,你最喜欢的水果是什么? 3、学会简单的肯定、否定回答; 4、懂得名词单复数的区别; 5、能讲对话应用到实际生活当中来。 II、教学要点:Teaching points 语言点: I like …… I don’t like …… 句子:Let’s have some fruit .理解

have 一词“吃”的意思,拓展意思“有,拥有”。 Vocabulary : Water +melon = watermelon (西瓜)。 Grapes 通常以复数形式出现,fruit 是水果,即总称,它可以包阔watermelon、grapes、oranges、bananas…,但反之则不成立。 III、教学过程:Teaching procedures i、Warming -up activity 教师可以带领学生以唱简短儿歌的形式展开课堂,一起唱儿歌:《London Bridge is falling down 》 London Bridge is falling down , Falling down , falling down London Bridge is falling down , My fair lady . ii、儿歌结束,教师做个动作,夸学生很棒!接着用Hello ,I’m Candy ,I like bananas . Do you like bananas ?等语言,以唤起学生对上一节课所学内容的回忆,病带领学生复习上一节课的.内容。 iii、进入课堂 Listen ,learn and act 1、 教具最好能有实物水果,也可以用模型或卡片代替。课前让学生准备好本课中相关的单词卡片,供课堂上使用; 2、分析本课的主题句:Let’s have some fruit ,告诉学生have 的发音,并说出意思是“吃”,也可拓展它的意思是“有、拥有”。Fruit这一词本身就含有复数的意思,因此,说have some fruit ,fruit后面不用加s; 3、结合情境,分析句子, 并纠正学生的单词发音; 4、让学生分角色表演课文故事。 Activity 3 fill in the form “表演活动,使语言更真实、更有意义、更易记,并能帮助学生在语言有限的情况下,利用身体语言、面部表情等非语言表达形式成功地进行交流。课本Activity 3 fill in the form 的表格可以拓展全部学过的水果。教师鼓励学生大胆尝试用:Do you like watermelons ?这样的句型,提问自己的小伙伴,促使他们开口说英语,引导其可以这样回答:Yes ,I do \ No , I don’t .来完成表格填写,并巩固旧知识。 Read and write 引导学生看图写单词,并纠正发音。 Read and spell 1、教师拿出事先准备好的图片,在黑板上粘贴上几个含有H h 的单词字画,教学生熟练拼写,并牢记住他们的意思。 Activity 4 Listen and sing 教师可用别的儿歌的曲调,试着唱这首儿歌:《 Do you like fruit 》,并宣布结束课堂。 IIII、布置作业,并鼓励学生养成独立学习的好习惯。 P18 Listen and act .





教学目的: 1、培养想象力 2、学习连环画的创作知识 3、把握连环画的编绘方法 教学重点及难点: 1、画面和内容相符 2、用各种方法绘制 电教、教具、学具预备:范画数幅 教学过程: 一、揭示课题:好看...



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红色的画  教案