《Family》英语一年级下Lesson 5教案(推荐3篇)
《Family》英语一年级下Lesson 5教案 篇一
Title: Learning About Family in English Class
In this lesson, the first graders will be learning about family members in English class. The teacher will start by introducing key vocabulary words such as mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, and grandfather. The students will learn how to say and spell these words correctly.
To make the lesson more interactive, the teacher will show pictures of different family members and ask the students to identify them. The students will also practice saying sentences like "This is my mother" or "I have two sisters." This will help them become more comfortable using the new vocabulary in sentences.
Next, the teacher will introduce a fun activity where the students will create a family tree. Each student will draw a picture of their family members and label them with the correct English words. This activity will not only reinforce the vocabulary they have learned, but also help them understand the concept of a family tree.
To wrap up the lesson, the teacher will play a game of "Family Bingo." The students will have bingo cards with pictures of family members, and the teacher will call out the English words for the students to mark on their cards. This game will reinforce their understanding of the vocabulary and make learning fun.
By the end of the lesson, the first graders will have a better understanding of family members in English. They will be able to identify and talk about their own family members using the new vocabulary they have learned. This lesson will not only help them improve their English skills, but also teach them about the importance of family.
《Family》英语一年级下Lesson 5教案 篇二
Title: Family Day Presentation
In celebration of Family Day, the first graders in English class will be presenting a special project about their families. Each student will have the opportunity to talk about their family members in English and share personal stories about them.
To prepare for the presentation, the students will work on a family portrait project. They will draw a picture of their family and write a short description of each family member in English. This will help them practice using the vocabulary words they have learned in previous lessons.
During the presentation, each student will stand in front of the class and talk about their family. They will introduce each family member and talk about their relationships with them. The students will also share special memories or traditions that they have with their families.
To make the presentation more engaging, the students will also create a family tree poster to display during their presentation. This visual aid will help the students explain the relationships between their family members and show how they are connected.
At the end of the presentations, the students will have a better understanding of each other's families and cultures. They will have practiced speaking English in front of their classmates and gained confidence in using the new vocabulary words they have learned. This project will not only celebrate Family Day, but also promote a sense of community and unity among the first graders.
《Family》英语一年级下Lesson 5教案 篇三
《Family》英语一年级下Lesson 5教案
教学内容: 学习歌谣,做练习
教学目标: 初步学习歌谣并表演。
a.Sing the song
b.利用卡片复习本课单词。 训练认读能力
c.把准备好的球扔给一个学生然后说(mother),接到球的学生说 (father)。
d.这个学生再把球扔给另一个同学,那个学生再说一个 本单元学过 的家庭成员的名称。培养兴趣
2.Say the rhyme
a. 播放课件,展示歌谣画面。
b. 请生说出画面上的单词。 培养观察能力
C. 请生看书上30页的插图,引导学生说出图中的食物。
d. 播放课件,请生跟读,逐句进行,教师检查。
e. 放录音让学生认真听,使学生理解歌谣大意。
f. 再放一遍,请生跟着说。
g. 第三遍放录音,让生边打节奏边说唱。 培养模仿朗读的.能力和表演能力
3.Read and circle
a. Please turn to page 31. 培养认读能力
b. 请生说
c. 告诉学生要圈出图中人物名称的单词。
d. 让学生圈出五个单词,然后一起检查答案。
e. 请生完成31页的涂色。
4.Homework: Listen to the rhyme.