modular1 unit1教案【通用3篇】

modular1 unit1教案 篇一

Title: Introduction to Modular Arithmetic

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concept of modular arithmetic, which is a fundamental topic in number theory. Modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" when they reach a certain value called the modulus.

The lesson will begin with a brief overview of the history of modular arithmetic and its applications in various fields such as cryptography, computer science, and music theory. Students will then learn about the basic operations in modular arithmetic, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Next, students will explore the concept of congruence in modular arithmetic. They will learn how to determine if two numbers are congruent modulo a given modulus, and how to solve congruence equations. Examples and practice problems will be provided to reinforce these concepts.

Finally, students will apply their knowledge of modular arithmetic to solve real-world problems. They will learn how to use modular arithmetic to calculate the day of the week for a given date, encrypt and decrypt messages using modular arithmetic, and find patterns in repeating decimals.

By the end of the lesson, students will have a solid understanding of modular arithmetic and its applications. They will be able to perform basic operations in modular arithmetic, determine congruences, and solve congruence equations. This lesson will lay the foundation for future lessons on more advanced topics in number theory.

modular1 unit1教案 篇二

Title: Modular Arithmetic in Cryptography

In this lesson, students will explore the applications of modular arithmetic in cryptography, a field that deals with secure communication and data encryption. Modular arithmetic plays a crucial role in modern cryptography algorithms, such as the RSA algorithm, which is widely used to secure online transactions and communications.

The lesson will begin with a brief overview of cryptography and its importance in today's digital world. Students will learn about the basic principles of encryption and decryption, and why secure communication is essential for protecting sensitive information.

Next, students will delve into the mathematics behind cryptography, focusing on how modular arithmetic is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. They will learn about the RSA algorithm, which relies on modular exponentiation to securely transmit messages between parties.

Students will also explore other applications of modular arithmetic in cryptography, such as the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm and the ElGamal encryption scheme. They will learn how to use modular arithmetic to generate public and private keys, and how to securely exchange encrypted messages.

By the end of the lesson, students will have a deep understanding of how modular arithmetic is used in cryptography to ensure secure communication and data privacy. They will be able to apply their knowledge to encrypt and decrypt messages using modular arithmetic, and understand the importance of cryptography in protecting sensitive information in the digital age. This lesson will prepare students for more advanced topics in cryptography and information security.

modular1 unit1教案 篇三

modular1 unit1教案

Module 4 unit1 一 Greeting 二 W arming up T: What’s this?(拿一本书) Ss:It’s a book.. T: I have got a book. T: What’s this?(两本书) Ss:They’re two books. T: I have got two books. T: What’s this?(几本英语书) Ss:They’re some English books. T: I have got some English books. But I haven’t got any Science books. Have you got any Science books? (引导学生回答)Ss: Yes, I have. T: Have you got any computers? (引导学生回答)Ss: No, I haven’t. 跟读几遍后,运用句型进行个别提问和学生提问 Q: Have you got any ……A:Yes, I have (got….)/ No, I haven’t (got any …) 三 Pair work 运用句型进行对话 S1:Have you got any pens? S2: Yes, I have . I have got three. …… 四 Show a picture T: Look at this. What’s this? Ss: It’s a picture. T: A picture of Tony’s family.(指着Tony). T: How many people are there in Tony’s family? Let’s count. One, two, three……eleven. So,所以, it’s a big family. It’s not a small family. Who are they? Do you know? I am Tony. Let me introduce my family to you. This is me. This is my mother and father. This is my grandmother. She is my mother’s mother. This is my grandmother too. She is my father’s mother. So grandmother is mother’s or father’s mother. (grandfather, aunt uncle,sister,brother,son,daughter同上) 五 Listen to the tape and fill the table. (the number of Tony’s family members) Tony’s family grandmother 2 grandfather 2 aunt 1 uncle 2 brother 0 sister 1 六 Introduce Tony’s family 介绍家庭做示范 There’re eleven people in my family. I have got a big family. I have got four grandparents, two uncles ,one aunt and a sister. But I haven’t got any brothers. Group work: You are Tony and introduce your family to your group members. 学生演示 七 Make a survey (调查同学的'家庭成员) (girl’s)family Boy’s family grandparent uncle aunt sister brother Q: Has *** got any grandparents? Ss: Yes, she has (got…) Has *** got any brothers? Ss: No she hasn’t (got any …..) Has *** got any sisters? Ss: Yes, he has( got…) Has *** got any aunts? Ss: No ,he hasn’t (got any…..) Pair work. 对图片中的Tony进行提问,操练句型 人称转换。 八 Read the dialogue again and finish the activity 4 in the book. There are four people in Tony’s family, his_______, his mother, and his________. His mother and his father are his _____. Tony’s also got four_______, two uncles, and one____. He hasn’t got any _____. 九 Homework Work book1 P25 Workbook2 p27 板书设计 A big / small family So 所以 Tony’s family (girl’s)family (boy’s)family grandparent 4 * * uncle 2 * * aunt 1 * * sister 1 * * Brother 0 * * mother’s or father’s mother grandmother mother’s or father’s father grandfather mother’s or father’s brother mother’s or father’s sister mother’s or father’s daughter mother’s or father’s son I have got a ______. She/He has got…….. Two_____. Some________s? I haven’t got any _______s. She/He hasn’t got any…….. Yes, I have. Yes,she/he has Have you got any____s? Has he/she got any ……. No, I

haven’t. No ,she/he hasn’t. How many people are there in you family? Who are they?





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