六年级英语教案unit one第六课时【精选3篇】

六年级英语教案unit one第六课时 篇一

Title: Exploring the Solar System

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the planets in the solar system and describe their unique features.

Warm-up: Begin the lesson by showing a picture of the solar system and asking students if they can name any of the planets.

Presentation: Introduce each planet in the solar system, starting with Mercury and ending with Neptune. Provide interesting facts about each planet, such as their size, distance from the sun, and unique characteristics.

Practice: Divide the students into pairs and have them create a poster or presentation about one of the planets. Encourage them to include information about the planet's size, composition, and any interesting facts they learned.

Production: Have each pair present their poster or presentation to the class. After each presentation, ask the other students to share any additional information they know about the planet being discussed.

Conclusion: Review the names of all the planets in the solar system and have students take turns reciting them in order. Encourage them to continue exploring the solar system and learning more about the wonders of outer space.

六年级英语教案unit one第六课时 篇二

Title: The Importance of Space Exploration

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will understand the significance of space exploration and its impact on society.

Warm-up: Start the lesson by asking students what they know about space exploration and why they think it is important.

Presentation: Show videos or pictures of significant space exploration milestones, such as the moon landing or the discovery of new planets. Discuss with the students the scientific advancements that have come from these explorations.

Practice: Divide the students into small groups and have them brainstorm a list of reasons why space exploration is important. Encourage them to think about the benefits to society, technology, and our understanding of the universe.

Production: Have each group present their list to the class and facilitate a discussion about the impact of space exploration on our world today. Encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions on the topic.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson and emphasize the importance of continuing to explore space and push the boundaries of human knowledge. Encourage students to keep learning about space exploration and the wonders of the universe.

六年级英语教案unit one第六课时 篇三

六年级英语教案unit one第六课时

第六课时 备时 9、15 授时9、17 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够读懂Lets read,并能判断短文后的句子。 2、帮助学生建立自觉遵守交通规则的观念,并了解不同国家交通规则的异同。 二、教学重,难点分析 1、本课时的教学重点是帮助学生理解句型。 2、本课时的`教学难点是学生对文化差异的

了解。 三、课前准备 1、教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 2.教师在课前将写有usually,always,often,sometimes的纸条贴在教室的墙上。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up) (1)教师说口令,学生听音做动作:stop,wait,go。教师不断变换速度,做错动作的学生出局。 (2)教师说动作词,学生说出相应的交通灯的颜色,比如:wait--yellow,go—green,stop—red,看谁的反应快。 2.预习(Preview) 请一小组学生上讲台,教师发出的指令做动作:“Turn left.Turn right.Turn back.”然后换另一小组,快做动作准确的小组获胜。 3.新课呈现(Presentation) (1)做B Lets play的游戏,请一名学生代替教师发指令:“stop,wait,go,其他学生听指令做动作。 (2)教师放c Story time的录音,学生听录音回答问题:“Where do Zoom and Zip wanttO go?HowdOthey gOthere?” (3)学生打开学生用书第13页,教师提问:“Why dont they go by taxi?Why does the policeman stop them?”学生读对话回答问题。 (4)教师放两遍录音,第一遍全班学生跟读,第二遍学生分角色跟读。 教学反思:总观这节课,我觉得我最大的优点是能面向每个学生,设计的活动让每个学生都能参与进来;同时培养学生“会倾听、敢发言、会交流、会合作”的良好的英语学习习惯。但是也存在一些问题,如环节之间的衔接不是很自然,课文录音只听了一遍等等。课堂教学的精益求精是我在今后教学中应该追求的,任何时候都不应该满足于现状。要随时发现自己的不足之处,以便及时改正。只有不断地反思,才能取得更大进步。





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