ang eng ing ong 教案(经典3篇)

ang eng ing ong 教案 篇一

Title: Teaching ang eng ing ong Sounds

When teaching young learners phonics, it is important to focus on individual letter sounds to help them build a strong foundation in reading and spelling. One set of sounds that can be tricky for some students are the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. In this lesson plan, we will explore fun and engaging activities to help students learn and practice these sounds.

1. Introduction:

Start the lesson by introducing the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds to the students. Show them examples of words that contain these sounds such as "angry," "song," "king," and "long." Practice saying the words together as a class to familiarize students with the sounds.

2. Word Sort:

Prepare a variety of word cards with ang, eng, ing, and ong words. Have students work in pairs or small groups to sort the words based on their sounds. This activity will help students recognize patterns and distinguish between the different sounds.

3. Reading Comprehension:

Provide students with short passages or sentences that contain ang, eng, ing, and ong words. Have students read the passages aloud and then answer questions about the content. This will help reinforce their understanding of the sounds in context.

4. Phonics Games:

Engage students in phonics games that focus on the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. For example, play a matching game where students have to match words with the correct sound or play a bingo game using words with these sounds. This will make learning fun and interactive for the students.

5. Assessment:

At the end of the lesson, assess students' understanding of the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds by having them read a list of words containing these sounds. Provide feedback and additional practice as needed to support their learning.

By incorporating a variety of activities and games, students will have the opportunity to practice and reinforce their understanding of the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. With consistent practice and support, students will become more confident in their phonics skills and enhance their reading and spelling abilities.

ang eng ing ong 教案 篇二

Title: Engaging Activities for Teaching ang eng ing ong Sounds

Teaching phonics can be a challenging task, especially when introducing students to sounds that are less common or more complex. The ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds fall into this category and require creative and engaging activities to help students grasp and master them. In this lesson plan, we will explore innovative ways to teach these sounds to young learners.

1. Song and Dance:

Start the lesson by introducing a catchy song that features words with ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. Encourage students to sing along and incorporate simple dance movements to help them remember the sounds. This multisensory approach will make learning fun and memorable for the students.

2. Art and Craft:

Provide students with art supplies and ask them to create visual representations of words that contain ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. For example, students can draw a picture of a king for the "ing" sound or a long snake for the "ong" sound. This hands-on activity will help students associate the sounds with visual cues.

3. Storytelling:

Engage students in a storytelling session where the characters' names and actions include ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. Encourage students to retell the story using the correct sounds and ask them to create their own stories with words that contain these sounds. This activity will help students practice using the sounds in context.

4. Technology Integration:

Incorporate technology by using phonics apps or online games that focus on the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. Students can practice identifying and matching words with the correct sounds while having fun on digital platforms. This interactive approach will appeal to tech-savvy students and enhance their learning experience.

5. Culminating Activity:

Wrap up the lesson with a culminating activity where students showcase their understanding of the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds. This could be a performance of the song and dance routine, a display of their art and craft creations, or a group storytelling session. Celebrate students' achievements and progress in mastering these sounds.

By incorporating a variety of engaging activities, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice the ang, eng, ing, and ong sounds in a fun and interactive way. These activities will not only enhance students' phonics skills but also foster their creativity and confidence in using these sounds in reading and spelling.

ang eng ing ong 教案 篇三

ang eng ing ong 教案

ang eng ing ong 教案 陈 影 第一课时 教学目的 学会后鼻韵母ang、eng、ing、ong和整体认读音节yìng,读准音,认清形,并能正确地进行书写。 教学重点 学会韵母ang、eng、ing、ong的音形和整体认读yìng。 教学难点 读准后鼻韵母ang、eng、ing、ong的音,记清字母的形。 教学准备:挂图 拼音卡片 闯关卡 笑脸 四线格小黑板 教学过程 一、谈话导入 1、孩子们,今天拼音王国的国王要带我们去美丽的动物园里游玩,你们想去吗? 2、可是,国王说,只有通过三关考验的小朋友才能被邀请。有信心胜利吗? 3、好!跟老师进入第一关:认认老朋友,结交新朋友。 卡片出示 (an、en、in、un、ün)认识它们吗? 4、小朋友们回答得真棒!国王奖励小朋友们一幅有趣的图画。 上节课我们学习了5个前鼻韵母,还记得是哪5个吗?(an en in un ün)今天我们学习汉语拼音的最后一课,在这课中我们要学习4个后鼻韵母,在发音上有一定的难度,比比谁学得最好。 二、学习ang、eng、ing、ong的音形及整体认读音节ying 1、学习韵母ang的音形: ⑴ 出示第一幅图(山羊),问这是什么? ⑵ 读图下音节yáng。 ⑶ 教师示范读yáng,学生随读。 ⑷ 教师范读ang,学生随读ang。 ⑸ 师讲发音方法发ang音时,先摆好a的口形,发a,紧接着舌头往后缩,舌根抵往软腭,气流从鼻腔中出来,声音响,气流强,手指按着鼻梁有些颤动。 ⑹ 学生读中体会,指名读,齐读,开火车读等多种形式巩固字母的音。 7、在学生读准ang的基础上再读读yáng这个音节。 8、请同学们观察ang是由哪三个字母组成的? 出示卡片a n g : 三个字母依次出现先出示a,再出示n,a和n组成的字母念什么?最后出示g,合起来就是ang。 注: 我做了一个由后面向前面翻动的纸片,让a变为e、i、o,使复韵母随之变为ang、ing、ong便于后面字母的学习。 2、学习韵母eng的音形: ⑴ 出示第二幅图(台灯),说说图的内容:  ⑵ 读音节dēng,教师范读,学生随读dēng。  ⑶ 教师在音节中提出eng,进行范读,学生随读。  ⑷ 师讲发音方法以韵母e的口形开始,气流从鼻腔中流出。教师范读eng,学生练习体会。 ⑸ 请同学读dēng来巩固eng的发音。  ⑹ 记忆eng的形eng是由哪几个字母组成的? 学生边说教师边演示翻动卡片,使ang变成eng,只从后边向前翻动e纸片,ng不用动,即成为eng字母。使学生可以比较出字母的相同之处和不同之处。 3、学习韵母ing的音形及整体认读音节音节yìng。 ⑴ 出示第三幅图(老鹰): ⑵ 读图下整体认读音节ying,教师范读,请同学们说说和前2幅图下面的音节读法有什么不同? ⑶ 告诉学生yīng是整体认读音节,不用拼,应整体记忆。学生练习读。 ⑷ 教师范读ing,学生随读。教师随时纠正不正确的读法。 ⑸ 记忆ing的形怎么记住它的形呀?随着学生回答教师翻动纸片使eng变成ing。 ⑹ 采取多种形式读,巩固字母的读音。 4、学习韵母ong的音形: ⑴ 出示图(闹钟),这是什么? ⑵ 读图下音节zhōng 教师范读,学生随读。 ⑶  教师提出ong进行范读,学生随读,同桌互读。 ⑷ 记忆ong的形说说ong与前边字母有什么不同? 教师翻动卡片使ing

变成ong。 三、书写韵母ang、eng、ing、ong ⑴ 师写,学生自己试着练习抄写。 ⑵ 评学生书写情况,说说哪儿写得好,哪写得还不够好。 ⑶ 教师强调3个字母要靠拢,不要写成a n g。 四、小结 照着板书把本节课的内容读一读就可以了。 板书设计 山羊图片 台灯图片 老鹰图片 闹钟图片 ang eng ing ong 《 ang eng ing ong》说课稿 教材分析:   本课包括三个部分。第一部分是情境图,图能激发学生的学习兴趣,并能引出本课所教的四个鼻韵母,并能指导学生读准音。在图的下方还有整体认读音节ying及其四声。   第二部分是鼻韵母的书写,用以指导描红。第三部分是看图读拼音词、拼音句子,用以练读拼音词句,巩固本课所学的韵母。   在教学这几个鼻韵母时,我们要细致指导学生发准这几个后鼻韵母的音,要跟前面所学的前鼻韵母区分开。 设计理念: 《语文课程标准》提出:“汉语拼音教学尽可能趣味性,宜以讲故事、活动和游戏为主,与普通话和识字教学相结合。”根据儿童的生理和心理特点,我首先创设故事情境,把学生的'学习情趣激发起来,在教师的课堂教学过程中,把目光落在每一个学生身上,让每个学生觉得自己受到了老师的注意,课堂上没有被老师遗忘的角落。使每个学生在课堂中都有展现自我的机会,都有和同学交流的时间。.整个教学过程,教师始终把自己放在引导者、参与者、服务者的位置上,真正让孩子成为课堂的小主人。 教学方法 “先扶再放”的方法,鼓励学生自主探究。 教学目的:   学会后鼻韵母ang、eng、ing、ong和整体认读音节yìng,读准音,认清形,并能正确地进行书写。 教学重点:学会韵母ang、eng、ing、ong的音形和整体认读yìng。 教学难点:读准后鼻韵母ang、eng、ing、ong的音,记清字母的形。 教具准备:挂图 拼音卡片 闯关卡 笑脸 四线格小黑板 教学过程: 一、情境复习 导入新课 1、孩子们,今天拼音王国的国王要带我们去美丽的动物园里游玩,你们想去吗? 2、可是,国王说,只有通过三关考验的小朋友才能被邀请。有信心胜利吗? 3、好!跟老师进入第一关:认认老朋友,结交新朋友。 卡片出示 an、en、in、un、ün)认识它们吗? 4、小朋友们回答得真棒!国王奖励小朋友们一幅有趣的图画。 出示图画你看到了谁?他们在干什么?风筝是什么样的啊? 教学语境歌 5、引入新课(板书:15 ang eng ing ong ) 二、合作探究、学习新知 1、我们先来认识第一个新朋友ang 重点指导读音,采取各种形式让学生练读。 2、认识第二个新朋友eng 老师先读一遍,然后由学生试读,老师给与正音。 3、下面还有两个新朋友,ing ong 老师不教,让学生自学 采取各种形式练读 4、请小朋友们把这四个新朋友一起读一遍。(顺序、倒序各读一遍) 5、区别前 、后鼻韵母 出示an ang en eng in ing un ong vn 6、学习整体认读音节ying (1)出示:yi yin yu ye yue yun yuan ( 齐读) (2)y还有一个好朋友,ying认识他是谁吗?指名读 (3)出示 ying的四声 ( 练读 ) (4) 练习用ying的四声组词 三、观察模仿、正确书写 写字前和老师一起做小手操。 、老师范书 学生描红、书空。 四、小结全文、检查效果



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