英语教案-英语活动[big or small]【精选3篇】

英语教案-英语活动[big] 篇一

Title: Big English Activity: English Theater Performance


In this English activity, students will have the opportunity to showcase their English language skills through a theater performance. This activity will not only enhance their speaking and listening skills, but also boost their confidence in using English in a creative and engaging way.


1. To improve students' English speaking and listening skills.

2. To enhance students' confidence in using English in a creative context.

3. To encourage teamwork and collaboration among students.

4. To provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and creativity.

Materials Needed:

1. Scripts for the theater performance.

2. Costumes and props for the performance.

3. Audio equipment for sound effects and background music.

4. Evaluation rubrics for assessing students' performance.


1. Introduction: Begin by explaining the purpose of the activity and the expectations for the performance.

2. Script Writing: Divide students into groups and assign each group a scene to write a script for. Encourage creativity and originality in the scriptwriting process.

3. Rehearsals: Give students time to rehearse their scenes, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and expression.

4. Performance Day: Have students perform their scenes in front of the class. Encourage audience participation and feedback.

5. Evaluation: Use the evaluation rubrics to assess students' performance and provide constructive feedback.


The English Theater Performance activity provides students with a fun and engaging way to practice their English language skills in a creative context. By participating in this activity, students will not only improve their speaking and listening skills, but also gain confidence in using English in a performance setting.


英语教案-英语活动[small] 篇二

Title: Small English Activity: English Conversation Cafe


In this English activity, students will have the opportunity to practice their English conversation skills in a relaxed and informal setting. The English Conversation Cafe provides a platform for students to engage in meaningful conversations with their peers while improving their language proficiency.


1. To improve students' English conversation skills.

2. To provide a supportive environment for students to practice speaking English.

3. To encourage students to engage in meaningful conversations in English.

4. To build students' confidence in speaking English fluently.

Materials Needed:

1. Conversation prompts or discussion topics.

2. Audio equipment for background music.

3. Evaluation rubrics for assessing students' participation.


1. Introduction: Explain the purpose of the English Conversation Cafe and the importance of practicing English conversation skills.

2. Conversation Starters: Provide students with conversation prompts or discussion topics to facilitate conversations.

3. Group Discussions: Divide students into small groups and encourage them to engage in conversations on the given topics.

4. Rotation: Rotate students to different groups to ensure that they have the opportunity to converse with different classmates.

5. Feedback: Provide feedback on students' participation and language use during the conversations.


The English Conversation Cafe is a small but effective activity that allows students to practice their English conversation skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. By engaging in meaningful conversations with their peers, students will improve their language proficiency and build confidence in speaking English fluently.

英语教案-英语活动[big or small] 篇三



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