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用排比造的英文句子 篇一

Title: The Beauty of Nature

The gentle rustling of leaves, the melodious chirping of birds, and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers create a symphony of sights and sounds in the natural world. The towering trees with their majestic branches reaching towards the sky, the crystal-clear waters of a babbling brook reflecting the sunlight, and the soft caress of a gentle breeze against your skin all evoke a sense of peace and tranquility. The intricate patterns of a spider's web glistening with dew, the delicate petals of a blossoming rose unfurling in the morning light, and the graceful flight of a butterfly as it flutters from flower to flower are all testaments to the exquisite beauty of nature. The rugged peaks of a snow-capped mountain, the vast expanse of a shimmering ocean, and the endless fields of swaying grass under a clear blue sky all inspire a sense of awe and wonder. The symphony of nature plays on, each note a masterpiece of creation, each moment a gift to be cherished.

用排比造的英文句子 篇二

Title: The Power of Resilience

In the face of adversity, resilience is the key to overcoming challenges and emerging stronger than before. The unwavering determination to persevere in the face of obstacles, the ability to adapt and thrive in the midst of uncertainty, and the courage to confront fear and doubt head-on are all hallmarks of resilience. The resilience of a seedling pushing its way through the earth to reach the warmth of the sun, the resilience of a tree bending but not breaking in the face of a fierce storm, and the resilience of a river flowing steadily towards its destination despite obstacles in its path all demonstrate the power of resilience. The resilience of a community coming together to rebuild after a natural disaster, the resilience of an individual facing setbacks with grace and dignity, and the resilience of a survivor finding strength in the midst of trauma all exemplify the indomitable spirit of resilience. In the face of adversity, resilience is not just a virtue, but a source of strength and inspiration that can help us weather life's storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

用排比造的英文句子 篇三

1. 科学是真理,科学是灵感,科学是原则。

2. 名言四

3. 荷叶像露珠的家;像青蛙的舞台;像一把绿色的大伞。

4. 帮助别人,使你身心快乐,帮助别人,使人们得到阳光的温暖,帮助别人,使社会更加温馨。

5. 这歌声悦耳动听,这歌声宛如天赖,这歌声令人回味。

6. 自强是生命的律动,是人生的境界,前进的道路。

7. 小河里有鱼儿在游,有草儿在动,还有泥土在流。

8. 观察小草,感受生机勃勃。观察自然,品味美好春光。观察社会,体会人间温情。

9. Adaptation is the busy figure of every mother; adaptation is the voice of every father's rebuke; adaptation is the sincere praise of every teacher.

10. 天空是多么蓝,草地是多么绿,孩子们是多么快乐!

11. 责任面前不推诿,任务面前不退缩,困难面前不回避。

12. 时间好比一把锋利的小刀,如果用得不恰当,会在美丽的面孔上刻下深深的纹路,使旺盛的青春月复一月,年复一年的消磨掉.——张爱玲《心愿》赏析:这句话运用比喻和象征的修辞手法,写出了自己对时间的看法,时间是小刀,生命好不好要看自己把握得好不好。

13. 劳动使我们快乐;使我们勤劳;使我们愉悦。

14. 超越曾经的伤痛,超越迷失的空洞,超越前方的暗涌,超越荒芜的寒冷,我们,一起前行。

15. I love the trees and grass of the school, I love the bricks and tiles of the school, I love the desks and stools of the school, I love the teachers and students of the school.

16. 偶像是被追求,偶像是被崇拜,偶像是不可缺少的。

17. The Yellow River is the source of life; the Yellow River is the symbol of culture; and the Yellow River is the precipitation of history.

18. 为了将来,为了现在,为了你的后代,要好好学习!

19. On the football field, we can hear the cheers of the audience, some clapping their hands, some shouting, and some jumping.

20. Autumn is a golden harvest, autumn is a heavy fruit, autumn is a full of laughter and joy.

21. Frustration is the foundation of life; frustration is the stumbling block of life; frustration is the only way to success.

22. 高起点开局、高标准建设、高效率推进。

23. 菊花开了,有的像火,有的像金子,有的像少女。

24. 丽日当空,群山绵延,簇簇的白色花朵象一条流动的江河。

25. 对于心灵来说,人奋斗一辈子,如果最终能挣得个终日快乐,就已经实现了生命最大的价值。

26. 水仙真美,这是一种秀丽的美,淡雅的美,朴实的美。

27. 站上新起点、迈开新步子、适应新转变。

28. 那雪,白得虚虚幻幻,冷得清清醒醒,那股皑皑不绝一仰难尽的气势,压得人呼吸困难,心寒眸酸。

29. 信念使人发奋,信念使人进步,信念使人成长。

30. 深刻调整期、急剧转型期、矛盾凸显期。

31. 人生如画,生活本身是一副画,但在涉世未深时,我们都是阅读观画的读者,而经过了风雨,辩别了事物,我...

32. 这时,一个鸟儿是一片树叶,一片树叶是一个鸣叫的音符,在寂寞的冬天里,老槐树就是一首歌。

33. Autumn rain is a poem, pure and aloof; autumn rain is a wisp of spring, cold and uninhibited; autumn rain is a white crane, flying forever.

34. 胡杨是最坚韧的树,是最无私的树,是最悲壮的树。

35. 雪,是晶莹的;雪,是纯洁的;雪,是神圣的!

36. 委屈是哑巴吃黄连的悲哀;委屈是盲人看电视的无奈;委屈是学生上课时的茫然。

37. 夏天的夜晚,是浪漫的,是幽静的,是休闲的。

38. Maternal love is a landscape painting, wash away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural; Maternal love is like an affectionate song, melodious and melodious, singing softly; Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.

39. beauty is wandering wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, beauty is nestled on the hills, some snow, beauty is echoed in the woods, some birds, beauty is jumping touch of the setting sun on the sea.

40. You are not rain and dew, but bring the expectation of rebirth; You are not a spring, but you bring the sweetness of life; You are not the sun, but you bring the warmth of the world.

41. 几个小伙伴,借着月光画竹影,你一笔,我一画,参参差差,明明暗暗,竟然有几分中国画的意味。

42. 磨砺是一种考验,磨砺是一种锻炼,磨砺是一种比拼。

43. 毅力是成功的阶梯,毅力是人生不竭的动力,毅力是实现人生目标的风帆。

44. 当好千里马,做好领头羊,争当孺子牛。

45. Don't you stop it? Are you still struggling with it? Are you going to continue?

46. 幸福是要自己去寻找的,无论你在空间的哪一个角落,在时间的哪一个时刻,你都可以享受幸福,哪怕是你现在正在经历着一场大的浩劫,你也应该幸福,因为你可以在浩劫中看到曙光,能从浩劫中学到很多别人可能一辈子都学不到的东西,当你拥有了别人所不曾拥有的东西那你就是唯一。

47. 家是心灵的乐园,家是停泊的港湾,家是希望的驿站。

48. Do not forget the original intention, do not change the original intention, do not lose faith, do not lose ideals.

49. 大自然的语言丰富多彩:从秋叶的飘零中,我们读出了季节的变换;从归雁的行列中,我读出了集体的力量;从冰雪的消融中,我们读出了春天的脚步;从穿石的滴水中,我们读出了坚持的可贵;从蜂蜜的浓香中,我们读出了勤劳的甜美。

50. Civilized etiquette is a habit, it reflects people's attitude towards life; Civilized etiquette is a spirit, it reflects people's style.

51. 茉莉花真白啊,白的犹如天上朵朵白云:白的犹如水中片片浪花:白的犹如地上皑皑白雪。

52. 公园里,有的拍照,有的荡秋千,有的看风景。

53. ripe wheat bowed his head, it is teaching us humble; busy bees in the flowers, it is teaching our hard-working; charming in Yuhua open at night, it is publicized to teach us not to bloom; in a world of ice and snow in winter only, it is teaching us strong; gentle drops can wear the rock, it is teaching us tough. Chrysanthemum is a kind of quiet and clear; xxxsaunters alongxxx is a joy of smart; xxxMing Yuesong Chaoxxx is a kind of happy clear; xxxat the invitation of the moonxxx is a lonely chic; xxxout laughingxxx is a kind of self-confidence clear; xxxmy self the sword sky smilexxx is a kind of fearless smart; xxxleft Holland to listen to the rainxxx is a kind of tolerance clear; xxxevery day to see Changan flowerxxx is a good natural and unrestrained; xxxZuiwo battlefield Jun Mo laughxxx is a bold and unrestrained.

54. 关心是一种付出,关心是一种奉献,关心是一种美德。

55. 桔红色的房屋,像披着鲜艳袈裟的老僧,垂头合目,受着雨底洗礼。

56. Grievance is the sadness of dumb people eating Coptis chinensis; grievance is the helplessness of blind people watching TV; grievance is the confusion of students in class.

57. 海是多么的蓝,多么的大,多么的生机勃勃呀!

58. 文明礼仪是一种习惯,他体现着人们的生活态度;文明礼仪是一种精神,他体现着人们的风貌。

59. 幸福幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;幸福是“春种一粒粟,秋收千颗子”的收获。

60. Mother is a zither in trouble. When you are depressed, the elegant melody floats in the place, and the remains are green immediately in front of you; Mother is a breeze in frustration. When you shiver, your intimate care and warmth accompany you to sleep safely; Mother is Fang Mo in fatigue. When you are weak, just a few mouthfuls will make your aunt refreshing.

61. 关心是主动的沟通,是贴心的表达,是友爱的体现。

62. Love is a look in the eyes, giving students silent blessings; Love is a wisp of green wind, which gives students physical and mental comfort; Love is a spring rain, which moistens students' hearts; Love is a question to give students the warmth of spring.

63. 挫折是成功背后的艰辛,挫折是光辉后的汗水,挫折是努力后的疲惫。

64. 名言五Talent is God given. Be is man-given. Be is self-given. Be careful.——John wooden中文翻译如下:上帝赐你天赋,保持谦逊;众人给你名声,心怀感激;自己易生骄傲,惟此谨慎。

65. Teachers are so great, so noble, how love our class, how dedicated.

66. 人生如梦。

67. 融入新体制、应对新挑战、适应新要求。

68. 名言一In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to a world filled with anger, we must still dare to a world filled with despair, we must dare to in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.——Michael Jackson中文翻译如下:即使世界充满仇恨,我们也要勇于憧憬;即使世界充满愤怒,我们也要敢于安慰;即使世界充满绝望,我们也要勇于梦想;即使世界充满猜疑,我们依然勇于信任。

69. 成功与失败种子,如果害怕埋没,那它永远不能发芽。

70. History is a painting, and time is a gorgeous color. History is a high mountain, and time is a jagged boulder. History is a big tree, and time is a lush branch. History is a long river, and time is surging waves. History is a moving ship and time is a net. Life is a river, and time is a oar.

71. Look, the microwave of the brook is tinkling; Look, the waves of the brook are singing; Look, the waves of the sea are dancing.

72. 我认为造排比句的关键就在于能写出正常的陈述句,再相应地找出形容词/副词,把它变成比较级,提前到句首.

73. 认清历史变革、立足历史方位、明确历史任务。

74. 家是一盏灯,家是一个屋檐,家是一张柔软的床。

75. 深情所致,我会在天涯遇见他,我会在海角遇见他,我会在飞机上遇见他,我会在梦中遇见他!

76. 举例如下

77. Please keep a simple, so that you have more friendliness with people and less indifference and numbness of your heart; Please keep a simple, so that you have more happiness in life and less mental aging and fatigue; Please keep a simple, so that you have more strength to forge ahead and less pretentious insight into the world of mortals.

78. The spring rain, delicate and gentle, puts beautiful clothes on the mountains; Summer thunder, fast and fierce, sounded a warm war drum for life; The autumn wind, cool and pleasant, sends warm greetings to the fallen leaves; The winter snow, kind and warm, brings affectionate care to the crops.

79. Perseverance is the ladder of success, perseverance is the inexhaustible power of life, perseverance is the sail to achieve the goal of life.

80. 智慧是钥匙,智慧是帆船,智慧是风筝。

81. Persistence is the stone, polishing the spark; Persistence is the fire, lighting the lamp of progress; Persistence is the lamp, illuminating the road of life.

82. 黄河,是生命的源泉;黄河,是文化的象征;黄河,是历史的沉淀。

83. 歌声是优美的;歌声是嘹亮的;歌声是高亢的。

84. 赢得主动、赢得优势、赢得未来。

85. 狐狸它是如此的美丽,如此的狡猾,如此的灵活。

86. 秋天就是美,秋天就是凉快,秋天就是舒服。

87. Spring rain and sand, watering green grass, watering red peach blossoms, watering frogs.



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