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英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇一

During our English writing class, we learned about the importance of brainstorming before starting to write an essay. Our teacher emphasized that brainstorming is a crucial step in the writing process as it helps us generate ideas and organize our thoughts effectively.

To begin the brainstorming session, we were encouraged to jot down any ideas that came to mind related to the given topic. This could include keywords, phrases, or even rough outlines of our main points. The goal was to get all of our ideas down on paper without worrying about grammar or structure at this stage.

After we had a list of ideas, we were then prompted to organize them into a logical sequence. This involved grouping similar ideas together and identifying any gaps that needed to be filled. By doing this, we were able to create a clear and coherent outline for our essay.

Once we had a solid outline, we were ready to start writing our essay. The brainstorming process had helped us clarify our main points and develop a strong thesis statement. We could then use our outline as a guide to structure our essay and ensure that our argument flowed smoothly from one point to the next.

Overall, the brainstorming exercise taught us the importance of planning and organizing our ideas before diving into writing. It allowed us to approach our essays with a clear sense of direction and purpose, ultimately leading to more effective and well-written pieces.

英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇二

In our English writing class, we discussed the concept of voice in writing and how it can be used to enhance the impact of our essays. Voice refers to the unique style and personality that comes through in a writer's work, making it distinctive and engaging for the reader.

Our teacher explained that developing a strong voice involves finding our own unique perspective and expressing it authentically in our writing. This can be achieved through the use of descriptive language, varied sentence structures, and a creative approach to storytelling.

To practice using voice in our writing, we were given a series of prompts that encouraged us to experiment with different styles and tones. Some prompts asked us to write from a first-person perspective, while others challenged us to adopt a more formal or informal tone. Through these exercises, we were able to explore the range of voices available to us as writers.

We also discussed the importance of maintaining a consistent voice throughout our essays. This means choosing a tone and style that aligns with the overall message of our piece and sticking to it throughout. By doing so, we can create a cohesive and engaging narrative that keeps the reader interested from start to finish.

Overall, the lesson on voice in writing taught us the power of self-expression and the impact it can have on our audience. By finding our unique voice and using it effectively in our essays, we can create more compelling and memorable pieces of writing that resonate with readers.

英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇三



















英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇四

1. vague => misleading (majority, percent, base number, few, many)

2. question: what questions will ask in the survey? Loaded questions有误导性的问题

3. Who

4. Average平均数不适合于每个成员

5. Confusing causal relationship with correlation混淆因果关系与相关性

Every causal relationship implies a correlation, but the statistical correlation does not necessarily implies a causal relation.

6. When was the survey conducted?

7. Are respondents(授调查者)being forthright(直率,说真话)? Image men / essence men


1. the arguer over simplifies the issue of...

2. the arguer unfairly assumes that...

3. the arguer fails takesintosaccount other factors that...

4. the procedure of the survey might be problematic.

英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇五

As September is coming soon, it means my summer vacation is over.

Looking back at my long vacation, I have the good memories.

I had gone back to my hometown and spent some time with my grandparents.

I loved the lifestyle there, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh.

I was so close to the nature.

During the part time, I read some novel books, I loved the magical world and I could finish them quickly.

I was so satisfied with the books I read, I broadened my vision and learned a lot, it could help with my writing.

I had the great time during my summer vacation.

英语作文课堂笔记范文 篇六

With the development of science and technology, life, including our study, more and more people use notes to answer, which is a very traditional method in our study. But in my opinion, more and more students use photos instead of notes. In this process, people's brain is using notes.

We can remember deeply in the process of handwriting. At present, the purpose of learning is to pass the exam Taking notes is a kind of daily practice. Taking pictures can save time, especially in our extensive study.

But as a student, we have to face the real written test. So, we take notes temporarily.






今年年初,领导赠给了一本新书---《 世界上最伟大的推销员》,在拿到书的时候有种说不出的感觉,感觉这书太没意思了,领导怎么把一本关于推销员故事的书让我学习?因为我平时没啥时间看书,心想先看看在说,世界...








五年级日记 篇1今天是一个既紧张又激动的日子,因为今天我们开学报到!随着轻快的脚步声,我进入了教室。大家都拿着新发的书本,认真地写着。我正写得起劲,不经意间,老师已进入教室,老师叫我们抬起头来,对我们...


时间如快马般匆匆,一天又过去了,心中一定有不少感想,何不趁现在赶紧写一篇日记。日记怎么写才合适呢?下面是小编收集整理的小学生四年级日记200字(精选14篇),希望对大家有所帮助。  小学生四年级日记1...