
欧佩克呼吁成员国立即执行减产协议英语美文 篇一

In the wake of plummeting oil prices and oversupply in the global market, OPEC has issued a call to its member countries to immediately implement the production cuts agreed upon in the recent agreement. The organization, which represents 13 oil-producing nations, is facing pressure to stabilize the oil market and prevent further economic turmoil.

The decision to reduce oil production was made in an effort to balance supply and demand and prop up oil prices, which have been on a downward spiral in recent months. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a sharp decline in global oil demand, exacerbating the existing oversupply issue.

OPEC's call for immediate action comes at a critical juncture, as the global economy grapples with the impact of the pandemic. The organization has stressed the importance of solidarity and cooperation among its member countries to achieve the desired outcome of higher oil prices and a more stable market.

The implementation of production cuts is crucial not only for OPEC's member countries, but also for the stability of the global economy. Oil prices play a significant role in determining inflation rates, interest rates, and overall economic growth. By taking decisive action to reduce production, OPEC can help mitigate the negative impact of low oil prices on the world economy.

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, OPEC's call for production cuts serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of the global economy. The organization's member countries must act swiftly and decisively to implement the agreed-upon reductions in order to restore balance to the oil market and support economic recovery efforts worldwide.

In conclusion, OPEC's call for member countries to immediately implement production cuts is a necessary step towards stabilizing the oil market and supporting global economic recovery. By working together and taking decisive action, OPEC can help mitigate the impact of low oil prices and contribute to a more stable and prosperous future for all.

欧佩克呼吁成员国立即执行减产协议英语美文 篇二

The recent announcement by OPEC calling on its member countries to immediately implement production cuts has sent ripples through the global oil market. The decision, which was made in an effort to stabilize oil prices and address the oversupply issue, underscores the importance of cooperation and solidarity among oil-producing nations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy, leading to a sharp decline in oil demand and a glut of supply in the market. As a result, oil prices have plummeted to historic lows, causing economic hardship for oil-producing countries and threatening the stability of the global economy.

OPEC's call for production cuts is a proactive measure aimed at restoring balance to the oil market and supporting economic recovery efforts worldwide. By reducing production, OPEC aims to curb the oversupply issue and prevent further downward pressure on oil prices, which have far-reaching implications for inflation, interest rates, and overall economic growth.

The implementation of production cuts is crucial for OPEC's member countries, as well as for the global economy as a whole. By working together to reduce production levels, OPEC can help stabilize oil prices and support economic recovery efforts in the wake of the pandemic.

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, OPEC's call for production cuts serves as a beacon of hope for a more stable and prosperous future. The organization's member countries must act swiftly and decisively to implement the agreed-upon reductions in order to restore balance to the oil market and support economic recovery efforts worldwide.

In conclusion, OPEC's call for member countries to immediately implement production cuts is a crucial step towards stabilizing the oil market and supporting global economic recovery. By working together and taking decisive action, OPEC can help mitigate the impact of low oil prices and pave the way for a more prosperous future for all.

欧佩克呼吁成员国立即执行减产协议英语美文 篇三


  石油输出国组织(OPEC,欧佩克)主席、尼日利亚石油部长埃德蒙德?道克拉(Edmund Daukoru)昨日呼吁欧佩克成员国立即施行每日减产100万桶的协议,突显出该组织遏制油价下跌的决心。

  The president of Opec yesterday called on members of the cartel to put into immediate effect an agreement to cut output by 1m barrels a day, underscoring the group’s determination to curb falls in the oil price.


  In a letter whose contents were revealed to the FT, Edmund Daukoru, Nigeria’s oil minister, urged his fellow ministers to implement their country’s share of the pro-rata quota reduction.


  A communiqué announcing the measure, which reduces Opec’s quota to 27m barrels a day, is expected as soon as today, ending any doubts that the group is intent on stopping prices from falling much below $60 a barrel. The agreement could push up oil prices today.


  In addition, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, key members, are pushing the cartel to meet in Vienna next week to ratify the deal.

  阿尔及利亚石油部长沙基卜?克利勒(Chakib Khelil)昨日表示:“重要的.是要让市场看到欧佩克的立场是可信的。”他补充道:“那将会发出明确信号,说明欧佩克是认真的。”

  Chakib Khelil, Algeria’s oil minister, said yesterday: “What is important is that the market finds the Opec position credible.” He added: “That would send a clear signal that Opec means business.”


  Other members, including Nigeria, believe a communiqué would be sufficient. Nevertheless, an Opec official said the meeting was likely to be held and that the preferred date among ministers was October 18-19.


  Mr Daukoru’s letter confirms last week’s report in the FT that the group had reached an informal agreement to cut output by 1m b/d – the first Opec quota reduction since April 2004. It also reveals that, for the first time, the cut will be from the group’s official quota level, rather than from its production volumes.


  The group has already trimmed some production in the last two months, so this cut could end up being more in the range of 500,000 b/d than the 1m b/d to be announced. Saudi Arabia will shoulder the bulk of the reduction.


  The market remains sceptical about the exact size of the cut.





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