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三年级英语小故事大全_经典故事 篇一

The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a lion who was sleeping in the forest. A little mouse saw him and thought it would be funny to wake him up. So the mouse ran up to the lion and started nibbling on his ear. The lion woke up with a start and was about to eat the mouse when the mouse begged for his life.

The mouse said, "Please, Mr. Lion, let me go. I promise I will help you one day."

The lion was amused by the little mouse's bravery and decided to let him go. He didn't think a tiny mouse could ever help him. But one day, the lion got caught in a hunter's net and couldn't escape. He roared for help, but no one came. Then, out of nowhere, the little mouse appeared and started nibbling on the ropes of the net. Bit by bit, he chewed through the ropes until the lion was free.

The lion was grateful to the mouse and thanked him for saving his life. From that day on, they became the best of friends. And the lion learned that even the smallest creature can be of help in times of need.

The End.

三年级英语小故事大全_经典故事 篇二

The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise who lived in the forest. He was slow and steady, but he was also very determined. One day, the tortoise heard the hare boasting about how fast he could run. The hare was always bragging about how he was the fastest animal in the forest.

The tortoise decided to challenge the hare to a race. The hare laughed at the idea and agreed to race the tortoise. On the day of the race, all the other animals gathered to watch. The hare was so confident that he decided to take a nap before the race started.

The tortoise started the race slowly but steadily. He didn't stop or get distracted by the other animals cheering for the hare. Meanwhile, the hare woke up from his nap and realized the tortoise was far ahead. He started running as fast as he could, but it was too late.

In the end, the tortoise crossed the finish line first and won the race. The hare was shocked and humbled by the tortoise's determination and perseverance. He learned that slow and steady wins the race.

The moral of the story is that it doesn't matter how fast you are, what matters is how determined and focused you are on achieving your goals.

The End.

三年级英语小故事大全_经典故事 篇三

导语:这篇 三年级英语小故事, 是大学网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

We are friends(我们是朋友)

Tommy is turtle. He has no daddy, no mummy and no friends.

Tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。

He is crying. A bird comes. She says: "I can fly. Let's fly!"

他在哭。 一只小鸟过来了。她说:"我会飞,让我们一起飞吧。"

Tommy says: " no,no, I can't fly!"

Tommy 说:"不,不,我不会飞。"

A rabbit comes. He says: " I can jump. Let's jump!"


Tommy says: "no, no. I can't jump!"


A monkey comes. He says:"I can climb the tree. Let's climb the tree!"


Tommy says: " no, no. I can't climb the tree!"


A duck comes. He says: "I can swim. Let's swim!"


Tommy smiles: " we are friends!"


Are you…?(你是。。。?)

The animals are playing hide-and-seek in the forest.


"Where are you ,rabbits?" the rabbits are hiding.

"你们在哪,小兔子们?" 小兔们藏起来了。

"where are you, chicks?" the chicks are hiding.

"你们在哪,小鸡们?" 小鸡藏起来了

"where are you,tigers?" the tigers are hiding.

"你们在哪,老虎?" 老虎藏起来了

Suddenly, the fox caught someone,

突然,狐狸 抓住了一个

" are you a tiger?" the fox asked.

"你是老虎吗?" 狐狸问道

"no,no,no!" "are you tall?"

"不,不,不!" "你很高吗?"

"no,I'm short"


"oh, you're the rabbit!"




Little mouse(小老鼠)

It's a sunny day. A little mouse wants to go out and play.

这是一个晴朗的一天。 一只小老鼠想要去外面玩

But he is afraid of the cat . so he peeks and peeks.

但是它害怕猫。 所以左看看右看看

He peeks to the left and peeks to the right.


Suddenly, the mummy mouse shouts.

突然, 老鼠妈妈 叫道:

"watch out! Watch out! The cat is here , the cat is here."

"小心!小心! 猫在这里,猫在这里"




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为你推荐关于周恩来小时候的故事。欢迎阅读和浏览。鸡叫三遍过后,周家花园里传出了阵阵琅琅的读书声:“锄禾、 日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”读着、读着,周恩来很快就把这首诗背得滚瓜烂熟了。...