射箭术语之一中英对照 篇一
1. 弓(Bow):射箭运动中使用的器械,通常由弓弦和弓臂组成,用来发射箭矢。
Bow:The equipment used in archery, usually consisting of a bowstring and bow limbs, used to shoot arrows.
2. 箭(Arrow):射箭运动中使用的飞行物,一般由箭杆、箭簇和箭羽组成。
Arrow:The projectile used in archery, typically consisting of an arrow shaft, arrowhead, and fletching.
3. 靶(Target):用来射击的目标,一般由环形的圆靶面组成。
Target:The object used for shooting, typically consisting of a circular target face with rings.
4. 瞄准(Aiming):将瞄准器对准目标,准备发射箭矢。
Aiming:Aligning the sight of the bow with the target, preparing to shoot the arrow.
5. 瞄准器(Sight):用于瞄准和对准目标的装置,通常包括准星和瞄准针。
Sight:The device used for aiming and aligning with the target, typically including a front sight and a sight pin.
6. 扳机(Release):释放弓弦,发射箭矢的动作。
Release:The action of letting go of the bowstring to shoot the arrow.
射箭术语之一中英对照 篇二
1. 准星(Aim):瞄准器上的小孔或标记,用来对准目标。
Aim:The small hole or mark on the sight used to align with the target.
2. 弓弦(Bowstring):连接弓臂两端的绳索,用来发射箭矢。
Bowstring:The string that connects the limbs of the bow and is used to shoot arrows.
3. 带(Brace):弓弦与弓臂之间的距离。
Brace:The distance between the bowstring and the bow limbs.
4. 射程(Range):箭矢飞行的距离。
Range:The distance that the arrow flies.
5. 羽毛(Fletching):箭矢后端的羽毛,用来稳定箭矢的飞行。
Fletching:The feathers at the back end of the arrow used to stabilize its flight.
6. 箭靶(Target):用于射击的目标。
Target:The object used for shooting.
射箭术语之一中英对照 篇三
archery: 射箭adjustable: 可调整箭台
arrow: 箭
advance junge: 弓箭步
arrow carrier: 箭
a guide for marking: 瞄准引导器
arrow case: 箭袋
alignment: 瞄准基线
boss: 靶垫
allocation of targets: 分配靶位
aluminum arrow: 合金铝箭
blue zone: 蓝区