
办公室震惊英语对话 篇一

Title: The Mysterious Phone Call


Emily - Office Manager

John - Co-worker

Scene: In the office, on a busy weekday afternoon

[Emily receives a phone call]

Emily: (answers the phone) Hello, this is Emily speaking. How can I assist you today?

Unknown Caller: (in a mysterious voice) Emily, I have some information that might shock you. Your co-worker, John, has been stealing office supplies for months.

Emily: (shocked) Excuse me? Who is this? How did you get this information?

Unknown Caller: I cannot disclose my identity, but I have been monitoring your office for some time. I suggest you investigate further.

Emily: (worried) Thank you for letting me know. I will look into this matter immediately.

[Emily hangs up and approaches John's desk]

Emily: John, can I talk to you for a moment?

John: Sure, what's up?

Emily: I just received a mysterious phone call, claiming that you've been stealing office supplies. Is this true?

John: (surprised) What? No, absolutely not! I would never do such a thing. I have no idea who could spread such rumors.

Emily: I find it hard to believe as well, but I need to investigate this matter further. Can you provide any explanation or evidence to support your innocence?

John: Of course! I can show you my personal stationery supplies, which I purchased myself. I have receipts and even store loyalty cards to prove it.

Emily: That would be helpful. Let's go through your records together to clear up any misunderstandings. We need to get to the bottom of this.

[Emily and John spend the next hour reviewing John's purchase records and comparing them to the missing office supplies.]

Emily: John, I apologize for suspecting you. It seems that the anonymous caller was mistaken. Your personal supplies match perfectly with what you have been using in the office.

John: Thank you for trusting me, Emily. It was a shock to be accused like that, but I'm glad we resolved this issue.

Emily: Absolutely. I will keep an eye out for any further suspicious activities in the office. We must remain vigilant and ensure the security of our resources.

[The two colleagues continue their work, relieved that the misunderstanding has been cleared up.]

办公室震惊英语对话 篇二

Title: The Office Prankster


Sarah - Office Manager

Michael - Co-worker

Scene: In the office, during lunch break

[Sarah receives a mysterious envelope]

Sarah: (opens the envelope and finds a note) "Sarah, beware of Michael. He has been secretly pranking everyone in the office. You should teach him a lesson."

Sarah: (confused) What is this? Who could be sending me such a message?

[Michael approaches Sarah's desk]

Michael: Hey, Sarah! What's in the envelope? Something interesting?

Sarah: (suspiciously) Michael, do you know anything about this?

Michael: (laughs) About what? I have no idea. Let me see.

[Michael reads the note]

Michael: (playfully) Oh, no! I've been caught! My secret pranks are exposed!

Sarah: (annoyed) Michael, this is not funny. Pranks can create a hostile work environment and decrease productivity. It's time to stop this childish behavior.

Michael: (apologetic) You're right, Sarah. I didn't realize how my pranks were affecting everyone. I promise to stop and make it up to my colleagues.

Sarah: Good. I expect you to apologize to each person you pranked and ensure them that it won't happen again.

[Michael spends the rest of the day apologizing to his co-workers and promising to change his behavior.]

Sarah: (later in the day) Michael, I appreciate your efforts to make things right. Pranks might be fun for a moment, but they can have serious consequences in a professional setting.

Michael: Thank you for helping me realize that, Sarah. I genuinely want to create a positive work environment for everyone.

[The two colleagues continue their work, with Michael making a conscious effort to be more considerate and professional in the office.]

办公室震惊英语对话 篇三


  SCENE B 艾文跌跌撞撞进了文斯的隔间

  Elvin: Aren't you going to do anything? You've got to 1) get rid of her!

  艾文: 你不打算想想办法吗?你得把她给除掉!

  Vince: I'm afraid that isn't possible.

  文斯: 这恐怕不可能。

  Elvin: What are you talking about? Fire her! Tell her to hit the road!

  艾文: 你在说什么?开除她!叫她走路!

  Vince: I can't do that. Zina has 2) convinced our 3) investors that she knows what

's best for InfoKing.

  文斯: 我办不到。吉娜已经说服了我们的投资人说,她知道什么对“资讯王”最好。

  Elvin: What? You mean to tell me that wacko is 4) in charge now? How?

  艾文: 什么?你要告诉我现在是那个怪胎管事?怎么会?



  A: Judd doesn't want to go swimming with us.


  B: I'll try to convince him.


  【hit the road 上路】

  hit the road听起来简洁有力,意思就是“上路”,不论是离开一地,去下一个地方,或是出门旅行,你都可以用上hit the road这个表达法。

  A: It's getting late; we need to get home and check on the children.


  B: OK, let's hit the road.


  A: Johnny just likes to drive his mom's car and hit the road around seven a.m.


  B: What's the big deal?


  A: Johnny is only six years old.


  1) get rid of... 摆脱……

  2) convince (v.) 说服,使相信

  3) investor (n.) 投资者

  4) be in charge 管事,作主



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