小学英语说课稿《Welcome back to school》【通用3篇】

小学英语说课稿《Welcome back to school》 篇一

Title: "Welcome back to school: Let's Learn English!"

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am very excited to present to you a fun and engaging English lesson titled "Welcome back to school: Let's Learn English!" In this lesson, we will focus on introducing ourselves, learning basic greetings, and practicing simple conversations. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to confidently greet their peers and engage in short conversations in English. Now, let's get started!

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

To start the lesson, we will begin with a fun warm-up activity called "Hello, My Name Is." Each student will stand up and introduce themselves by saying "Hello, my name is [name]." We will then repeat the greeting as a class.

2. Introduction (10 minutes)

Next, we will move on to the introduction part. I will show a PowerPoint slide with pictures of different people and ask students questions like "Who is this?" "What is his/her name?" This will help students practice using the question "What is your name?" and responding with their own names.

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

In this section, we will learn basic greetings such as "Hello," "Good morning," "Good afternoon," and "Goodbye." I will use flashcards and gestures to teach the new vocabulary. We will practice pronunciation and have students repeat after me.

4. Conversation Practice (20 minutes)

Now that we have learned the basic greetings, it's time to practice using them in conversations. I will pair up students and give them a scenario where they have to greet each other and introduce themselves. For example, "Student A, greet Student B and ask for his/her name." Students will take turns practicing the conversations.

5. Song and Dance (10 minutes)

To make the lesson more enjoyable, we will learn a song and dance related to greetings. I will teach the chorus and some simple dance moves. We will sing and dance together as a class, reinforcing the vocabulary and greetings we have learned.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

To wrap up the lesson, we will review what we have learned by playing a game called "Pass the Greeting." Students will sit in a circle and pass a ball while saying a greeting to the person they pass the ball to. This will give them a chance to practice the vocabulary one last time before ending the lesson.

I hope you enjoyed this English lesson and feel more confident in using basic greetings in English. Remember, practice makes perfect! Thank you for your attention, and have a great day!

小学英语说课稿《Welcome back to school》 篇二

Title: "Welcome back to school: Exploring the World"

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am excited to present to you a thrilling English lesson titled "Welcome back to school: Exploring the World." In this lesson, we will focus on developing students' listening and speaking skills by introducing them to different countries, their cultures, and asking and answering questions about them. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to confidently talk about different countries and ask questions about their cultures. Now, let's embark on our journey!

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

To start the lesson, we will begin with a fun warm-up activity called "Around the World." I will show pictures of famous landmarks from different countries and ask students to name them. This will help activate their prior knowledge about different countries.

2. Introduction (10 minutes)

Next, we will move on to the introduction part. I will show a PowerPoint slide with pictures of different countries and ask students questions like "Where is this country?" "What language do they speak in this country?" This will help students practice using the question "Where is this?" and responding with relevant information.

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

In this section, we will learn new vocabulary related to countries and their cultures such as "capital," "language," "food," and "tradition." I will use flashcards and realia to teach the new vocabulary. We will practice pronunciation and have students repeat after me.

4. Listening Activity (20 minutes)

Now that we have learned about different countries, it's time to practice our listening skills. I will play an audio clip where students will hear descriptions of different countries. They will listen carefully and match the descriptions with the corresponding countries on a worksheet. This activity will help students practice their listening comprehension skills.

5. Speaking Activity (20 minutes)

After the listening activity, students will work in pairs and take turns asking and answering questions about different countries. For example, "What is the capital of France?" "What language do they speak in Japan?" This activity will help them practice their speaking skills and engage in meaningful conversations.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

To wrap up the lesson, we will review what we have learned by playing a game called "Guess the Country." I will describe a country, and students will try to guess the correct answer. This will reinforce the vocabulary and cultures we have learned during the lesson.

I hope you enjoyed this English lesson and feel more knowledgeable about different countries and their cultures. Remember, the world is a fascinating place waiting to be explored! Thank you for your attention, and have a great day!

小学英语说课稿《Welcome back to school》 篇三

  教学难点:在《Let’s do》中,巩固新词,并能作出相应指令,为了把握重点,突破难点,我还自制了精美的卡片,让学生对所学的知识反复加强巩固。












  《Let’s do》部分,让学生通过指令在玩中学,学中用。







  在本课新授词汇呈现和理解的过程中,让学生主动运用已初步学到的英语知识,很好地巩固了本课的新授内容。此外,在最后的拓展教学中,快乐的学习使他们体验成功的喜悦和满足,激发他们发挥出自己的 最大潜能。
















在日新月异的现代社会中,我们很多时候都不得不用到讲话稿,讲话稿可以起到指引或总结会议,传达贯彻上级精神等作用。那么你有了解过讲话稿吗?以下是小编精心整理的环保讲话稿200字,欢迎大家分享。  环保讲话...

