
和鸡蛋的英文俗语 篇一

Egg idioms are as common in English as eggs themselves. From "put all your eggs in one basket" to "walk on eggshells," these sayings offer a unique glimpse into the importance of eggs in our language and culture.

One of the most well-known egg idioms is "don't put all your eggs in one basket." This phrase means that it's risky to concentrate all your resources or efforts in one area, as if you drop the basket, all the eggs will be broken. This idiom is often used in financial contexts, advising people to diversify their investments to reduce risk.

Another popular egg idiom is "walk on eggshells," which means to be very cautious and delicate in your actions or words. This saying draws on the fragility of eggshells to convey the idea of treading carefully to avoid causing harm or offense.

On the flip side, there's also the expression "egg on your face," which means to be embarrassed or humiliated by something you've said or done. This idiom likely comes from the image of someone having egg on their face after a failed attempt at eating an egg or being pranked with one.

In contrast, "the goose that lays the golden eggs" refers to a valuable or profitable resource that should be protected and nurtured. This saying comes from the fable of a goose that lays golden eggs, emphasizing the importance of appreciating and safeguarding what brings us wealth or success.

Lastly, there's the idiom "eggs in one's beer," which means something extra or unnecessary. This saying likely originated from the idea of adding eggs to beer as a form of sustenance or flavor, highlighting the concept of excess or indulgence.

Overall, egg idioms offer a rich tapestry of language that reflects our relationship with these versatile and symbolic foods. Whether cautioning against risk, emphasizing delicacy, or highlighting value, these sayings remind us of the significance of eggs in our everyday lives.

和鸡蛋的英文俗语 篇二

Eggs are a staple in many cuisines around the world, and as such, they have also found their way into English idioms and expressions. These idioms often use eggs as metaphors to convey deeper meanings and insights into human nature.

One common egg idiom is "egg someone on," which means to encourage or urge someone to do something, often something mischievous or daring. This saying likens the act of provocation to the action of breaking an egg, suggesting a sense of pressure or incitement.

Another popular egg idiom is "to have egg on your face," which as mentioned earlier, means to be embarrassed or humiliated by something you've said or done. This expression underscores the idea of being caught in an awkward or compromising situation, much like having egg residue on your face.

On a more positive note, there's the idiom "eggs in one basket," which advises against putting all your resources or hopes into a single venture. This saying emphasizes the importance of diversification and risk management, drawing on the fragility of eggs to illustrate the potential consequences of overcommitment.

Similarly, the expression "egghead" refers to someone who is highly intellectual or academic. This term likely originated from the idea of a person's brain being like an egg, representing knowledge and intelligence. While sometimes used pejoratively, "egghead" can also be a term of endearment for someone with a sharp mind.

Lastly, there's the idiom "bad egg," which refers to a person who is dishonest, untrustworthy, or morally corrupt. This saying draws on the notion that a bad egg can spoil the whole batch, highlighting the negative impact that one individual can have on a group or community.

In conclusion, egg idioms in English offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which we use food as a metaphor for human behavior and relationships. Whether cautioning against recklessness, praising intelligence, or condemning deceit, these sayings showcase the enduring influence of eggs on our language and culture.

和鸡蛋的英文俗语 篇三



  a bad egg——坏人,坏人;失败的计划;

  duck’s egg 或 duck’s-egg——鸭蛋,零分。


  good egg——好人,好东西(俚);

  Good egg !——真好!妙极了!

  golden eggs——大利益(来自希腊杀鹅取卵的故事);

  goose eggs——零分(俚),(被打而产生的)青肿


  dumb egg——傻瓜(美俚);

  curate’s egg——好坏参半的东西(英);

  old egg——老朋友,老兄(俚);

  hard-boiled egg——无情的人,吝啬鬼(俚);

  roc’s egg——镜花水月,虚幻的.事物;

  Easter egg——复活节彩蛋;

  nest egg或nest-egg——(转义)储备金。


  1、 as sure as eggs is are eggs——千真万确,无疑地

  As sure as eggs is eggs he will come tonight (今晚他肯定来)。

  2、 break the egg(s) in sb’s pocket (或 in the pocket of sb.)——打破某人的计划

  We have broken the eggs in the enemy’s pocket (我们已打破敌人的计划)。

  3、 as full as an egg is of meat 或 as full of meat as an egg——塞满的,最好的,饱学的

  He is as full of meat as an egg where the law is concerned (在法律方面,他是学识渊博的)。

  4、 bring one’s eggs to a bad market——失败,失算

  It is a pity that he would have brought his eggs to a bad market (他的计划竟然失败了,真遗憾)。

  5、 have egg on one’s face——显得愚蠢

  The government has egg on its face over the failure of its prices and incomes plan (政府因物价和收入计划的失败而显得愚蠢)。

  6、 have eggs on the spit——手头有事,很忙

  He said he had eggs on the spit(他说他很忙)。

  7、 lay an egg——(演出等)失败

  He laid an egg as the romantic hero(他演一个浪漫的主角而大大失败)。

  8、 have / put all ( one’s ) eggs in one basket——孤注一掷After he failed twice , he decided to have all his eggs in on basket (连次失败后,他决定孤注一掷)。

  9、 teach one’s grandmother ( how ) to suck eggs——教训长辈,班门弄斧

  Don’t try to teach your grandmother ( how ) to suck eggs (不要班门弄斧)。

  10、 have an egg from the oof bird——(口)得到一笔遗产

  Ralph will have a good seized egg from the oof bird when his uncle dies (等他叔叔死了,拉尔夫就可以获得一大笔遗产)。

  11、 tread / walk ( as ) on / upon eggs——小心翼翼地行动,如履薄冰

  That old man always walks on eggs (那老头做事总是小心翼翼)


  ( as ) full as an egg——(俚)烂醉

  rush in the egg——防患于未然

  from the egg to the apple——自始至终(罗马人的正餐开头吃蛋,最后吃水果,故有此语)

  in the egg——在初期

  go lay an egg ( s ) ——(美)别管闲事,滚开

  like / as two eggs——完全一样

  with eggs on one’s face——(美)受屈辱


  Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow (今天一个蛋,胜过明天一只鸡)。

  He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens (要吃鸡就不要讨厌母鸡咯咯叫——要享受就要吃点苦)。

  It is very hard to shave an egg (给鸡蛋刮脸是很困难的;缘木求鱼)。

  Never cackle till your egg is laid (事未完成莫先夸耀)。




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