
摆姿势英语应该怎么说 篇一

When it comes to striking a pose, there are various ways to convey this action in English. The most common phrase used to describe striking a pose in English is "strike a pose" itself. This phrase is often used in the context of photography or modeling, where someone is deliberately positioning themselves in a particular way for a photo or a runway show.

Another way to say "strike a pose" is to simply use the word "pose." For example, you could say "She posed for the camera" or "He struck a pose on the red carpet." This is a more general way to describe someone positioning themselves in a certain way, without specifically referring to the action of striking a pose.

In addition to these phrases, you could also use more descriptive language to talk about someone posing. For example, you could say "She stood with her hands on her hips and a confident expression on her face" or "He leaned against the wall in a casual pose." This type of language helps to paint a more detailed picture of how someone is posing, beyond just the basic action of striking a pose.

Overall, there are several ways to talk about striking a pose in English, from the simple phrase "strike a pose" to more descriptive language that paints a clearer picture of how someone is positioning themselves. Whether it's for a photo shoot, a modeling gig, or just for fun, there are plenty of ways to describe someone posing in English.

摆姿势英语应该怎么说 篇二

When it comes to expressing the action of striking a pose in English, there are a variety of ways to do so. One common phrase used to describe this action is "posing." This simple and straightforward term can be used in a variety of contexts, from photography to modeling to everyday situations where someone is deliberately positioning themselves in a certain way.

Another way to talk about striking a pose in English is to use the phrase "assume a posture." This more formal term is often used in settings where someone is intentionally adopting a specific stance or position, such as in yoga or dance. For example, you could say "She assumed a graceful posture on the dance floor" or "He stood tall and assumed a confident posture."

In addition to these phrases, you could also use the word "posture" on its own to describe someone striking a pose. For example, you could say "She had excellent posture in front of the camera" or "He adjusted his posture to look more relaxed." This term can be used in a variety of contexts to describe how someone is positioning themselves physically.

Overall, there are several ways to talk about striking a pose in English, from the simple term "posing" to more formal language like "assume a posture" to the general term "posture." Whether you're describing someone posing for a photo, modeling on the runway, or simply standing in a certain way, there are plenty of ways to express this action in English.

摆姿势英语应该怎么说 篇三


  pose [poz]

  [词典释义]n. 1. (身体呈现的)样子,姿势 2. 装腔作势;(故意作出的)姿态

  vi. 1. 摆姿势[(+for)] 2. 假装,冒充;装腔作势[(+as)]

  vt. 1. 使摆好姿势;把...摆正位置 2. 提出 3. 造成,引起

  [网络释义]pose 1.摆姿势,造作 2.(使)摆好姿势,构成 3.提问 4.造成(不好的情况


  1. 顾客们经常在这位英国未来君主的照片旁摆姿势照相。

  Customers often pose for photographs next to the pictures of britain's future monarch.

  2. 2009年7月12日新加坡真人秀2009的参赛选手在商业区东部摆姿势。

  Contestants for singapore cosplay 2009 pose at downtown east in singapore, july 12, 2009.

  3. 也许你会问到,在摆姿势中眼睛需做些什么?

  You may be asking what do eyes have to do with posing?

  4. 我们回顾了摆姿势中的手和眼睛的摆放位置,通过这次摆拍的学习,我们将要完成这次讨论。

  We have reviewed hands and eye placement in poses and now we are going to finish this discussion by looking

at controlled poses.

  5. 中国游客们转身离开了污染,来到实景图边摆姿势拍照。

  Turning their backs on the pollution, chinese tourists posed for photos beside the picture map.




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