专业用英语怎么说 篇一
In English, How Do You Say "专业"?
When translating the word "专业" into English, the most common equivalent is "major" or "field of study." For example, if someone asks you what your 专业 is, you can respond with "my major is..." or "I study..."
In an academic context, "专业" refers to the specific area of study that a student is focusing on. For instance, a student majoring in Economics would say "I am studying Economics" or "my major is Economics." Similarly, a student pursuing a degree in Computer Science would say "I am studying Computer Science" or "my major is Computer Science."
It's important to note that while "专业" is often translated as "major" in academic settings, it can also refer to a person's profession or expertise in a particular field. In this case, you can use phrases like "my area of expertise is..." or "I specialize in..."
In summary, when translating "专业" into English, the most common equivalents are "major" or "field of study" depending on the context in which it is used.
专业用英语怎么说 篇二
How to Say "专业" in English
When it comes to translating the word "专业" into English, there are a few different ways to express the concept depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some common translations of "专业" into English:
1. Major: In an academic setting, "专业" is often translated as "major." For example, if someone asks you what your 专业 is, you can respond with "my major is..." or "I study..."
2. Field of Study: Another common translation of "专业" is "field of study." This can be used to describe the area of academic focus that a student is pursuing. For instance, a student majoring in Psychology would say "I study Psychology" or "my field of study is Psychology."
3. Profession: In some contexts, "专业" can also refer to a person's profession or expertise in a particular field. In this case, you can use phrases like "my area of expertise is..." or "I specialize in..."
4. Specialization: When talking about a specific area within a broader field, you can use the term "specialization" to translate "专业." For example, if someone has a specialization in Marketing within the field of Business, they could say "my specialization is Marketing."
Overall, the translation of "专业" into English can vary depending on the specific context in which it is used. It's important to consider the meaning and nuance of the word in Chinese in order to choose the most appropriate English equivalent.
专业用英语怎么说 篇三
[zhuān yè]
major; specialty; profession;
(1) [special field of study;specialized subject]∶高等学校的一个系里或中等专业学校里的学业门类
(2) [specialized trade or profession;special line]∶生产部门的各业务部门
《后汉书·献帝纪》:“今耆儒年逾六十,去离本土,营求粮资,不得专业。” 南朝梁刘勰《文心雕龙·养气》:“至如仲任置砚以综述,叔通怀笔以专业,既暄之以岁时,又煎之以时日。”
(2) 专门的学问。
唐李峤《上张明府书》:“ 峤 西垂之贱吏耳,技非专业,未始存於剑书”。
(4) 产业部门的各业务部分。