英文写作:文章的构建模式 篇一
In the world of English writing, there are various patterns and structures that authors use to effectively convey their ideas. These patterns not only help to organize the content of the article but also enable readers to follow the author's thought process. In this article, we will explore some common patterns of constructing an English article.
The first pattern is the chronological order. This pattern presents information in a sequence based on time or events. It allows readers to understand the progression of ideas and how they are connected. For example, an article about the history of a city may start with its founding, followed by significant events throughout the years, and end with its present state. This pattern is particularly useful for narrative essays or historical pieces.
Another common pattern is the cause and effect structure. This pattern focuses on presenting the cause of an event or phenomenon and its subsequent effects. It helps readers understand the relationship between different elements and the consequences that arise from them. For instance, an article about the effects of climate change may discuss the causes, such as greenhouse gas emissions, and then explain the resulting effects, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns. This pattern is often used in scientific or analytical writing.
The compare and contrast pattern is also frequently employed in English writing. This pattern involves highlighting the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It allows readers to grasp the distinctions and similarities between various concepts or objects. For example, an article comparing two different educational systems may discuss their similarities in terms of curriculum but highlight their differences in teaching methods. This pattern is commonly used in academic essays or opinion pieces.
In addition to these patterns, there are also other structures such as problem-solution, description, and argumentation. Each of these patterns serves a specific purpose in conveying information effectively and engaging readers.
In conclusion, understanding and utilizing different patterns of constructing an English article is essential for effective communication. Whether it is presenting information in a chronological order, discussing cause and effect relationships, or comparing and contrasting subjects, these patterns help organize the content and guide readers through the author's ideas. By mastering these patterns, writers can create well-structured and engaging articles that effectively convey their message.
英文写作:文章的构建模式 篇二
When it comes to writing in English, there are various ways to structure an article to effectively convey ideas. In this article, we will explore different patterns of constructing an English article.
One common pattern is the problem-solution structure. This pattern begins by presenting a problem or issue and then provides a solution or multiple solutions to address it. For example, an article about the impact of plastic waste on the environment may first discuss the problems caused by plastic pollution and then propose solutions such as reducing single-use plastics or implementing recycling programs. This pattern is commonly used in persuasive or informative writing.
Another pattern is the description structure. This pattern focuses on providing a detailed description of a person, place, or thing. It allows readers to visualize and understand the subject being described. For instance, an article about a famous landmark may describe its architectural features, historical significance, and cultural impact. This pattern is often used in travel writing or descriptive essays.
The argumentation structure is also widely used in English writing. This pattern involves presenting a claim or argument and supporting it with evidence and reasoning. It helps to persuade readers and present a convincing case. For example, an article discussing the benefits of exercise may present arguments such as improved physical health, mental well-being, and increased longevity, supported by scientific research and studies. This pattern is commonly used in persuasive essays or opinion pieces.
Additionally, the narrative structure is another effective way to construct an English article. This pattern tells a story or recounts an event, engaging readers and drawing them into the narrative. For instance, an article about a personal travel experience may describe the journey, the people encountered, and the cultural insights gained. This pattern is often used in personal essays or storytelling articles.
In conclusion, mastering different patterns of constructing an English article is crucial for effective writing. Whether it is presenting a problem and its solution, providing a detailed description, making an argument, or narrating a story, these patterns help writers organize their ideas and engage readers. By understanding and utilizing these patterns, writers can create compelling and well-structured articles that effectively convey their message.
英文写作:文章的构建模式 篇三
武侠小说里的大侠常常武功盖世,“小李飞刀”的“刀”已出神入化,但也是源于最初的基本套路;现代化的高楼大厦可以风格迥异,却也都是构建于最基本的建筑结构之上。英语写作也不例外,写好它,有一套常规整体构建模式。今天我们就奉献给大家一盘“丰盛的大餐”,花8分 钟认真地读完它,你可能会提高2-3分,花15分钟仔细地研究一番,那么你的大作有可能一不小心就到了高分档啦!好吧,现在就开始行动吧!
1) 开头偏离主题太远;
2) 使用抱歉或埋怨之词句;
3) 内容不具体,言之无物;
4) 使用不言自明的陈述。
1. 主题句法:开篇点明主题,用主题句,然后围绕主题内容进行发展。例如:
Now people become increasingly aware of the importance of acquiring a mastery of a foreign language. To them, the knowledge of a foreign language, say, English, often means a good opportunity for one?s career, even a passport to a prosperous future. Many of them equate success in life with the ability of speaking a foreign language.
2. 提问法:提出有争议或探讨性的具体问题,然后加以简要回答或展开引导性简短讨论。例如:
What do you want from your work? Money? Promotions? Interesting challenges? Continual learning? Work?based friendships? The opportunity to develop your own idea and potentials? Though we are all inpiduals and so our answers will differ
, all agree that work provides more than material things.3. 引语法:使用引语(use a quotation):使用一段名人名言,或人们常用的谚语、习语,以确定文章的写作范围和方向。例如:
“Great minds must be ready not only to take the opportunity, but to make them.”Colton, a great writer once remarked. But it still has a profound significance now. To a person, in whose lifetime opportunities are not many, to make opportunities is more essential to his success.
4. 数据法:使用具体详实的数字或数据,然后作出概括性分析,指明问题的症结所在。例如:
In the past 5 years, there has been a marked decline in the number of young married couples who want to have children, coupled with a growing trend toward delayed childbearing. According to official statistics, in 2003, about 28 percent of married couples with wives under 35 gave no birth to children, compared with the 1993 level of 8 percent.
5. 背景法:给出背景,描述具体事件的时间、地点和发生背景等,例如:
Once in a newspaper I read of a crowd of people who remained appallingly indifferent to the plea of a mother. As she failed to offer the required amount of cash as a price to save her drowning son, the woman at last watched her son sink to death. The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV, and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has aroused nationwide concern.
6. 定义法:针对讨论的主题或问题加以定义,然后进行深入探讨。例如:
It is but a step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
从崇高到荒谬只有一步之遥。Flexibility is defined as being adaptable to change. In the course of your lifetime, it is essential that you learn to bend and flex around every new circumstance, as rigidity deprives you of the opportunity to see new possibilities. Paradigms change over time, and so must you. Your company may restructure, and you will have to survive. Your spouse may choose to leave the marriage, and you will have to cope. Technology will continue to advance and change, and you must constantly learn and adapt or risk becoming a dinosaur. Flexibility allows you to be ready for whatever curve lies ahead in life instead of getting blindsided by it.
1) The arguer may be right about..., but he seems to neglect to mention the fact that ....
2) Contrary to generally accepted views, I argue that....
3) There is an element of truth in this argument, but it ignores a deeper and more basic fact that....
4) It is true that ..., but this is not to say that....
5) The main / obvious problem with this argument is that it is blind to the basic fact that....
6) It would be natural / reasonable to think that..., but it would be absurd to claim that....
7) In all the discussion and debate over..., one important fact is generally overlooked / neglected.
8) There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that....
9) To assume that...is far from being proved.
10) A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless) it is.
11) On the surface (At first thought), it may seem an attractive idea, but on second thought, we find that....
12) Too much emphasis placed on...may obscure other facts....
13) The problem / fact is that....
14) However logical this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.
15) As far as I am concerned, I believe that....
16) Although I appreciate that..., I cannot agree with ....
17) Those who object to ... argue that.... But people who favor..., on the other hand, argue that....
18) Currently, there is a general concern over....
19) Now it is widely acknowledged that.... But I wonder whether....
20) These days we often hear about ..., but is this really the case?
Ordinary people think merely of how they will spend time, a man of intellect tries to use it.
1) 所涉及内容应该准确、清楚,颇具说服力;
2) 段落中一定具备主题句;
3) 段落内容应该保持完整、统一,没有说明不足之处或多余冗长的细节;
4) 内容顺序安排合理,逻辑性较强;
5) 段落之间连贯自然;
6) 段落中讨论的内容主次分明,材料比例适当;
7) 词与句型运用合理并且有变化。
1. 列举法:用来列举一系列的原因、方法等等,使文章层次分明,眉清目秀,阅卷老师在疲惫不堪的状态下,看到这样的文章,往往会有种在清澈的小溪边小憩片刻的感觉,手一抬,分就高。下面这篇例文写的是“健身的几种方法”,脉络一目了然。例文如下:
There are a number of ways for us to keep fit. First, no matter how busy we are, we should have exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, it is important to keep good hours. For example, if we are in the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, we can avoid overworking ourselves and get enough sleep. Finally, entertainment is also necessary so that we may have some moments of relaxation. If we follow those instructions, we will certainly be in good health.
2. 因果法:说明原因,论述事理。下面这篇作文讲的是“汉堡受欢迎的原因”,第一段提出问题“为什么受欢迎呢?”接下来在说原因时,用到了上面的列举法,只不过不是“first, second, finally”而是“first, then, besides that”,让人感