嫦娥奔月的传说英文版 篇一
The Legend of Chang'e Flying to the Moon
In ancient China, there was a beautiful and kind-hearted woman named Chang'e. She was married to Hou Yi, a skilled archer who saved the world from the scorching heat by shooting down nine of the ten suns. As a reward, the Queen Mother of Heaven gave him the elixir of immortality. However, Hou Yi did not want to become immortal without his beloved wife, so he gave the elixir to Chang'e for safekeeping.
One day, while Hou Yi was away hunting, a wicked man named Peng Meng broke into their home and demanded Chang'e to give him the elixir. Realizing that she couldn't defeat him, Chang'e made a quick decision. She swallowed the elixir, and before Peng Meng could take it from her, she started to float towards the sky. Higher and higher she went until she reached the moon, where she would live for eternity.
When Hou Yi returned home and learned what had happened, he was devastated. He gazed at the moon, calling out Chang'e's name. To his surprise, he saw a shadow that looked just like her on the moon. He brought out her favorite food and drinks as an offering to her every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, which is now known as the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Since then, the people of China have celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival by gathering with their families, appreciating the beauty of the full moon, and eating mooncakes. Children also make lanterns in various shapes and sizes, lighting up the night with their vibrant colors.
The legend of Chang'e flying to the moon not only reminds us of the love between Hou Yi and Chang'e but also teaches us the importance of cherishing our loved ones. It is a story that has been passed down through generations, symbolizing reunion and happiness. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families to come together, appreciate the beauty of nature, and express gratitude for the blessings in their lives.
嫦娥奔月的传说英文版 篇二
The Mythical Tale of Chang'e's Lunar Journey
Once upon a time in ancient China, there lived a beautiful goddess named Chang'e. She was known for her grace, kindness, and the love she shared with her husband, Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a talented archer who saved the world from the scorching heat by shooting down nine of the ten suns. As a reward for his bravery, the Queen Mother of Heaven gave him the elixir of immortality. However, Hou Yi did not want to become immortal without his beloved wife, so he entrusted the elixir to Chang'e for safekeeping.
One fateful day, while Hou Yi was away on a hunting expedition, a wicked man named Peng Meng broke into their home. He demanded Chang'e to give him the elixir, threatening her with harm if she refused. Realizing that she couldn't defeat him, Chang'e made a quick decision. She swallowed the elixir, and to her surprise, she started floating towards the sky. Higher and higher she went until she reached the moon, where she would reside forever.
When Hou Yi returned home and learned what had happened, he was overcome with grief. He looked up at the moon, calling out Chang'e's name. To his astonishment, he saw a shadow that resembled her on the moon's surface. Determined to honor his wife's memory, Hou Yi offered her favorite foods and drinks as sacrifices on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, which is now celebrated as the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families to come together, appreciate the beauty of the full moon, and indulge in delicious mooncakes. Children also carry lanterns of different shapes and sizes, lighting up the night with their vibrant colors. The festival symbolizes reunion, harmony, and the expression of gratitude for life's blessings.
The legend of Chang'e's lunar journey serves as a reminder of the power of love and sacrifice. It teaches us to cherish our loved ones and appreciate the beauty of nature. The Mid-Autumn Festival is not only a time for celebration but also a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a cherished tradition that has been passed down through generations, connecting people to their roots and reminding them of the enduring power of love.
嫦娥奔月的传说英文版 篇三
According to legend, in ancient times a year appeared in the sky ten suns in the sky, straight smoke roasted earth, and the sea dry, people see cannot live.
This thing has alerted a hero named Hou Yi, he climbed the kunlun peak, the full power of operation, drew his bow, stretch shot down the nine extra SUNS.
Hou Yi set the power, and respected by people, many who came to toushi. Treacherous cunning, sinister pengmeng also mixed in.
Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife, called the goddess of the moon. Hou Yi except Chuanyi hunting, the day and his wife together, people are envious of the loving couple.
One day, Hou Yi to the Kunlun Mountains and friends for chance, after which the queen mother, then to the obtained a pack of medicine. It is said that the dose of the drug, can immediately go to heaven.
However, Hou Yi reluctant to leave his wife, had no choice but to the death of the drug to the goddess of the moon. Chang Baoxia medicine Tibet the dressing table, only to be seen by.
Three days later, Hou Yi led his disciples to go hunting, Peng Meng pretended to be sick, stay.
Hou Yi was left to be near people, by holding a sword into the backyard, Chang E.
The goddess of the moon knows oneself is not the loose Mongolia's opponent, critical when she takes the bull by the horns, turned to open the Baoxia, take out the undead medicine a swallow it down.
Chang swallow medicine, the body immediately Piaochi ground rushed out of the window, flew to the sky. As the goddess of the moon is concerned about her husband, he flew to the moon from the earth has become a fairy.
In the evening, Hou Yi returned home, the maid maidservantswhat had happened. Hou Yi is shocked and angry, evil sword to kill, Meng ran away early. Hou Yi and Wawadajiao gas. With Hou Yi, looking at the sky call wife's name. He was surprised to find that today's moon is exceptionally bright, but there is a shaking of the shadow like chang.
Hou Yi hurriedly sent to the goddess of love in the garden, put the incense table, put on her usual favorite honey food fresh fruit, Yaoji in the palace of the moon sentimentally attached to their goddess in the moon.
People who heard the news that changebenyue immortal, have on the display in Xiangan, to pray for good fortune peace. Since then, the Mid Autumn Festival in folk customs of worship. Changebenyue story with a clear
后羿立下盖世之功,受到百姓 的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士慕名前来投师学艺。奸诈刁钻、心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。
不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。
百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。 嫦娥奔月的故事以鲜明的态度和绚丽的色彩歌颂、赞美了娥娥,与古文献有关嫦娥的记载相比较,可见人们对嫦娥奔月的故事做了很多加工,修饰,使娥娥的形象与月同美,使之符合人们对美的追求。 与现代流传甚广的“嫦娥奔月”相左,《全上古文》辑《灵宪》则记载了“嫦娥化蟾”的故事:“嫦娥,羿妻也,窃王母不死药服之,奔月。将往,枚占于有黄。有黄占之:曰:‘吉,翩翩归妹,独将西行,逢天晦芒,毋惊毋恐,后且大昌。’嫦娥遂托身于月,是为蟾蜍。”嫦娥变成癞蛤蟆后,在月宫中终日被罚捣不死药,过着寂寞清苦的生活,李商隐曾有诗感叹嫦娥:“嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。”