外贸中关于产品描述的实用英文术语 篇一
1. Specifications(规格):这是描述产品特性和细节的关键术语。规格应包括产品的尺寸、重量、材料、颜色、功能等信息。例如:“This product has dimensions of 10cm x 5cm x 3cm, weighs 200g, and is made of high-quality stainless steel.”
2. Features(特点):这是产品独特的卖点和功能。描述产品的特点时,需要突出其与竞争产品的区别。例如:“This product features a built-in GPS system, allowing users to track their location in real time.”
3. Benefits(优势):这是描述产品为消费者带来的好处和价值。要突出产品的优势,可以强调其解决问题、提高效率、节省成本等方面的能力。例如:“The lightweight design of this product makes it easy to carry and ideal for travel, providing convenience and comfort to users.”
4. Durability(耐用性):这是描述产品质量和寿命的重要术语。描述产品的耐用性时,可以提及材料的质量、制造工艺以及经过的测试等方面。例如:“This product is made of high-quality materials and has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its durability and long-lasting performance.”
5. Packaging(包装):这是描述产品包装方式和外观的术语。描述产品的包装时,可以提及包装材料、设计以及保护性能等方面。例如:“This product is carefully packaged in a sturdy cardboard box to ensure safe delivery and protect it from damage.”
6. Usage(用途):这是描述产品用途和适用场景的关键术语。描述产品的用途时,可以强调其在不同领域的应用和解决问题的能力。例如:“This product is widely used in the automotive industry for its ability to detect and diagnose engine faults.”
7. Certification(认证):这是描述产品符合相关标准和质量认证的术语。描述产品的认证时,可以提及通过的认证机构和相关标准。例如:“This product is CE certified, meeting the safety and quality standards required for sale in the European market.”
8. Warranty(保修):这是描述产品保修期和服务的术语。描述产品的保修时,可以提及保修期限、服务内容和售后支持等方面。例如:“This product comes with a one-year warranty, providing customers with peace of mind and reliable after-sales support.”
外贸中关于产品描述的实用英文术语 篇三
品质优良 excellent quality(high quality)
质量上乘 superior quality
质量稳定 stable quality
质量可靠 reliable quality
品种繁多 wide varieties
规格齐全 complete in specifications
保质保量 quality and quantity assured
性能可靠 dependable performance
操作简便 easy and simple to handle
使用方便 easy to use
经久耐用 durable in use
以质优而闻名 well-known for its fine quality
数量之首 The king of quantity
质量最佳 The queen of quality
信誉可靠 reliable reputation
闻名世界 world-wide renown
久负盛名 to have a long standing reputation
誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad
历史悠久 to have