启发孩子理科思维的经典英文好书 篇一
In today's technology-driven world, it is essential to cultivate a scientific mindset in children from an early age. This can be achieved through the introduction of classic English books that inspire scientific thinking. In this article, we will explore three such books that can help children develop their scientific thinking skills.
1. "The Magic School Bus" series by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen:
"The Magic School Bus" series is a collection of books that takes children on exciting scientific adventures with Ms. Frizzle and her class. Each book explores different scientific concepts, from the human body to outer space. Through engaging stories and vibrant illustrations, children are exposed to various scientific ideas and encouraged to think critically and ask questions. This series not only teaches scientific facts but also promotes curiosity and a love for learning.
2. "The Way Things Work" by David Macaulay:
"The Way Things Work" is a comprehensive guide to the inner workings of everyday objects and machines. Through detailed illustrations and explanations, children can learn about the principles of physics, mechanics, and engineering. This book not only satisfies children's natural curiosity about how things work but also encourages them to think analytically and solve problems. It is a great resource for parents and teachers to introduce scientific concepts in an engaging and accessible way.
3. "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer:
"The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" is a true story about a young boy from Malawi who built a windmill to bring electricity to his village. This inspiring memoir not only showcases the power of determination and creativity but also introduces children to the principles of renewable energy and engineering. It encourages them to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to real-world problems. This book not only teaches scientific concepts but also instills a sense of social responsibility and the belief that anyone can make a difference.
Introducing these classic English books to children can have a profound impact on their scientific thinking skills. They not only provide knowledge about scientific concepts but also inspire curiosity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. By nurturing a scientific mindset from an early age, children will be better equipped to understand and navigate the complex world around them. So, let's encourage our children to embark on these scientific adventures through the pages of these classic books.
启发孩子理科思维的经典英文好书 篇二
The development of a scientific mindset in children is crucial for their success in today's rapidly changing world. By introducing them to classic English books that stimulate scientific thinking, we can help them cultivate this mindset from an early age. In this article, we will explore three such books that inspire children to think scientifically.
1. "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle:
"A Wrinkle in Time" is a science fiction novel that takes readers on a journey through time and space. The story follows Meg Murry and her friends as they travel to different dimensions in search of her missing father. This book introduces children to concepts such as quantum physics, relativity, and tesseracts in a captivating and accessible way. It encourages them to think critically and question the nature of the universe. Through the adventures of Meg and her friends, children learn that science is not just a subject but a gateway to exploration and discovery.
2. "The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" by Jacqueline Kelly:
"The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" is a historical fiction novel set in Texas in the early 1900s. The story revolves around Calpurnia Tate, a young girl who develops a passion for science despite societal expectations for girls at that time. Through her observations of nature and her relationship with her grandfather, Calpurnia learns about biology, natural selection, and the scientific method. This book not only teaches scientific concepts but also highlights the importance of perseverance, curiosity, and breaking gender stereotypes. It inspires children, especially young girls, to pursue their scientific interests regardless of societal norms.
3. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry:
"The Giver" is a dystopian novel set in a society where all emotions and memories are suppressed. The main character, Jonas, is chosen to receive the memories of the past, including both positive and negative experiences. Through his journey, Jonas questions the consequences of a society driven by conformity and the suppression of knowledge. This book prompts children to think critically about societal structures, ethics, and the importance of individuality. It encourages them to question the status quo and consider the implications of scientific advancements on humanity.
These classic English books not only teach scientific concepts but also inspire children to think deeply, question the world around them, and make connections between different disciplines. By exposing children to these books, we help them develop a scientific mindset that is essential for their future success. So, let's encourage our children to embark on these thought-provoking journeys through the pages of these classic books and inspire them to explore the wonders of science.
启发孩子理科思维的经典英文好书 篇三
1、If You Were a Polygon
中文书名可译为《如果你是一个多边形》;这本色彩鲜艳的绘本是“数学的乐趣”丛书中的一辑,主要帮助孩子认识多边形,并列举了许多儿童喜欢的例子(例如五角星、家居物件和各种桌子等)。作者赋予了这些多边形以生命。 这个系列的丛书数学术语定义清晰、插图非常精美,教完孩子后也可以立刻实践,发起一场“寻找身边的几何图形”的游戏,寓教于乐。
2、Bedtime Math
3、Just a Second
中文书名可译为《仅仅一秒》; 在一秒钟的时间里,秃鹫可以扇动一次翅膀,鳄鱼可以跳动一次心脏,蜉蝣可以过完它们的一生。但时间的单位远不止这一个,作者随后还涵盖了各种时间单位(分钟、小时、天、星期、月、年、世纪等)等,书中包含了充足的客观事实和数字,涵盖人类历史、自然、工业和科学等。在叙述科学事实之余,作者也没有忘记写作本书的初衷,那就是让孩子理解时间和生命的意义。
4、This Is Not My Hat
5、Counting by 7s
中文书名译为《一生》;一边接触不同的数字,一边了解不同动物一生中的奇妙事实——这本精致的绘本以令人惊叹的细腻笔触,为热爱阅读、热爱自然的孩子呈上了一道有关于动物的视觉盛宴——画出了全部的30个树洞, 200个斑点,以及1000只小海马!本书能启发孩子对数字的直观感知,还有对自然界中各种奇妙动物的认识,热爱自然的孩子和家长们一定不能错过。
7、Little Big Books
8、Chemistry:Getting a Big Reaction!
9、“Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!”
10、Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
中文名可译为《谁动了我的糖果?》; 这本书堪称称是美国中小学生最佳的经济学启蒙读物,对中国孩子来说一样适用,它以经济学为背景,从孩子们生活中每天接触的硬币为切入点,用妙趣横生的有插画和故事为孩子讲述了货币、交易、贸易、垄断等几乎所有的经济学现象。这本简短的80页的书就是这样把经济学概念隐藏到故事中,让孩子们会感到经济学是他们周围生活中真实而有趣的一部分。