A White Collar Lady in a Little Figu【优秀3篇】
A White Collar Lady in a Little Figu 篇一
A White Collar Lady in a Little Figu 篇三
A White Collar Lady in a Little Figure
One morning, she was staying at home when her wishes really came true! She had transformed to a small figure! Just as small and slim as a sharpened pen!She was so happy that she whirled on her desk. Then she had a bath in her cup. At the time when she was a common girl, it took her nearly three hours to bath and she had to wash her clothes for another three hours. However, now she could do everything within an hour.
Then she started to make up, putting on perfumed powders, coloring her lips and combing her curly hair.
She looked up at her huge clock. It was only seven o’clock. That was to say, it only took her less then ten minutes to get to her company. Before the transformation she always was late, doing all the housework on her own.
She was so happy that she started to have breakfast. She seldom enjoyed her breakfast at home for fear of being late. Humming tunes she fetched out a rice from her rice bags (she was standing on her cupboard very carefully in case she fell into the rice. It must be very suffocating. Next she threw the rice into the micro oven, closed it, and whirled around the button to start it.
She felt very full after eating the roasted rice. She was so satisfied that she put on her raincoat to go to work. It was blowing very strongly and she was flying up high in her coat. In the company she danced on her keyboard, to input any necessary information into her computer.
In the following days she had built herself a villa making use of several pieces of colorful wooden blocks. She had longed for living in a villa for so long a time. And then she gave up her job because she did
One day a god saw her state of living. It signed: “Actually I had moved her to her mother’s uterus.”