pep三年级上册 Unit 5 Let's Eat教案(优选3篇)

pep三年级上册 Unit 5 Let's Eat教案 篇一

Unit 5 Let's Eat is all about food and dining. In this unit, students will learn about different types of food, how to order food at a restaurant, and how to express their likes and dislikes about food. This unit is not only educational but also practical, as it teaches students important vocabulary and phrases that they can use in real-life situations.

To start off the unit, I will introduce the topic of food by showing students pictures of different types of food and asking them to identify them. This will help students to become familiar with the vocabulary related to food, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products. I will also teach students how to express their likes and dislikes about food using phrases like "I like..." and "I don't like...".

Next, I will teach students how to order food at a restaurant. I will introduce common phrases that they can use when ordering food, such as "I would like..." and "Can I have...". I will also teach students how to ask for the bill politely by saying "Excuse me, may I have the bill, please?".

To reinforce the new vocabulary and phrases, I will have students participate in various activities throughout the unit. For example, I will have students role-play ordering food at a restaurant with a partner, using the phrases they have learned. I will also have students create their own menus and practice ordering food from each other.

At the end of the unit, I will assess students' understanding of the material by having them complete a quiz on food vocabulary and phrases. This will help me to gauge their progress and identify any areas that may need further review.

Overall, Unit 5 Let's Eat is an engaging and interactive unit that will help students to learn important vocabulary and phrases related to food and dining. By the end of the unit, students will be able to confidently order food at a restaurant and express their likes and dislikes about food.

pep三年级上册 Unit 5 Let's Eat教案 篇二

Unit 5 Let's Eat is an exciting unit that introduces students to the world of food and dining. In this unit, students will learn about different types of food, how to order food at a restaurant, and how to express their preferences when it comes to food. This unit is not only educational but also practical, as it teaches students important vocabulary and phrases that they can use in real-life situations.

To begin the unit, I will start by introducing students to the topic of food and asking them to brainstorm different types of food that they enjoy eating. This will help students to become engaged in the topic and excited to learn more about food and dining. I will also teach students how to express their likes and dislikes about food using phrases like "I love..." and "I can't stand...".

Next, I will teach students how to order food at a restaurant. I will introduce common phrases that they can use when ordering food, such as "I would like..." and "Could you please bring me...". I will also teach students how to ask for the bill politely by saying "Excuse me, may I have the bill, please?".

Throughout the unit, I will have students participate in various activities that will help to reinforce the new vocabulary and phrases. For example, I will have students work in pairs to create their own menus and practice ordering food from each other. I will also have students role-play ordering food at a restaurant, using the phrases they have learned.

At the end of the unit, I will assess students' understanding of the material by having them participate in a "restaurant day" activity. During this activity, students will take on the roles of customers and servers and practice ordering food and taking orders. This will give students the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a fun and interactive way.

Overall, Unit 5 Let's Eat is a fun and engaging unit that will help students to learn important vocabulary and phrases related to food and dining. By the end of the unit, students will be able to confidently order food at a restaurant and express their preferences when it comes to food.

pep三年级上册 Unit 5 Let's Eat教案 篇三

pep三年级上册 Unit 5 Let's Eat教案

第一课时 教学设计 一、教学设计思路 新课标根据小学生学习的特点,指出:小学英语教学要创建以活动课为主的教学模式。教学重点是培养学生用语言进行交流的能力。要充分利用教学资源,采用听、说、做、玩、演、唱等方式,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,激励学生参与语言交流的实践活动。本课时通过Let’s talk 和 Let’s play 两部分让学生初步学习如何表达自己喜爱的食物以及为别人提供或请别人吃东西时的表达语。导入新知识时,教师通过创设情景,使学生初步认识表示食物的单词hamburger, hotdogs, cake, , French fries, chicken and bread 和句型 I like ... 。再利用单词卡片或实物及配套课件教学单词和对话。最后通过多种游戏和活动,巩固所学的知识。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 1.听说、认读chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries有关西方快餐的单词。 2.掌握交际用语: I like…… Have some…… Here you are. Thank you. (二)能力 1.能在实际情景中运用以上交际用语。模仿正确,语调自然。 2.能够运用为别人提供或请别人吃东西的简单日常用语进行交流; 在餐厅用餐时能够顺利交流。 (三)情感 1. 使学生养成良好的饮食习惯,了解到常吃西方快餐是不营养的,应多吃蔬菜水果。 2. 培养学生珍惜粮食,珍惜劳动成果的情感。 三、教学重点 1.表达自己喜欢的食物以及为别人提供或请别人吃东西的日常用语:I like …/Have some… 2.5个表西方快餐的单词:chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries。 3.教学难点:chicken, bread 和 French fries 三个单词的发音 四、教学媒体 1.chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries 这5种真实的食物或食物的玩具模型(图片),以及食品托盘一个。 2.教材 Let’s talk / A 部分的教学课件。 3.教材配套录音带。 五、教学过程 1.导入 (1)日常口语会话展示。此次日常口语会话之前,教师提示学生使用句型 I have… 和 Here you are. (2)游戏: “Simon says”。内容为第四单元 A/B ---- Let’s do 部分的指令语。 (3)师生同唱歌曲 “Old MacDonald”,边唱歌曲可以边表演动作。 2.呈现新课 (1)导入新知识。借助于小学生们所熟悉的麦当劳,肯德基,引出本课新词的学习: 教师呈现肯德基和麦当劳的标志,让学生辨认,并让学生讲述他们去那的`经历,里边都有什么好吃的,他们分别最喜欢吃什么…… “Who knows these two pictures?” 方案一:如果学生知道这两个标志,教师可以接着问 “Do you like to go there to have hamburgers?”/ “What do you like best?”/ “Who want to share your experience in KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)”(“谁愿意给大家讲一讲你去肯德基的经历呀?”) 方案二:如果学生不知道这两个标志,教师可以借助图片给学生简单讲解,让学生了解到这两家在中国很流行的快餐店,里边主要经营hamburger, French fries, fried chicken… 播放课件或视频资源,创造语言学习的情景。 (2)教师拿出准备好的 chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries 这5种真实的食物或食物的玩具模型(也可用图片或课件中代替),以及食品托盘一个。将装有食品的托盘摆在讲台桌上,一一呈

现食物,学习本课的单词chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries 。学习单词时注意 chicken, bread 和 French fries 的发音较难,不易到位。教师要适当提示,纠正发音。如:bread 中 ea 组合发 [e ] ,fries 中 [ai ] 的音要发到位。 (3)教师再次播放 Let’s talk / A 部分的教学课件。学生在会说单词 chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries 和简单了解句型 I like … 的基础上学习对话。 (4)教师播放教学录音,学生进一步学习。 在此环节中,教师要强调 I like … 是在表达自己喜欢的食物名称。如:在学生练习对话时,教师拿起实物hamburger ,对全班学生说:I like hamburgers. 然后问学生: What do you like? Hamburgers? Hot dogs? French fries? 当有学生说:I like French fries. ,教师顺势捏几根薯条放到学生嘴前,说: Have some French fries. 学生可以张开嘴吃下去。如果是假的模型或图片薯条,教师可将它拿到学生嘴边示意请他吃。 3.趣味操练 (1)表演:学习单词后让学生模仿肯德基和麦当劳中点餐进行表演,加强单词和句型记忆的同时,锻炼口头交际。(参见视频资源) 情景:肯德基或麦当劳快餐店 道具:Hamburger, French fries, pop, fried chicken…,托盘 角色:服务员,顾客(可以是一个小家庭:爸爸和妈妈带“我”去KFC) (2)表演:设置交际情景,让学生分组进行对话练习,进一步巩固单词和前边学过的句型,并练习本课句型。 情景:餐厅或超市。 道具:cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread及其它一些食物,可用模型或图片代替。 角色:每小组一名服务员,3-5名顾客。 4.课堂评价 做活动手册本单元第1部分的练习。并体现在表演和游戏过程。 5.作业: (1)制作单词卡片,chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries. (2) 采访作业:让学生采访他们的家人 “What do you like to eat?”,然后以表格的形式记录下来。 第二课时 教学设计 一、教学设计思路 本课时的教学重点是表示西方快餐的单词,而且本课单词的学习对初学英语的小学生是有一定难度的。因此,本课时中教师要以较直观的单词卡片,食物图片,多媒体课件等为媒体,通过教师引导、反复呈现、小游戏等来完成本课教学内容。本课时通过 Let’s learn 和 Let’s do 两部分来学习几种表示食物的单词。在第一课时学生已经能听懂、会说这几个食物单词,本课时对学生提出认读的要求。在教学过程中,教师要根据学生情况,适当扩展单词量,并把单词的图、形、意三者结合在一起,逐层逐步地听说、认读单词。教授Let’s do部分时,教师要根据“玩中学,学中用”的教学原理,配合实物、图片、玩具,让学生自己动口动手,使得语言学习的环境更真实,语言掌握得更加牢固。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 听说、认读本课所学关于西方快餐的单词 cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread。 (二)能力 1.能够在日常生活中运用这些词。 2.能听懂一些简单的有关进食的指令语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 (三)情感 1. 使学生养成良好的饮食习惯,了解到常吃西方快餐是不营养的,应多吃蔬菜水果。 2. 培养学生珍惜粮食,珍惜劳动成果的情感。 三、教学重点 1.单词cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread 。 2.听懂有关进餐的几个指令,并按指令做动作。 3.教学难点:chicken, bread 和 French fries 三个单词发音的纠正。 四、教学媒体 1.准备cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread 这些单词的图片和单词卡。 2.教材配套的录音带。 3.教学课件。 五、教学过程 1.导入 1)日常口语会话展示。 Hello, boys and girls / children. How are you today? Is everyone / everybody here / present? What day is it today? … 2)播放课件中歌曲“I like bananas”。让学生在歌曲中体会like的用法。 3)让学生拿出自己制作的食物卡片,模仿本课A 部分 Let’s talk 的对话,用各自所带的食物卡片改编对话,教师可选择几组在班上表演。(或者让学生将自己的小调查 “What do you like to eat?” 介绍给大家,鼓励学生运用第一课时中的句型和单词,允许学生讲述遇到困难时适当运用汉语。) 4)游戏: 教师播放歌曲 “Old MacDonald” ,学生做传球游戏,当音乐停止时,手中拿球的同学要到老师手中抽取一张图片,并大声说出图案的内容,说对的同学将可以拥有此图片。(图片内容为食物单词) 2.呈现新课 1)教师置疑:你们还记得上节课 Sarah 的 party 中都有什么食物吗?学生凭借记忆说单词。 What’s on the table at Sarah’s party? 2)教师不对学生的回答做过多评价,提示学生注意观察。 Ok. What’s on the table? Let’s see together. Look at it carefully. 3)再次让学生说说都有哪些单词。 4)教师播放本课时的教学课件,学习食品单词cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread ,教师可根据学生情况扩展学习其它单词如:salad,cheese,pizza等。 5)利用课件,教师将单词英文隐藏或关闭课件声音,引导学生自己说单词,认食物,将单词的图、形、意相结合,学习单词。 6)让学生打开书,听录音、指单词、跟读单词。 7)教师只出示单词卡,学生认读单词。教师可采取小组积分的方法,激发学生的好胜心,提高学习效率。 8)教师出示食物图片,鼓励学生说出它们的英语表达。 9)教师做饥饿状:I’m hungry. I would like to eat a hot dog. 让学生着对应的食物图片。教师做出吃 hot dog 很可口的样子:Wow! It’s so delicious. Do you hungry? Would you like a hamburger? 教师拿出汉堡包图。(这里教师可将I would like…/ Would you like…?...作为扩展知识简单介绍给学生。) 教师做示范后,让学生进行team work,教师要提示学生需要练习的语言目标: 食品单词cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread;句型:I would like…/ Here you are./ Thanks!/ Would you like…? 10)课外知识:有关dog的短语;西方快餐有关知识(见文本资源) 3.趣味操练 1)传递单词  每一排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写个单词。在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生小声把纸上的单词告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的单词告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去。最后,第一排的学生把所传的单词写到黑板上,传得最快,最准的组获胜。  2)表演:设置交际情景,让学生分组进行对话练习,进一步巩固单词和前边学过的句型,并练习本课句型。 情景:餐厅或超市。 道具:cake, hambu



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