
外研版五年级英语上册教案 篇一

Unit 1 My School Day

Teaching objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand and use the vocabulary related to daily routines such as "get up", "have breakfast", "go to school", "have lunch", "go home", etc.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about their daily routines using the target vocabulary.

3. Students will be able to describe their own school day using simple sentences.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by asking students about their daily routines. Encourage them to share what they usually do in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

- Play a short video or song about daily routines to create interest and set the context for the lesson.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Introduce the target vocabulary using flashcards and gestures. Practice pronunciation and meaning with the students.

- Model and drill the target sentences with the whole class. Encourage students to repeat after you and pay attention to intonation.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of picture cards showing different daily routines.

- Ask students to take turns asking and answering questions about the pictures. For example, "What time do you get up?" "I get up at 7 o'clock."

- Monitor the students as they practice and provide support as needed.

4. Production (15 minutes)

- Ask students to work individually and write a short paragraph about their own school day. They should include information about what time they get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, etc.

- Encourage students to share their paragraphs with a partner or the whole class. Provide feedback on their writing and language use.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the target vocabulary and key sentences with the whole class. Play a quick game or do a fun activity to reinforce learning.

- Assign homework for students to review the vocabulary and practice talking about their daily routines with family members.

By following this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice English in a meaningful context related to their own lives and experiences.

外研版五年级英语上册教案 篇二

Unit 3 My Family

Teaching objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify and describe family members using the target vocabulary such as "father", "mother", "brother", "sister", etc.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about family relationships and members using possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her).

3. Students will be able to talk about their own family and share information with their classmates.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by showing pictures of different family members and asking students to identify them. Encourage students to use the target vocabulary and talk about their own family members.

- Play a short video or song about families to engage students and set the context for the lesson.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Introduce the target vocabulary using flashcards and gestures. Practice pronunciation and meaning with the students.

- Model and drill the target sentences with the whole class. Encourage students to repeat after you and pay attention to possessive pronouns.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of picture cards showing different family members.

- Ask students to take turns asking and answering questions about the pictures. For example, "Who is this?" "This is my father."

- Monitor the students as they practice and provide support as needed.

4. Production (15 minutes)

- Ask students to work in pairs and create a family tree using the target vocabulary. They should include information about their own family members and relationships.

- Encourage students to share their family trees with the class. Provide feedback on their speaking and use of possessive pronouns.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the target vocabulary and key sentences with the whole class. Play a quick game or do a fun activity to reinforce learning.

- Assign homework for students to practice talking about their family members with family members or friends.

By following this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to learn about family relationships and practice using possessive pronouns in a meaningful context.

外研版五年级英语上册教案 篇三


Module 7 Community Unit 2 They can’t walk 第四课时 课文教学Unit 2 一、教学目标: 用can’t描述他人的能力,复习巩固Unit 1 所学句型。学说句子They can’t walk. Their mothers help them. 二、教学重点: 用can’t描述他人的能力。复习巩固Unit 1 所学句型。 三、教学难点: 第三人称单、复数后动词的变化。 四、教学过程: (一)Warming up: 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song. 3. Listen and do. Walk, walk, I can walk. Walk, walk, he can’t walk. Eat, eat, I can eat. Eat, eat, she can’t eat. Swim, swim, I can swim. Swim, swim, he can’t swim. Stand up, stand up, I can stand up. Stand up, stand up, she can’t stand up. Sit down, sit down. I can sit down. Sit down, sit down, he can’t sit down. 4. Free talk. Can you walk? Can he walk? Ca

n you swim? Can she swim? … Can you help him (her)? (二)New teaching: 1.复习导入:出示单词卡复习本模块单词,重点复习第二单元中sit, sit down ,chick.然后在《Chick,chick,run!》《小鸡快跑》的迪斯科音乐中,师生共同完成TPR活动。 Chick, chick, chick, I am a chick. Chick, chick, chick, I can’t talk. Chick,chick,chick, I can walk. Chick,chick,chick, I can’t sit. Chick,chick,chick, I can drink. Chick,chick,chick, I can’t eat. Stop! Sit down. 然后老师问学生,If the little chicks can’t eat, Who helps them?Please listen to the recorder, then tell me the answer. 听一遍课文录音,引导学生回答出:Their mother helps them. 2.教师出示挂图,要求学生看图再听录音,完成小黑板上的练习题。 听录音,选词填空。 father, mother, them, girl, walk, swim, eat, sit down. (1). This little girl can’t . Her helps her. (2). This old man can’t . A young helps him. (3). These chicks can’t . Their mother helps . (4). This little girl can’t . Her helps her. 3. 教师布置小组讨论。然后请四名学生下来根据小组讨论结果填空。教师点评。填对给予奖励。并要求学生注意观察发现规律,情态动词can及其否定形式can’t后面都要跟动词原型。主语是第三人称单数时,后面的动词要加“s”或“ es”。 4.学生再听录音。根据挂图和小黑板内容回答问题: (1)Why does her father help this little girl? (2) This old man can’t sit down. Who helps him? (3)Why does their mother help these chicks? (4)This little girl can’t swim. Who helps her? 5.小组讨论,找出正确答案。即课本上的四组句子。 6.教师分别请四组学生下来,每组两人。根据挂图和教师的描述进行表演。表演完后由他们说出他们的表演内容,实际上就是让学生说出每组两个句子的汉语意思。不要求字斟句酌,只要能说出大概意思即可。 7.再听录音(领读带)。学生跟读。然后教师领读,再请4名学生分别领读一段。最后再请两名学生整体领读两遍。 8.出示28页第2部分挂图。集体观察第一幅图,图上有什么人?他们在干什么? 然后找学生回答。引导学生说出They can’t walk. Their mothers help them.教师在学生说的同时在小黑板下面板书,然后教师领读一遍,再要求学生观察这组句子跟上面四组句子有什么不同?引导学生能够说出mother后面多了个“ s”, help的后面少了个“ s”。然后教师指出:由于这个句子主语是第三人称的复数,所以后面的.动词不能加“ s”。接着教师布置以小组为单位,仿照黑板上的五组句子,讲述图片的内容。还是四人一组,两人讲述两人表演。要求是上节课讲述的这节课要表演,上节课表演的这节课要讲述。最后评出这节课的最佳播音和最佳表演奖。 (2) He can’t eat. A nurse helps him. (3)He can’t walk. A young girl helps him. (4) He can’t ride. A little boy helps him. 9. Game. 传话。把课本上Unit 2中8幅图制成简笔画。每组抽取一张扣在桌上,教师说明游戏规则:每组推选一名优生当传令员,当教师发出“start”开始指令后,每组传令员要迅速看好图片并用英语将图片内容告知每组第一名同学,然后依次后传,哪组最后一名同学第一个下来汇报并与图片内容相符哪组即获胜。奖励前三名。 (三)Summary. 集体朗读黑板上板书内容。 (四)Homework.听第二单元课文录音两遍。熟读课文。 第五课时 综合复习,完成活动课本。内容与前面老师大同小异,在此不再赘述。这里只强调两点,语音部分sh字母组合的读音要给学生点出来。最后综合复习时先要复习单词、短语以及重点句型,看看学生掌握程度,然后再完成活动课本练习题。谢谢大家。





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一、课前交流 播放哪吒闹海动画片的片头曲,激发学生学习的热情。 二、揭题 1、师:大家都知道今天我们要学习的是——齐读课题。 2、师:谁干什么要读明白,再读。 三、检查生字词 1、生写老师事先发的练习...


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