
《认识水果》中班英语教案 篇一

Title: Getting to Know Fruits

In this lesson plan, we will introduce preschoolers to different types of fruits in English. The goal is for the children to learn the names of common fruits and be able to identify them. This lesson is designed to be interactive and engaging, with a variety of activities to help reinforce the vocabulary.

1. Introduction

- Start the lesson by showing pictures of various fruits and asking the children if they know the names of any of them.

- Introduce the names of the fruits in English, saying each one slowly and clearly. Encourage the children to repeat after you.

2. Vocabulary Practice

- Play a game where you show a picture of a fruit and have the children shout out the name in English.

- Use flashcards with pictures of fruits on one side and the English name on the other. Show the picture side and have the children guess the name before flipping it over to reveal the answer.

3. Fruit Tasting

- Have a fruit tasting session where you provide small samples of different fruits for the children to try. Encourage them to use English to describe the taste and texture of each fruit.

- As they taste each fruit, ask them to identify it by name in English. This will help reinforce their vocabulary learning.

4. Art and Craft

- Have the children create fruit-themed artwork using a variety of materials such as paper, paint, and glue. Encourage them to name the fruits they are using in English as they work on their projects.

5. Song and Movement

- Teach the children a simple song about fruits, with actions to go along with the lyrics. This will help them remember the names of the fruits in a fun and engaging way.

6. Conclusion

- Review the names of the fruits with the children, asking them to identify each one in English. Give them positive reinforcement for their efforts and encourage them to continue practicing their new vocabulary.

By the end of this lesson, the children should be able to recognize and name common fruits in English. This will help them build their language skills and expand their vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.

《认识水果》中班英语教案 篇二

Title: Exploring Fruits Through Play

In this lesson plan, we will engage preschoolers in learning about fruits through play and hands-on activities. The goal is to make the learning experience fun and interactive, while also reinforcing the vocabulary and concepts related to fruits in English.

1. Fruit Sorting

- Provide a variety of plastic fruits for the children to sort into different categories based on color, size, or type. Encourage them to use English to describe the fruits as they sort them.

2. Sensory Play

- Set up a sensory bin filled with real or fake fruits for the children to explore. Encourage them to use their sense of touch, smell, and sight to identify and describe each fruit in English.

3. Role-Playing

- Create a pretend play area with a toy kitchen and plastic fruits for the children to use. Encourage them to take on different roles, such as a chef or a customer, and use English to talk about the fruits as they play.

4. Storytelling

- Read a storybook about fruits to the children, pausing to ask questions and engage them in a discussion about the fruits in the story. Encourage them to use English to express their thoughts and opinions.

5. Outdoor Exploration

- Take the children on a nature walk to look for fruits growing on trees or bushes. Encourage them to use English to describe the fruits they see and learn about where they come from.

6. Cooking Activity

- Have a cooking activity where the children help prepare a simple fruit salad using a variety of fruits. Encourage them to use English to name the fruits as they add them to the salad.

By incorporating play and hands-on activities into the lesson, the children will have a fun and engaging experience while learning about fruits in English. This approach will help them retain the information better and develop a love for learning new vocabulary.

《认识水果》中班英语教案 篇三












  First let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》

  Eyes ears mouth and nose,

  Mouth and nose, mouth and nose,

  Eyes ears mouth and nose,

  It’s my body.






  T: Look! What’s this?


  T: Yes. A box

  T: What’s in the box? Do you know?

  T: Ok, do you want to know? (引导幼儿说出Yes或No)

  Ding ding dong (敲盒子)

  T: Who want to try?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try)

  当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的`),What’s this?


  T: Yes, apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读).read after me, apple. (幼儿跟读)



  教师:Hum!(作吃的动作)It’s wonderful!

  然后分给幼儿吃:Eat it!

  接着问幼儿:What’s this?(梨)

  教师:Yes,pear ! read after me, pear. (幼儿跟读)



  T: Yes. Orange(教师也要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复读,让幼儿跟读)。



  T: What’s in it? Do you know?

  C: 香蕉。

  T: Really?


  T:(惊喜)Yes, banana. (教师也要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复读,让幼儿跟读)


  (1) 变出苹果并提问:

  T: What’s this ?

  S:It’s an apple 。

  T;Very good!apple, apple. It’s an apple 。


  (2) 变出橘子并提出问题。

  T:Wha’s this ?

  S:It’s an orange。

  T:Read after me ,orange, orange。

  (3) 现在请小朋友再看看魔术师还能变出什么?(梨子)

  T:What’s this?

  S:It’s a pear。


  (4) 变出香蕉并提问。

  T:What’s this ?

  S:It’s a banana


  4、 摘果游戏。

  5、 结束。

  T: OK! We are so tired. Let’s have a rest.

  Let’s say goodbye to the apple.

  C: Bye-bye, apple!

  T: Say goodbye to the pear.

  C: Bye-bye, pear.

  T: Say goodbye to the orange.

  C: Bye-bye, orange.

  T: Say goodbye to the banana.

  C: Bye-bye, banana.

  多媒体课件播放歌曲《goodbye to you》,幼儿边表演边唱。结束活动。



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