
英语语法教学教案-英语语法教学教案 篇一

Title: Teaching Adjectives in English Grammar


1. Students will be able to identify and use adjectives in sentences.

2. Students will be able to differentiate between different types of adjectives (descriptive, demonstrative, etc.).

3. Students will be able to apply adjectives effectively in their writing.


- Whiteboard and markers

- Handouts with examples of adjectives

- Sentence strips with missing adjectives


1. Introduction (5 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by defining what adjectives are and providing examples. Explain the importance of adjectives in making sentences more descriptive.

2. Types of Adjectives (10 minutes)

- Discuss the different types of adjectives, such as descriptive (e.g. beautiful, tall), demonstrative (e.g. this, that), and possessive (e.g. my, his). Provide examples and have students practice identifying each type.

3. Adjective Order (10 minutes)

- Explain the order in which adjectives are used in English sentences (opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose). Give examples and have students practice arranging adjectives in the correct order.

4. Practice Activities (15 minutes)

- Distribute handouts with sentences that are missing adjectives. Have students fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives.

- Give students sentence strips with missing adjectives and have them work in pairs to come up with adjectives to complete the sentences.

5. Application (10 minutes)

- Have students write a short paragraph describing a picture or a person, using as many adjectives as possible. Encourage creativity and variety in their use of adjectives.

6. Review and Assessment (5 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they learned about adjectives. Assess student understanding through a short quiz or exit ticket.

7. Homework (optional)

- Assign homework that involves identifying and using adjectives in a passage from a book or article.


By the end of this lesson, students should have a better understanding of adjectives and how to use them effectively in their writing. Encourage students to continue practicing and applying their knowledge of adjectives in their everyday communication.

英语语法教学教案-英语语法教学教案 篇二

Title: Teaching Verb Tenses in English Grammar


1. Students will be able to identify and use different verb tenses in sentences.

2. Students will be able to understand the rules and patterns of verb tenses (present, past, future, etc.).

3. Students will be able to apply verb tenses accurately in their writing and speaking.


- Whiteboard and markers

- Verb tense charts

- Sentences for practice activities


1. Introduction (5 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by explaining the importance of verb tenses in expressing time and actions in English. Provide examples of different verb tenses in sentences.

2. Present Tense (10 minutes)

- Introduce the present tense and its different forms (simple present, present continuous, present perfect). Explain the uses of each form and give examples. Have students practice forming sentences in the present tense.

3. Past Tense (10 minutes)

- Discuss the past tense and its different forms (simple past, past continuous, past perfect). Provide examples and have students practice using past tense verbs in sentences.

4. Future Tense (10 minutes)

- Explain the future tense and its different forms (simple future, future continuous, future perfect). Give examples and have students practice forming sentences in the future tense.

5. Practice Activities (15 minutes)

- Provide sentences with missing verb tenses and have students fill in the blanks with the correct tense.

- Give students sentences to rewrite in a different tense, to practice switching between verb tenses.

6. Application (10 minutes)

- Have students write a short story or dialogue using a variety of verb tenses. Encourage them to be creative and to demonstrate their understanding of verb tense rules.

7. Review and Assessment (5 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they learned about verb tenses. Assess student understanding through a short quiz or oral questioning.

8. Homework (optional)

- Assign homework that involves writing sentences in different verb tenses or completing a verb tense exercise.


By the end of this lesson, students should have a better understanding of verb tenses and how to use them accurately in their communication. Encourage students to practice using different verb tenses in their writing and speaking to reinforce their learning.

英语语法教学教案-英语语法教学教案 篇三


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