


The following are traffic assignment methods encountered in transportation planning practice, all of which are available in TransCAD:

All-or-Nothing Assignment (AON)


Under All-or-Nothing Assignment, all traffic flows between O-D pairs are assigned to the shortest paths connecting the origins and destinations. This model is unrealistic in that only one path between every O-D pair is used, even if there is another path with the same or nearly the same travel time or cost. Also, traffic on links is assigned without consid

第一文库网 ering whether or not there is adequate capacity or heavy congestion; travel time is a fixed input and does not vary depending on the congestion on a link.


STOCH Assignment



TOCH Assignment distributes trips between O-D pairs among multiple alternative paths that connect the O-D pairs. The proportion of trips that is assigned to a particular path equals the choice probability for that path, which is calculated by a logit route choice model. Generally speaking, the smaller the travel time of a path, compared with the travel times of the other paths, the higher its choice probability would be. STOCH Assignment, however, does not assign trips to all the alternative paths, but only to paths containing links that are considered "reasonable." A reasonable link is one that takes the traveler farther away from the origin and/or closer to the destination. The link travel time in STOCH Assignment is a fixed input and is not dependent on link volume. Consequently, the method is not an equilibrium method.


Incremental Assignment 增量分配法

Incremental Assignment is a process in which fractions of traffic volumes are assigned in steps. In each

step, a fixed proportion of total demand is assigned, based on All-or-Nothing Assignment. After each step, link travel times are recalculated based on link volumes. When there are many increments used, the flows may resemble an equilibrium assignment; however, this method does not yield an equilibrium solution. Consequently, there will be inconsistencies between link volumes and travel times that can lead to errors in evaluation measures. Also, Incremental Assignment is influenced by the order in which volumes for O-D pairs are assigned, raising the possibility of additional bias in the results.


Capacity Restraint 容量限制法

Capacity Restraint attempts to approximate an equilibrium solution by iterating between all-or-nothing traffic loadings and recalculating link travel times based on a congestion function that reflects link capacity. Unfortunately, this method does not converge and can flip-flop back and forth in the loadings on some links (Sheffi, 1985, p. 113). The capacity restraint method as implemented in some software packages attempts to lessen this problem by smoothing the travel times and by averaging the flows over a set of the last iterations. This method does not converge to an equilibrium solution and has the additional problem that the results are highly dependent on the specific number of iterations run. Performing one more or one less iteration usually changes the results substantially.


User Equilibrium (UE)


User Equilibrium uses an iterative process to achieve a convergent solution, in which no travelers can improve their travel times by shifting routes. In each iteration, network link flows are computed, which incorporate link capacity restraint effects and flow-dependent travel times. The formulation of the UE problem as a mathematical program, and the Frank-Wolf solution method employed in TransCAD, are described in Technical Notes on Traffic Assignment.


Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE)


Stochastic User Equilibrium is a generalization of user equilibrium that assumes travelers do not have perfect information concerning network attributes and/or they perceive travel costs in different ways. SUE assignments produce more realistic results than the deterministic UE model, because SUE permits use of less attractive as well as the most-attractive routes. Less-attractive routes will have lower utilization, but will not have zero flow as they do under UE. SUE is computed in TransCAD using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA), the only known convergent method (Sheffi and Powell, 1982; Sheffi, 1985). Due to the nature of this method, a large number of iterations should be used.


System Optimum Assignment (SO)


System Optimum Assignment computes an assignment that minimizes total travel time on the network. Under SO Assignment, no users can change routes without increasing their total travel time on the system, although it is possible that travelers could reduce their own travel times. SO Assignment can be thought of as a model in which congestion is minimized when travelers are told which routes to use. Obviously not a behaviorally realistic model, SO assignment can be useful in analyzing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) scenarios.






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