英语说课稿 篇一
Title: Teaching Vocabulary through Contextualization
Hello everyone, today I am going to present my English lesson plan on teaching vocabulary through contextualization. The main focus of this lesson is to help students expand their vocabulary by understanding and using words in authentic contexts. The target students are 8th graders who have a basic understanding of English vocabulary.
I. Analysis of Teaching Materials:
1. Textbook: Unit 5, Lesson 2 from the textbook "English Vocabulary Expansion"
- The lesson focuses on introducing new vocabulary related to daily routines and activities.
- The textbook provides a variety of reading and listening activities to practice the new vocabulary in context.
- It also includes a vocabulary list with definitions and example sentences.
2. Supplementary Materials:
- Flashcards: I will create flashcards with pictures and words representing the new vocabulary.
- Real-life pictures: I will prepare some pictures of daily routines and activities to help students visualize the vocabulary in context.
II. Teaching Objectives:
1. Language Skills:
- To enable students to understand and use the new vocabulary related to daily routines and activities.
- To develop students' reading and listening skills through contextualized practice.
2. Learning Strategies:
- To encourage students to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words through context.
- To motivate students to use the new vocabulary in their own sentences and conversations.
III. Teaching Procedures:
1. Pre-reading/Listening Activities:
- Show the real-life pictures and elicit vocabulary from students.
- Use flashcards to introduce new vocabulary and provide example sentences.
- Ask students to match the words with the pictures.
2. While-reading/Listening Activities:
- Read a short passage about daily routines and activities aloud and ask students to follow along.
- Play an audio recording of the passage for students to listen and read along.
- Ask students to answer comprehension questions about the passage.
3. Post-reading/Listening Activities:
- Divide students into pairs and ask them to create dialogues using the new vocabulary.
- Have students share their dialogues with the class.
- Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in their own sentences.
IV. Assessment:
- Monitor students' participation during the activities.
- Evaluate students' comprehension through the comprehension questions.
- Assess students' ability to use the new vocabulary in their dialogues and sentences.
By teaching vocabulary through contextualization, students will be able to understand and use the new vocabulary in authentic contexts. This approach promotes active learning and helps students expand their vocabulary beyond memorization. By engaging students in various activities, such as reading, listening, and speaking, this lesson plan aims to enhance students' language skills and foster their language acquisition process.
英语说课稿 篇二
Title: Teaching Speaking Skills through Role-plays
Good morning everyone, today I am going to present my English lesson plan on teaching speaking skills through role-plays. The main objective of this lesson is to provide students with opportunities to practice speaking in English by using different roles and scenarios. The target students are high school students who have a basic understanding of English grammar and vocabulary.
I. Analysis of Teaching Materials:
1. Textbook: Unit 3, Lesson 4 from the textbook "English Speaking Practice"
- The lesson focuses on introducing and practicing speaking skills through role-plays.
- The textbook provides a variety of role-play scenarios and dialogues for students to practice.
2. Supplementary Materials:
- Role-play cards: I will create role-play cards with different scenarios and characters for students to use during the activity.
- Real-life pictures: I will prepare some pictures related to the role-play scenarios to help students visualize the situations.
II. Teaching Objectives:
1. Language Skills:
- To enable students to practice speaking in English by using the target vocabulary and grammar structures.
- To develop students' fluency and accuracy in spoken English.
2. Learning Strategies:
- To encourage students to use appropriate expressions and intonation while speaking.
- To motivate students to actively engage in the role-play activities and interact with their peers.
III. Teaching Procedures:
1. Pre-speaking Activities:
- Present the role-play scenario using real-life pictures and elicit vocabulary from students.
- Introduce the target language and expressions related to the role-play.
- Model a short role-play with a student to demonstrate how to use the target language.
2. While-speaking Activities:
- Divide students into pairs and give each pair a role-play card.
- Instruct students to read the role-play scenario and discuss their roles.
- Give students time to prepare their role-plays and encourage them to use the target language.
3. Post-speaking Activities:
- Have students perform their role-plays in front of the class.
- After each performance, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- Encourage students to ask questions and provide feedback to their peers.
IV. Assessment:
- Monitor students' participation during the activities.
- Evaluate students' ability to use the target language and expressions during the role-plays.
- Assess students' fluency and accuracy in spoken English.
By teaching speaking skills through role-plays, students will have the opportunity to practice using English in realistic situations. This approach not only enhances their speaking skills but also promotes their confidence and creativity in using the language. By engaging students in interactive activities, this lesson plan aims to foster a communicative and student-centered learning environment.
英语说课稿 篇三
同学已学完了全部字母,一些简单的单词和日常用语,为同学提供“字母-单词”的复习游戏素材,巩固已学到的知识从而引出新课. It’s raining是新规范[size=+0]英语第一模块第二单元的内容,本单元是围绕天气状况为题材展开的。在日常生活中,“天气”与我们密切相关,如何问答天气便是本单元所要学习的交际用语,是[size=+0]教学大纲要求掌握的重要语言功能项目之一。
(一)知识目标: 1. 以游戏的方式检验同学对26个字母的掌握情况,要求能听懂和正确识别。
2. 词汇: hot, cold, raining, snowing, windy,
3. 争做小小天气预报员。
4. 学唱英文歌曲
词汇: hot, cold, raining, snowing, windy, sunny以和如何问答天气的交际用语
对What’s the weather like?的答语,It’s raining. It’s snowing也可说成It’s rainy. It’s snowy.
1. 铺垫,知识回忆
2. 激趣,字母游戏:创设情境,发现问题
Now, tell me please. What do you find?
生:单词flag, go, zoo, bag, pen.
师:OK! You are very clever.
( 游戏能为[size=+0]小同学的[size=+0]英语学习带来快乐,使枯燥、机械的句型操练变得生动,活泼,因此,在[size=+0]教学过程中,应恰当的把游戏引入课堂,寓教于乐。)
1. 练习生词的读音
( 利用电教多媒体能使课堂更加生动,直观,图文并茂,使同学能够在轻松愉快的气氛中学习。)
2. 交际[size=+0]英语
运用What’ the weather like? 就图片上的天气进行提问。
( [size=+0]英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。)
3. 图片与句子相连接,同学走到微机前进行连接。
( 兴趣是最好的老师,而兴趣来自好奇,来自体验,提供实践机会,让他们参与扮演,这既符合儿童好动、表示欲强的年龄特点,同时也会进一步加强对所学知识的掌握。)
1. 运用肢体语言[size=+0]教同学词snoring, bumps his head,确信同学理解歌曲的意思。
( 肢体语言,可使同学在语言和动作、表情间建立直接的联系,从而获得形象的感知,能收到良好的效果。)
2. 建立超连接,运用新规范动画光盘教唱歌曲,在演唱中配以相应的动作,然后小组间展开竞赛,看哪个小组唱得最好,为唱得最好的同学发小红花,并鼓励他们把新学的歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听。)
( [size=+0]小同学性格天真活泼,特别喜欢唱歌,在演唱中配以相应的动作会更引起他们的参与和投入,在[size=+0]英语歌曲中学新词,既减轻了同学的心理负担,又能在轻松愉快的气氛中学到新知识。)
1. 观察本周天气情况,进行预报。
2. 假如你想了解天气的更多知识,请同学们登陆六十铺中小学教育 ,老师相信你一定会成为一名出色的天气预报员。
本节课在[size=+0]教学模式中采用任务型[size=+0]教学法,在授课过程中应用了游戏法,分组合作法、启发诱导法,演唱[size=+0]教学法。[size=+0]说课稿依照 老师:创设情景――激发兴趣――组织活动――指定目标 同学:交流探究――合作活动――锻炼能力――升华习惯,使全体同学在充沛的活动中学到了新的知识,取得了较好的[size=+0]教学效果。
九. 板书设计
It is raining.
Word list:
What is the weather like?
It is raining. (snowing、rainy、snowy)