优秀教案 Don’t play in the street.【精选3篇】

优秀教案 Don’t play in the street. 篇一

Title: Teaching Kids the Importance of Road Safety


As a teacher, it is crucial to educate children about the importance of road safety. One of the key messages that should be emphasized is "Don't play in the street." This lesson plan will help students understand the dangers of playing in the street and how they can stay safe.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify the potential dangers of playing in the street.

2. Explain why it is important to stay out of the street.

3. Demonstrate safe practices for crossing the road.


- Pictures of children playing in the street

- Videos demonstrating road safety

- Road signs

- Worksheets

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by showing pictures of children playing in the street. Ask students to identify the potential dangers of this behavior.

- Discuss as a class why it is important to stay out of the street and the consequences of not following this rule.

2. Video Presentation (15 minutes)

- Show videos demonstrating road safety practices such as crossing the road at designated crosswalks, looking both ways before crossing, and obeying traffic signals.

- Pause the video at key points to ask students questions about what they have learned.

3. Road Signs Activity (20 minutes)

- Divide students into small groups and give each group a set of road signs.

- Ask students to match each road sign with its meaning and explain why each sign is important for road safety.

4. Worksheet (15 minutes)

- Distribute worksheets with scenarios involving road safety situations.

- Have students work individually to answer questions about how they would handle each situation safely.

5. Conclusion (10 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they have learned about road safety.

- Remind students of the importance of not playing in the street and encourage them to always stay safe when near the road.


At the end of the lesson, students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions, completion of the road signs activity, and accuracy of their answers on the worksheet.

By teaching children the importance of road safety and the dangers of playing in the street, we can help prevent accidents and keep our students safe.

优秀教案 Don’t play in the street. 篇二

Title: Engaging Activities for Teaching Road Safety to Children


Teaching children about road safety is essential to prevent accidents and ensure their well-being. The lesson "Don't play in the street" is a crucial message that needs to be reinforced with engaging activities to help children understand the importance of staying safe near roads.


The objective of this lesson is to educate students about road safety and the dangers of playing in the street. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify safe practices for crossing the road.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of road signs and their meanings.

3. Explain why it is important to stay out of the street.


- Traffic cones

- Toy cars

- Safety vests

- Pretend road signs

- Flashcards with road safety tips

Lesson Plan:

1. Road Safety Relay Race (15 minutes)

- Set up a relay race with traffic cones and toy cars to simulate a road.

- Divide students into teams and have them take turns safely crossing the "road" while following road safety rules.

- Encourage students to look both ways before crossing and to wait for the "traffic light" to turn green.

2. Road Sign Matching Game (20 minutes)

- Create a game where students match pretend road signs with their meanings.

- Place the road signs around the classroom or playground and have students run to the correct sign when called out.

- Discuss the importance of each road sign and why it is essential for road safety.

3. Safety Vest Fashion Show (15 minutes)

- Provide students with safety vests and have them participate in a fashion show.

- Encourage students to model the vests while discussing the importance of being visible to drivers when near roads.

4. Flashcard Quiz (10 minutes)

- Show flashcards with road safety tips and have students answer questions about each tip.

- Discuss why each tip is important for staying safe near roads.

5. Conclusion (10 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they have learned about road safety.

- Encourage students to apply what they have learned by always staying safe near roads and not playing in the street.


Students will be assessed based on their participation in the relay race, ability to match road signs correctly, and comprehension of road safety tips during the flashcard quiz.

By incorporating engaging activities into the lesson on road safety, we can effectively teach children the importance of staying safe near roads and prevent accidents from occurring.

优秀教案 Don’t play in the street. 篇三

优秀教案 Don’t play in the street.

活动目标: Preparation: 过程: 3 Teacher says the small story and shows the story with the cat puppet木偶猫. Small story: A cat walks in the street. A cat plays ball in street. A car is coming. What do you want to say for the cat? Teacher guide children to say “stop it.” “Careful” “Don’t play in the street.” 4 Children and cat sing and dance together. Ok, cat says: “thank you, children!” let’s dance and sing with cat. Activity 11: Don’t play in the street.(2)P39 Aim: 1 Teacher tells the story “Don’t play in the street” with the story cards故事卡片. 2 Children understand the plot情节 of the story initially初步; they can say important sentences 重要句子 with teacher. 3 children practice练习 the Englis

h story by playing three rolls表演三个角色 in the story. 1 通过街道street的情景设置,使幼儿明白street的含义并且知道What are there in the street? 2 幼儿尝试听懂老师的.提问回答问题。Teacher asks children what you do in the street and what you don’t do in the street. (Children can answer in Chinese) Preparation: 1 three masks头饰 of Linda Benny and Max. 2 story cards of “don’t play in the street”.故事卡片 1 some pictures about cars such as: truck卡车 ambulance救护车 fire engine救火车. 2用椅子拼成一条街道。 Process: 1 教师模仿的来到街道上说: “ Look, this is a street. What are there in the street?” 幼儿回答:Truck; ambulance; fire engine… 教师出示手偶Max并说:“Hello, Max. 1 Teacher says words and does the corresponding相应的 actions. 1)Time to go to school. (teacher puts hands on shoulders手放到肩膀上 and walk to imitate模仿 go to school.) 2) Stop it. (teacher shows the left palm of the hand手心 to child and hold out伸出 your palm of your hand to represent表示 “stop”) 3) Careful (teacher puts hands around the mouth手放在嘴边 and says carefully. 2 Teacher tells the story “Don’t play in the street” with the story cards. 用故事卡片讲故事Try to let children understand the plot of the story initially初步知道故事情节; they can say important sentences with teacher. 1)Teacher shows three puppets: Max, Linda and Benny. And Tell the story for the first time with the three puppets. Teacher changes own voice o to imitate the three puppets’ voices.老师变化声音模仿三个木偶的声音。 2) Teacher asks some questions to remind回忆故事情节 children of the plot of the story. Is it morning or afternoon or evening in the story? (It’s morning.) How many apples does Max have? (Three apples.) Why do Linda and Benny say “stop it, Max?” (Max plays in the street.) Linda and Benny say what to Max? (Careful, Max! Don’t play in the street, Max!) 3) Teacher tells the story again with children. 3 children practice the English story by playing three rolls in the story.通过故事表演练习英语。 T: who want to play Max Linda and Benny in the story? Teacher chooses选出 somebody to play Max Linda and Benny, teacher help them say out说出 what they ought to say. 附:英语故事Don’t play in the street Storyteller: It’s morning. Time to go to school. Linda: Have an apple, Max. Max: Thanks. One, two, three. Apples, apples, I like apples, I like apples… Linda and Benny: Stop it, Max. Max: Apples, apples, I like….oooh! My apple! Linda and Benny: Careful, Max! oh, Max. Max: Thanks, Linda. Thanks, Benny. Linda and Benny: Don’t play in the street, Max! Max: OK. 12 Stick the story cards.P41 Aim: 1 Go over the story “Don’t play in the street.” through sticking picture puzzles粘贴拼图. 2 teacher uses instructions指令 to guide children how to stick the picture in order. 3 children are interested in感兴趣English by sticking pictures. Preparation: 1 picture puzzles拼图 2 children’s book 儿童用书 3 glue胶水 Process: 1 teacher and children are greeting each other.相互问好。 How are you? We’re fine. Thank you, and you? I’m fine, too. Thanks. 2 Teacher tells the story with children by story pictures to go over it.复习故事 Teacher shows the story pictures in order. Such as: teacher shows the story picture one, and says: “ It’s -----.” Teacher lengthens故意拖长发音 the pronunciation willfully and tries to remind提醒 children of the sentences in the story. And say the other story pictures in the same way. 3 teacher show the story picture puzzles to demonstrate演示 how to stick these pictures in the correct places. 4 children observe观察the pictures in disorder乱的拼图, according to teacher’s demonstration示范 children to choose the correct真确的 picture and stick粘在in the correct places. Teacher helps children who feel difficult to do it. 帮助有困难的幼儿And say: don’t make your glue everywhere. Put your story pictures in correct places first先放好正确的位置, and then glue them. 5 teacher plays the story by tape recorder, and children read the story pictures which they have finished just now. 阅读刚刚完成的故事拼图。 13 Show the story: Don’t play in the street. P41 Aim: 1Children improve提高 their speaking ability说英语的能力 by playing roles of the story表演故事. 2 children choose what they want to be Max Linda or Benny幼儿选择他们想扮演的角色. 3 Teacher cultivates培养 children how to use English in every situation不同环境下使用英语的能力. Preparation: 1 three apples, three pears. 2 masks of Max Linda and Benny for every child每个孩子一个头饰 3 set out a street circumstance and some cars in the street布置街道场景. Process: 1 teacher play扮着 as Max to start the lesson: Hello, everybody. How are you? Look, how many apples are there? How many pears are there? 2 children choose选择 what they want to be Max Linda or Benny. T: Who is she? (Linda) Who is he? (Benny) Who is he? (Max) OK, who you want to be, you can choose your favorite masks and put on your heads. 1) the first time to show the story T: you play Max Linda or Benny now. So let’s show the story together. Teacher guides指导 children to play the roles of the story, especially特别是说出故事中的句子 for saying out the sentences in the story and to courage鼓励 children do action of their roles. 2) The second time to show the story Teacher chooses somebody who play the roles are better to act the story completely完整地. 3) The third time to show the story Teacher allows允许 children to choose good friends选好朋友 to act the story together. T: OK, children, three children form one group三个孩子一组 to act the story. Every group discusses to allocate分配 the roles of the story, pay attention 注意you don’t argue with each other for the roles. Teacher directs指导 children when they are showing the story group by group. game: carry out teacher’s instructions指令 Stop it. Careful. Time to go to school. Don’t play in the street.





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